Chapter 1


I walked down the hallway of Forks High School with my sister at my side as I tried to stifle a laugh. My sister had just made a crude comment on the boy who thought we couldn't see and or hear him as he followed us. He was planning on following us until he could corner one of us to ask us out. Darn vampness.

"Alright this is my stop"I said

"See you later Bella" Alice made a point of saying my name so that everyone that had gathered around us would know my name. I glared at her. I was about to take my revenge but she was already gone. I sighed and entered the room sitting in an empty seat. Boys soon crowded around all trying to claim the seat, but I glared at them. They all backed off. I should be okay for the rest of class. Oops,spoke to soon. Stalker kid ran his hand though his hair and took a seat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Mike Newton. Your Bella right?" He said holding out his hand to me

"Whatever" I mumbled just at human volume and rolled my eyes. He didn't move, ugh, I would have to fix this myself.

"Move" I said firmly glaring at him. He gathered his things and quickly got out of the seat, instead putting himself in the closest possible seat( which wasn't that close.) I tried to concentrate on the lesson but it was difficult with dozen of eyes boring in to my back. Ten minutes into the lesson a boy with bronze tousled hair stumbled into the room. He was good looking, he couldn't be a vampire. Could he? I sniffed the air inconspicuously. My lungs inflamed. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!

"Well do you plan on taking a seat" said the teacher. The boy looked around nervously for an empty seat. I mimicked the action. Only to find that the only empty one was right next to me. As the other boys in the room noticed this they glared at him. The girls only stared with admiration.

"Well...?" the teacher said clearly annoyed. He walked towards the seat nervously. My lungs again burst into flames except stronger this time ripping me apart. It was him.

"Hi" he said sitting down, "I'm Edward" he put out his hand towards me.

"Bella" I replied just nodding my head trying to intake the least amount of air possible. He put his hand back to his side clearly embarrassed. The lesson restarted. I tried to concentrate on anything but him. The lesson was pure torture. As soon as the bell rang I was out of my seat heading for the door. Alice was already at the door waiting for me. We began walking towards the cafeteria.

"How are you?"she asked,"I saw everything" I just sighed in reply. I rushed through the lunch line as fast as I could. Stupid humans. They're always to slow. I sat down at our lunch table across from Emmett. I must have looked pissed because first comment out of his mouth was ""rar" he teased then hissed like a cat.(Stupid Emmett. Couldn't even do a realistic cat sound.) I kicked him under the table. He kicked me right back. I hissed at him. Not fair he knew he was stronger.

"Whats up wit you little sis?You look about ready to eat me." He teased

"Maybe that's because I..." my words chocked off cut off by the flames that engulfed me.

"Um.." He said clearing his throat from behind me.This couldn't be happening. Why me?!

"Can I sit here?" he said nodding towards the empty seat next to me. Emmett just laughed.(not at human volume, of course) Alice nudged me from my other side. I shrugged her off.

"Um..." I was about to tell him that I wanted to sit with my family today until Mike walked up, standing next to Edward.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked. Not waiting for a reply he sat down. A rejected look swept across Edward's face. Jasper just laughed. I growled at him under my breath.Oh, God not this kid. Not the stalker kid.

" Actually Edward is sitting there" Emmett said as he crushed his empty soda can. The contents of the can he had dumped on his tray making a mess of the table. Since he couldn't drink it of course, why not make a mess of the table. Jasper burst out laughing, not even restraining himself enough to do it at human volume. Probably at Mike's reaction to Emmett's attempt to scare him. It seemed to work because Mike stumbled out of his seat as quick as he could. As he walked as fast as he could away he dropped his soda. He hesitated but didn't pick it up not wanting to look back. This time everyone laughed. Even Edward. He took the seat that Mike had just evacuated.

"Thanks" he said to Emmett

"Anytime bruda" he said as they clapped hands. Emmett made sure to not be overly strong. I groaned at his reaction. Alice giggled and nudged my side.

"Did you catch what our homework was, I didn't get it" he asked me LIAR! He had the homework written down. I watched him do it.

"Nope" I said playing dumb while trying to act casual.

" Hey, you should come play baseball with us some time" Emmett said cheerfully. He got several kicks in the shin all at one time. That moron! Someone needs to tell this dummy the situation before he invites him to go hunting with us.

"You mean here at school?" he asked confused. Everyone laughed and Edward flushed.

"No, at our place." He said. THAT MORON!

"Hey Emmett, guess what?" I mumbled at vampire volume

"Chicken butt" he replied. I sighed

" Do you remember that girl you ran into at Port Angles that one night with the really strong sent"

"Yeah...why" He replied confused

"This is the same way dummy!"

"My bad!" he said he sounded sincere. But I guess not because the next words out of his mouth were

"So Edward you up for it?" he asked

"Sure" he said then looked at me

"Are you gonna' play?" He asked me hopefully

"Yep, and I'm going to pone Emmett's scrawny little butt" I replied smirking at Emmett

"Bring it on lil' sis"He said back. Edward, along with everyone else laughed. Just then the bells shrill ring brought us back to reality. We hurried to dump our trays of food...or soda for that matter into the trash and split up in different directions towards our next class. Edward waved at me, "see you latter Bella" he sounded hopeful. I headed toward my next class but something caught my arm. I could have easily ripped out of the grip but I didn't want to do any thing that looked unnatural.

"Hey baby"came a voice from beside me. It sounded somewhat like Edward's voice. I looked over to see a boy who looked like a bigger version of Edward. He must be his older brother. He never mentioned having a brother but then again I never asked.

" Excuse me but I have a class to go to and I'd rather not be late" I said and pretend to struggle against his grip.

"Now your to pretty to be walking there all by yourself" He said to me in a phony huskey voice. Luckly Emmett came to my rescue.

" Hey you messing with my sister?" he asked. Emmett was easily two times the size of this kid.

" What you gonna' do bout' it pussy" He said. Oh my God. I have never seen anyone stand up to Emmett.

'What are you implying about my boyfriend punk" Rosalie said walking up putting her arm around Emmett.

The kid whistled at her. Rosalie walked right up to the kids face and slapped him. Not with full force but enough to make him flinch. Then she stalked off.

" Oh, so now you're going on my girl? I'm telling you kid you must have a lot of nerve to do something like that" Emmett said

" I could take you. Let's go. Right now!" He said back letting go of me and taking a step towards Emmett. I thought about running but this was going to be good.

" Do we have a problem Mr. Cullen" Said principal Kim

"Yeah, this punk is trying to fight me and is harassing my little sister and Rosalie"

"That bitch slapped me!" He objected

"No Mr. McCartney we do not use such language here!"she said " Mr. Cullen?"


"Yes" she corrected him

"Yes" he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice

" Where is Ms. Hale now" she questioned him

"Rosalie is at class. Now" he responded calmly

" Okay, well you two can leave" she said, " you stay"