Germany immediately started to sprint in the direction Italy had run off in. He followed Italy's much smaller footprints and his heart started to pound. It wasn't the running that caused this strong pulsating beat but the overwhelming joy and undeniable love that pulsed through his veins. His memories of how he had been saved from death by Prussia had returned to his head and how he had been Holy Roman Empire. How he had been Italy's first love. How he had been Italy's first kiss. All those sweet and precious memories had returned to his mind. He was so overjoyed that he could hold and kiss Italy as he had before and Italy wouldn't have to choose between him and Holy Roman Empire or feel guilty. Italy could be with the one he loved.

Germany's feet moved unbelievably fast as he continued to follow Italy's footprints. Each foot print in the grass made his heart pound faster as he knew it would bring him one step closer to Italy. Suddenly the footprints stopped in front of a cluster of trees. Germany looked around at the ground quickly searching for any sign of Italy. He couldn't have just disappeared could he? He looked upward into the trees to see if he had climbed up one and was sitting on a branch. All he saw were hundreds of green leaves glowing in the soft light of the sunset.

He was about to call Italy's name when suddenly he heard soft singing. It was almost inaudible over the noise of the wind but as he listened more carefully he could make out the words and where it was coming from.

Germany wound his way around a few mangled trees, following the voice he heard that he immediately identified as Italy's. He had heard Italy sing many times when he was painting or cooking pasta so Germany knew his voice well. The voice grew louder as he came closer to it as he quietly wound his way through the trees.

Finally, as if curtains unveiling a stage, Germany wound his way around one last tree and found himself standing on a grass plain that held a perfect view of the setting sun. And right in the middle of the beautiful setting was Italy. The blending of the pinks and yellows made Italy seem almost as if he was glowing. He was sitting with his legs stretched out in front of him and his back was to Germany. Italy was singing to himself as he was watching the sunset. Germany had come to recognize the tone and moods of Italy's songs, but this was different.

Instead of Italy's usual happy and joyous sounding voice, Italy's song was laced with a certain sadness that made Germany's heart ache. He listened to the words and stood unmoving.

I still love you it's true

But something is telling me

I love him too

Why do I feel this way when he looks at me?

When you looked at me the same?

Are you angry at me for feeling this way?

Are you sad that my heart has moved on?

Do you still know that you're in my heart?

But he has a place in there too

Because I never got over you

But I can't deny I love him too

Germany's breath caught in his throat as Italy finished singing. He uneasily stepped forward towards Italy. Germany's heart was racing and he was barely breathing. Italy who was in a deep daze didn't even notice Germany had followed him let alone heard him singing. Italy only noticed someone was there when a pair of strong arms wrapped around his shoulders and held him tightly.


"Italy… it's me." Germany wasn't sure what he meant by that. Had he meant that it was just him that was holding Italy from behind, or that it was him all along, Holy Roman Empire?

"Germany… I'm confused and I'm sorry and-and-…"

Italy trailed off and hung his head and his chin slightly rested on the top of Germany's arm. Germany was at an absolute loss for words. He had no clue how to explain that he was Holy Roman Empire. How would one go about telling someone that they didn't die a few hundred years ago but were saved and had their identity changed? He had absolutely no clue.

Germany decided to do something he had never done before, go on without a plan.

"I heard you singing…"

Italy's cheeks flamed and his heart hammered in his chest. Italy felt embarrassed and bit his bottom lip.

"I-I didn't mean for anyone to hear it… I just came up with it and… it wasn't very good."

"I liked it. Do you uhm…" Germany took a deep breath and finished his question," Do you feel that way Italy?"

Italy remained quiet and Germany waited patiently while enjoying holding Italy and feeling the warmth that seemed to radiate off of him.

"Yeah… because Holy Roman Empire he… I loved him but he told me to love in his letter but I'm not sure if he meant I should start loving someone else or… I just felt guilty because he loved me and I loved him but now…"

Italy fell silent again and after a few moments said softly," I love you too."

Germany smiled at these words and his heart swelled. He wanted to just kiss Italy again and hold him but he knew he had to tell him. It was going to be difficult but if he didn't tell him Italy would never stop feeling guilty.

"Italy there's something you need to know…" Germany began nervously.

"What is it?"

Germany searched for the right words but nothing sounded right. All his first ideas sounded too harsh or shocking and then when he really thought about it just sounded unbelievable. Germany kept quiet from thinking for what seemed like forever but suddenly the perfect words hit him.

"I've loved you ever since the 300's." Germany said this softly and as closely as he could to how he had said this so many years ago.

Italy stiffened and his heart seemed to stop. Confusion was heavy and he jerked away from Germany and looked at him.


"I said 'I've loved you ever since the 300's'."

"But Germany you weren't alive during the-"

Italy cut off his sentence and he stared at Germany with his mouth slightly open from his unfinished sentence.

"Italy, Holy Roman Empire didn't die."

"What are you talking about?" Tears formed in the corners of Italy's eyes and he was confused beyond belief.

Germany took another deep breath and said," You're going to have a hard time believing this or you're going to think I'm crazy but…"

Italy stared at Germany waiting for an explanation to clear at least a little bit of his confusion.

"Have I ever told you about my childhood?" Germany asked using the same words Italy had a short while ago. Italy looked at him with so many different emotions that it was paining Germany to even talk now.

"No…" Italy said almost whimpering. Germany wanted to reach out and stroke Italy's cheek to comfort him but he knew he had to do this. He tried his best not to stumble over his words and keep himself together as he spoke.

