The Four Kings

A Sequel to Their Dark Little Sec ret

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Summary: Something is wrong with the girls and the boys aren't ready for it and to make things worse, the past is finally catching up…

Chapter 1: Something happens

It has been over two years since the war and everything was pretty much back to normal more or less. The girls were busy in a meeting with the elders while the boys…well let's just say a lot has change. They were at that special place that the girls had shown them so long ago. They had changed a lot both on the outside and the inside. They were training right now with their teachers, most of them being the girls' ex teachers. Sasuke was trained under Kakashi most of the time and in those rare moments; he would train with his older brother trying hard to surpass him in strength and in power.

Naruto was trained under Kakashi as well but only when he was first starting off. Later, he was trained by Jiraiya a good friend of Tsunade. He and Sasuke are now even bigger rivals that before and even better friends. Neji, over the years has become even more protective of the two girls in his life. One of cause being Hinata but at the top of his list is our darling Tenten. Neji is trained under Gai and has also become very good friends with Rock Lee- a copy of his teacher so to speak. Finally, there's Shikamaru. Yes, he still complains that everything is troublesome but is putting his oversize IQ and with his new teacher Asuma. He too has made friends with another vampire name Choji and over the years, they have become very good friends. Anyway, back to training. Sasuke is fighting with Naruto and Neji is against Lee and Shikamaru was talking to Choji.

Sasuke discovered at he has a similar power to his brother. They both share the deadly red trait but although they are similar in some ways, they each control theirs in a certain ways. He also learned an attack called chidori from Kakashi and the red trait is called the Sharingan. As for Naruto, he has a very strong power probably even stronger than all the girls put together. When he allows this power to take over, he turns into a fox like demon and attacks his foe without much effort. Neji also has a special power similar to Hinata's. They have decided to call it The Byankugan. Shikamaru got the perfect power for him that isn't too troublesome for him. He controls shadows and the only time that it was troublesome was when there isn't any shadow for him to control.

Naruto was going head to head with Sasuke landing attacks and avoiding each other's own and as usual, things were getting out of control.

'Whoa you two idiots knock it off!" Neji shouted.

But they didn't hear him, "Shikamaru!!!" Neji shouted.

With the girls:

"You can't be serious?" one of the elders asked the girls.

"Yes we're very serious I don't want it and he does," Sakura replied.

"But he's…"

"Don't you dare call him an outsider!" Hinata said quickly.

"Fine if he can prove himself worthy then," the elder mumbled regretfully.

"Wonderful! Now we can….go… and……." Ino said before collapsing to the ground.

"Ino!" all the girls shouted before joining her on the cold ground. Yes something was very wrong.

With the boys

"Shikamaru!" Neji shouted.

The said boy or vampire in this case opened his eyes and grumbled under his breath. He got up from his seat under the tree and walked towards the battle ground. He was about to break up the fight when Shizune came running.

"Boys you have to come quickly!" she shouted, "Something happened to the girls!"

Naruto and Sasuke stopped fighting and looked at Shizune.

"What wrong!" Naruto shouted, "What happened to Hinata-chan!"

Naruto continued rambling on and Sasuke slapped him in the back of his head.

'Ouch, what was tat for teme?" Naruto asked now rubbing his head.

'Dope shut the hell up so she can tell us what happened," Sasuke said.

'Oh,' Naruto replied.

A/N: Yeah I know it's short but this is only the beginning. I might update later today again. Oh to understand this story, you have to read the first one Their Dark Little Secret! K Read and review.