This is really a big leap for me because to be honest I have only seen the first maybe 8 episodes of Gundam Wing. To be blunt as I have said before…Relena annoys the crap out of me. Please tell me there are episodes where primary focus isn't on her! However, being a strict yaoi/shounen ai lover I have found myself quite drawn to a Heero/Duo pairing as well as a Quatre/Trowa pairing. Wufei I really do see as a lone warrior. What I am also amazed at is when I read the shounen and yaoi doujins is the innocence that lies in each boy, a childhood that they probably never possessed especially when I look at Duo and Heero. While they are all seen as terrorists, I see them as just young men. Learning what I have from doujin as well as fanfics that have contained spoilers (thank you), I have decided to venture forth and try my best at a fanfic that has been plaguing my mind for quite a long time.

I am also quite interested in Duo's past…the whole church orphanage, Father Maxwell, Sister Helen and Solo (though I have heard there isn't much about him) and how or what Shinigami is and how it comes out in Duo and what prompts it. I have always felt drawn to him the most out of all the characters and I feel like that as tough and fun Duo is…there is more there emotionally both happily and sorrowfully than meets the eye in him.

As how I feel with the other boys: Heero being the almost robotic child…his emotions coming out in the most drastic of forms…Quatre the actual innocent with his sweet demeanor paired with a tough nature that only comes out when it has to. Trowa, the complete mystery is himself, quiet and strong. Wufei, to me, is just a young warrior with a heavy heart.

I have been wanting to write about these guys for a long time…not only as world crusaders, but also as who they are …young men…teens…aspects of life they haven't seen in a long time or at all.

I only hope I can do this right. Wish me luck, good reviews and criticism (let me know if I screw up any of the Gundam plot and I will be glad to fix it) and happy reading!!

-Jennifer K.