Title: The Rest of My Life?

Summary: Daniel wonders about his future with an unlikely companion. Short and sweet DV


He wasn't really sure how the question popped into his head. He'd known her for years and been through a lot with her. As he contemplated the unanswered query swirling though his mind, Daniel wondered why he hadn't asked this sooner. It looked like he was busy studying some aged pages of writing, but really, he was contemplating his future. Could he spend the rest of his life with Vala Mal Doran?

When they first met, he swore it would never happen. Daniel did everything he could to deny his secret desire to keep her close. She challenged him in every way, and it was with great effort that he resisted. The bracelets were probably the ultimate test – and he failed, miserably. She was still here, wasn't she?

Now he sat wondering if he'd ever be able to live without her.

Suddenly, he realized where the question had come from. That dream. Or was it some sort of vision? An unplanned visit to an alternate reality? He couldn't be sure. All he knew is that it affected him greatly.


He was in his office again, doing the usual things. Nothing in the room was out of the ordinary. Papers and artifacts littered his desk. His aging laptop sat nearby. An outdated phone occupied another corner. Boxes were piled on the floor, full of tasks yet unfulfilled. An old brown couch waited for its favorite occupant on the other side of the room. A pink and purple toychest, brimming with goodies, sat next to the couch.

His eyes rested on that last piece. In a way Daniel knew it didn't belong. However, in this reality or dream or whatever, it was perfectly normal. Light footsteps could be heard approaching. The door opened wider to reveal a young blonde carrying a small child. Dark brown curls formed a messy mop on her head. She was dressed up like a mini-marine, no doubt a joke gift from Jack that turned out to be cute.

"Hi Daddy!" The small one struggled until she was put down, then ran as fast as her little legs could manage to her father. He instinctively leaned down and pulled her into his lap. The two-year old smiled brightly and pecked him on the lips. Without another sound, she got back down and ran to her toychest by the couch.

Daniel nodded a greeting and thanks to the babysitter. He watched his little girl pull various toys out of the chest. She bit her lip, considering each one with great intensity. So much like her mother, he thought. Finally she decided on the perfect plaything, a loud clanking contraption that entertained her to no end. He sighed. Yes, this was normal.


As the memory ended, she walked in. A curious look crossed Vala's face. "You're looking very thoughtful," she commented.

"Moreso than usual?" he replied without missing a beat.

"Hmm… maybe not." Vala found her usual stool and sat across from him. It was her stool and no one else's. Everyone on the team knew it and respected it. This was as much Vala's turf as it was Daniel's by now.

Instead of adding to the conversation, Daniel simply stared at her. She thought he was playing a game at first and stared back. Eventually, his look became too intense and she had to turn away. When Vala glanced back, he was smiling. But not about the staring contest.



He had his answer. And the answer was yes.