Shocking Jace

If you don't know by now, that I am not Cassandra Clare, then you might as well give it up and go to bed. ;P

Remember a time before Clary and Jace? I can't, guess I'm challenged that way, but I don't wish to change it.

Chapter 11

Clary was busy in her room. Jace was outside the door trying to listen. He thought he heard metal clanking lightly and maybe a hinge squeak. He slowly brought his hand to the door knob and held it in his grasp before turning it. The door did not make noise as he slowly unlatched it. Jace was glad it was not locked. He pushed it open just to peak and he saw Clary with a quizzical look on her face.

In one hand was a large round brass key ring with a number of keys on it. There were items on the bed. Clary was mumbling to herself and he focused in on listening.

"Oh Magnus, I forget which goes to what...Is the long neck key for the cuffs or the chastity belt? How does someone start a demon tickler? I hope that bra really gives the illusion I'm looking for..magically enhanced for the best possible figure." Clary finished talking to herself.

By then, Jace had let go of the door and it swung open. It did not make a sound and Clary was clearly engrossed in her items she acquired from her and Magnus' show-n-tell session. Jace, on the other hand was totally SHOCKED!

End of chapter

Hahahah teehee Whoopin' and a hollerin'

Just a little something I pictured in my minds eye. ;P