Chapter One

"Bye love," Edward said, then hopped out my window, he ran into the forest so fast I nearly didn't see him.

It was good he was going. He hadn't hunted in what seemed ages and his eyes had turned a deep black.

I was relived to see him go also; I hadn't been flying in so long. Yes fly, you did hear me right.

You see it's possible that I could be keeping some things from Edward. And they could involve the fact that I had wings and could fly.

So when Edward went off to hunt mountain lions and other sorts of prey I was going to use the little spare time to stretch out my wings.

And how did I get these wings you might ask? Well, these sicko scientists put bird DNA into my genetic makeup, to make me 98% human but 2% bird. They made me to be strong, maximum.

And at the moment I was tripping down the stairs. My tucked in wings made me off balance and extremely clumsy, I was like a cat with no tail I just couldn't seem to get my center of balance right.

"Ow," I grumbled my butt hurting as I picked myself up from the floor. I quickly ran out the back door wanting to get as much time to fly as I could until Edward came home.

I went a couple paces into the forest to make sure no one saw me take off then I pushed upward bursting through the tree tops and into the air above the fog that always loomed over Forks, Washington.

My wings felt better now being open to the fresh air and not pulled tight against my back. The air was cleaner up this high and my wings felt wonderful not being pulled in. I shot off going about 120 miles an hour; a lazy pace for me but I didn't want to get to far away from Forks, so I could get back in time.

The wind whipped my hair around and I brushed it out of my face, I wished I could cut it all off but with the cold in Forks I would be shivering all the time.

A small noise distracted me and I slowed my pace and turned around. I saw some spots in the sky. Spots in the sky, not an uncommon occurrence. However when those spots know your name it's not good.

"Max!" They called as one, and came closer allowing me to see that there were five of them. Oh crap. They were flying right towards me.

With one last look at my ex family I tucked in my wings.

The trees were all around me as I fell but I twisted my barley extended wings angling myself safely down. Landing with a soft thud I took off running immediately, running much faster than any human.

I ran as quickly as I could through the trees tripping almost constantly, but kept moving towards home. The trees started to blur as I put on an extra burst of speed and extended my wings just a bit so I could run even faster.

I jumped up the tree outside my bedroom window, scaling it as fast as I could and hopped through my window. It made a loud noise when I slammed it shut, and I jumped at the noise. Glancing around my room I checked to make sure there weren't any stray vampires around. You never know, Alice could be hiding in my closet.

I sat on my floor right below my window. My heart pumped faster than a normal humans but now it was going so fast it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I had to remind myself that they wouldn't be able to follow me though the forest with my extra speed.

I'm faster than all of them because of my power. We all had them the extra talents that set us apart from humans even more.

Fang could turn invisible, Nudge was like a magnet, Iggy could tell colors, and see white even though he was blind, Gasman, could fart really bad, and Angel could read and control minds, breathe underwater, talk to fish, and change her appearance.

They were my family, my friends and the youngest were sometimes like my very own kids. Until they had betrayed me. More on that later.

They sun set and my room was bathed in black while I still sat below my window, thinking about my past life.

I got ready for bed and headed downstairs to say goodnight to Charlie, who I had completely forgotten about.

Sleep was welcome, just so I could forget about the day's events, and so morning could hurry up and I could see Edward once more.

Bad Bella! Stop lying to Edward! I'll try to update soon. I'm not making any promises though.