elmo-doodle: Based on a real-life story, that happened mear minutes ago to me. I couldn't find my normal toothpaste, and all there was was a fresh tube of Colgate Oxygen. I picked it up, and the fantasy in this little fic is the fantasy that I had. The reacting that JD has, is my reaction, lol. Does anyone else have 'JD Daydreams'? If you don't, you should- it's extremely fun!!

Disclaimer: I don't own [SCRUBS] and I don't own Colgate Oxygen... *shudders*

My Colgate Oxygen

"Turk!" JD called from the bathroom. "Turk- did you move the toothpaste?"

"Yeah, sorry, dude," Turk twisted around on the sofa to look at JD. "Carla went crazy and started rearranging everything last week. Toothpaste is in the cabinet under the sink."

"Thanks, Chocolate Bear," JD said, and he went back in to the bathroom and opened up the cabinet. He searched around inside it for a moment without success. He was about to call out to Turk again when he finally spotted a tube of toothpaste. "Hmm," he hummed when he realised that it wasn't the one that he and Turk would usually use. "Colgate Oxygen..." he said, thoughtfully. "I wonder if it actually uses oxygen...

~ "Are you looking for toothpaste that will not only clean your mouth, but also be like taking a breath of fresh air? Well, look no further!" JD appears in a brightly lit bathroom dressed in a smart suit. "Colgate Oxygen is here to meet all your needs. What's it like, Timmy?"

A young boy of about 10 is standing beside the sink with a toothbrush in hand. "It's amazing, Mr Dorian! My mouth feels so much better! How does it do that?"

"Well, Timmy," JD says, and a cartoon picture of the mouth and teeth appear beside him, "Colgate Oxygen scrubs off the sugar and food that get stuck inside your mouth [a cartoon toothbrush appears and scrapes away the grim] and the Oxygen part of it blows all of those pesky little bacteria out of your mouth [a gust of wind sweeps away the bacteria, who are screaming in horror]. What do you think now, Timmy?"

Timmy looks a little too excited. "It's awesome! All of that in one tube!"

"That's right," JD looks at the camera and holds up a tube of the toothpaste. "Colgate Oxygen- breezing in to a store near you!" He grins, showing his teeth and one of them sparkles. ~

"Hmm, refreshing," JD said, and he squeezed a bit of the toothpaste on to his brush. He put the head of the toothbrush in to his mouth and prepared himself to enjoy the freshness. Then his face turned in to a look of horror and pain. "Oh my god!" he yelled. "It's actually burning my mouth with its freshness! It's creating a minty-fresh hole in my tongue!" He spat out the toothpaste and began desperately washing his mouth out with water.

"JD, don't use the Colgate," Turk called, not having heard JD's suffering. "It's like Devil-paste."

JD whined as every breath through his mouth caused him a minty pain.

elmo-doodle: COLGATE OXYGEN IS EVIL. I still can't breath through my mouth without inducing toothpasty pain.