
This isn't so much a fakeout as it is a heads up to all you wonderful readers who put this story in your favs or on alert but didn't put me on author alert. The sideshot of elderly Bella's POV of the night she gave Edward the pocket watch as she reminisces about their time together and the epic love they shared…

Has been posted!


Also, many of you have expressed an interest in seeing the movie Somewhere in Time now that you've read my story. I just wanted to let you all know that it is currently on you tube. BUT you can legally watch it for free in it's entirety on the Internet Movie Database. Just go to IMDb[dot]com and search for Somewhere in Time. You can also view the original theatrical trailer, which I strongly recommend for everyone to do whether or not you watch the movie. The trailer will give you a very detailed look into this particular AU including the music, what the beautiful hotel looks like, and you'll get to see Edward's infamous brown suit. :o)

I have a request…

If you guys DO watch the movie, please review this A/N and let me know what you thought of the actual crossover. I'd love to get some concrit. Is there anywhere that I have room for improvement? I've been thinking of maybe doing another AU movie crossover I just need to find the right movie to mesh with Twilight. :o)

A big giant thanks to all you reviewers out there. I really do appreciate that you took the time to review and let me know what you liked or didn't like and your fav lines, etc.