St. Valentine

You never know who your saint Valentine is.


I turned my head to the direction where that familiar voice came from.

"Happy valentine's day!" He said, grinning widely as he gave me a box with a red bow. Confused, I stared at him with one of my eyebrows lifted up. He looked at me, rather shocked. "Don't tell don't know what valentine is?" He asked. I sighed as I nodded my head slowly.

He laughed.

Damn you, Colonnello.

I pouted, as he continued laughing. "Well, sorry if I don't understand why would you guys stare at girls with watery mouths every February 14th!" I hollered, stopping his laugh abruptly. Then he laughed lightly, wiping a tear from his eye. "W...would you like me to tell you about it, then?"

"If you wish."

He nearly laughed again (and I stepped on his foot, accidentally, of course)and he took a deep breath. "Riight..some say that valentine's day is held to remember St. Valentine, who died in...umm...I forgot when, but I do remember that he was given death penalty for writing a love letter to his lover. Another version says that he was given death penalty for...what do you call it again? Well, he helped a couple in loving each other..."

"He supported their love?"

"Ah, yes! That's the right word, I guess. So...because a lot of people think that St. Valentine's love was so...well, 'unlimited' and 'undeniable' that he sacrificed himself for love, people commemorate February 14th as St. Valentine's day!" He ended with a wide grin. I stared at him, even more confused than before. Then his grin vanished.

"Let's just say that valentine's day is the day when people confess their love, or give chocolate to people who are important for them."

I oh'ed.

"Is that the reason why you're giving me that box?" I asked him, pointing at the box he was still holding. He grinned again and handed me the box. "It's chocolate! By giving you this, I also tell you that you're important for me! How important you are for me is a secret, of course..." he said, before he quickly ran away, leaving me with the box of chocolate.

I looked at the box, opened it, and took one messy, un-chocolate-like chocolate cube from inside it.

Handmade, huh?

I put it in my mouth.

"'s bitter..."

I couldn't accept the fact.

I couldn't.

I grabbed that paper, my hands shaking in disbelief.

"This...isn't true." I muttered, before dropping the paper, leaving the room in hurry.

Colonnello died. Said he loved Lal. Left something for her at headquarter.

I stared at the gray pacifier young Vongola decimo was holding.

And quickly, I snatched it away from him.

"This is..."

Could this be the item he left for me?

Could he have died just to leave the headquarter? No, that...sounded so selfish. I felt selfish just by saying that. Then I noticed a small note coming along with the pacifier.

Love you much. Sorry if the chocolate back then was bitter. Colonnello.

I grabbed the pacifier tightly. And unconsciously, tears rolled down my cheeks.

So...because a lot of people think that St. Valentine's love was so...well, 'unlimited' and 'undeniable' that he sacrificed himself for love, people commemorate February 14th as St. Valentine's day!

I remembered his words from back then. I smiled, bitterly, but happy at the same time.

It's him.

He's my saint Valentine.

Oh wooow, cheesy ending? I believe so. :( I sure hope it still sounds...err...'fine'...