"It didn't really start out happy. Actually it started off horrible. I started out almost dead really. I had lost a battle with an opponent who had an army far stronger than mine. Like an idiot I decided to fight on instead of retreating. We fought hard but we lost and I was fatally injured and dying. I remember as I was dying I pictured the face of the person I loved and was prepared to die. But then my future brother came along and saved me I suppose. He convinced me to change my name and take new land. I just wanted to be able to see my love's face again so I agreed. I didn't know but the second I agreed all the memories of my life faded away immediately and I started a new life. For years and years I didn't know how I had come to be until fairly recently. I remember every single minute of my life before I was 'me'. I remember my old family, my old house, and the person I loved so much that it hurt sometimes…"

Italy looked even more confused and his eyes were tearing up greatly.

"Germany I don't understand… what do you mean…?"

Germany smiled softly and said," I was Holy Roman Empire."

Italy looked like he had just been punched in the stomach and he started to stutter.

"B-but h-h-he died! I-I-I got his letter and he said he was and you can't be a-and just WHAT?!"

Italy stared at Germany and was breathing heavily and had anger and confusion in his eyes.

"He died Germany! He died and I never saw him again! You can't be him!"

Germany softly continued," I'm not lying to you Italy I swear. I can remember it all so clearly. I was reading the letter he, well I guess, I wrote you and this flash back just hit me. I was injured and dying and then Prussia came and saved me but all my memories of when I lived with Austria and you faded away and I didn't remember any of it. But I do now; I swear I am Holy Roman Empire. I know it sounds unbelievable and weird but I swear to you it's the truth."

Italy wasn't sure how to respond. Was Germany telling the truth? Was he lying to him? It all sounded so surreal and fantasy like! Italy just couldn't believe that someone could heal someone else so close to death like that! And why would he have to have changed his name? And how did his memories fade?

Wait… this gave Italy an idea. If he had all these memories then he wouldn't have any problems answering a few trivial questions right?

Fully expecting him to fail Italy asked," When Holy Roman Empire asked me to teach him how to paint, what was his first painting of?" Italy made sure to accent Holy Roman Empire as if to prove Germany wasn't him.

Germany smiled and remembered it fondly savoring every detail of it he could. How he had nervously gone up to Italy and asked shyly if he could teach him. How Italy had smiled at him and set up another easel for him.

"My first painting was of a bunny but you had to help me since it didn't turn out very good."

Italy's expression showed much confusion and his heart was pounding. For a few seconds he wanted to believe Germany but he still wasn't convinced.

"L-lucky guess…"

Lots of people were bad at painting right? And bunnies were popular right? Italy reasoned this is in his head and thought up another question.

"Alright when I was cleaning one time what animal did you chase right under my skirt?"

Germany's face went immediately red as this came to his head and he quickly answered.

"It was a mouse… I thought you would be afraid of it so I tried to chase it out, but that didn't go so well."

Italy was again surprised that Germany had got it right but still was not convinced. He thought long and hard and came up with one final question that only Holy Roman Empire would know the answer to.

He asked quietly and almost sadly," Before he left, Holy Roman Empire made me something and gave it to me… what was it?"

Germany sighed and smiled and remembered that sad day as clearly as if it was yesterday.

"I remember I was leaving and I was sad and upset that you didn't want to become the Roman Empire with me. I had asked you before I left but you said no and said I shouldn't either. You were worried I would have ended up like Rome with terrible wounds all over me from growing too big and then perishing. I was going to leave without saying good bye but you caught up with me and I wanted you to remember me. I remember once while you were sleeping outside I painted you and I had never told you about it. That day when I left I gave it to you and I said I had loved you ever since the 300's. I still remember when I kissed you how fast my heart was pounding and sweet you looked. I was crying very hard when I couldn't see you anymore in the distance and when I was dying… I was terrified that I'd never see you again.

"That hasn't changed Italy. I still love you like I did back then. In fact I think, if it's even possible, I love you even more now."

Italy stared at Germany with tearing eyes. Germany had not only given the right answer but an account of what had happened that day. All the emotion he had said it with was just too real to be lies and-

His eyes met Germany's and he saw it. He saw the beautiful majestic blue that his eyes held that Italy had always loved. The color of the eyes that had stared at him through the door while he was cleaning Austria's house, the eyes that had looked at him while he was painting, and the eyes that had had that hurt look when he left and had filled with tears. But most importantly they were the eyes that showed complete and undeniable love. Italy felt the warm sense of familiarity and the urge to be close rose into his heart. He believed him now and he knew Germany was telling the truth.

Italy threw himself at Germany with outstretched arms and yelled," GERMANY!!!"

Germany caught Italy in a tight embrace and held him lovingly. Both clung to each other tightly and Italy started sobbing. Italy's hot tears stained Germany's coat but they weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of complete happiness.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you! I missed you but you were here and- and-"

Germany kissed the top of Italy's head and smiled.

He replied shakily and almost breathless," It's okay… I missed you too…"

His eyes once again met Italy's.

"I love you Italy."

Italy's warm smile spread across his face as his cheeks went pink.

"I love you too Germany."

Germany smiled and tears came into his eyes as well. As Germany's lips met Italy's in a soft and loving kiss, it was as if he had never left. Italy fit perfectly in his arms and his heart. They were meant for each other and nothing, not even death, could stop this feeling.

Germany and Italy couldn't figure what it was at first that made them so drawn and perfect for each other, but they both remembered as they held and kissed one another, the over powering feeling of irrevocable and absolute undeniable love.


Oh my God thank you all so much for all the wonderful reviews and thank you for all the favorites! I appreciate every one so much! I'm kind of sad this is over! I had fun writing this and it made me tear up and cry a few times! Thank you all so much for reading!