Disclaimer-I don't own Tekken.

There will be eventual shonen ai in this, so please be warned. This is my first time tackling such a feat, so support and patience is loved if you happen to enjoy reading. Also, first time writing Raven or Yoshi....any tips on how I can improve this? I have the feeling I got Raven really wrong....

As for the screwed up title, I couldn't think of anything else. I merely looked up the word "Odd" in the thesaurus, and this came up. Somehow, it seemed to fit.

Update-Barely had it up a day and already reworked the character of Raven, thanks to my first reviewer's suggestions. I'm a little tired, so this shall continue to be a work in process. 13/2/09


He was an unwanted, unnecessary burden to his well ordered existence.

Raven pondered angrily about the Ninja's continuous presence in his life. Ever since he had bested the unorthodox thief at a hand to sword combat at the last tournament, Raven had discovered the great Yoshimitsu's persistence. It had started out as a vague feeling he was being followed, as quick turns of the head had detected a strip of colour fading into nothingness. Unwanted phone calls, lasting for about two seconds, then being cut off. Somebody attempting to infiltrate his ear piece, letting strange, accented chuckles vibrate though his head. The whole thing was a strange affair.

Then things started to go missing.

How had the bloody idiot found his apartment?

But Yoshimitsu had, and so, every now and then, things were gone from their cupboards, or rearranged in the oddest manner. Raven's hidden pleasure-his love of collecting classic Japanese weapons-had been, with great delight, balanced on top of each other and tied with pink ribbons. And if that wasn't irritating enough, Yoshimitsu had stolen his priceless aftershave, alongside his silver plated shavers. It was so bloody aggravating to think that half the Manji Clan could be walking about smelling like prime rose oil. Not very manly, okay, but certainly potent.

Raven's house was spotless. Everything had a place, a specific purpose to fulfil-a man driven by orders and strategy, Raven put as much as himself into his home as possible to make it his own personal nirvana, a resting place from his gruelling missions and bloody battles.

And for some fucktard of a ninja to pounce in and screw it all up was death on a leash.

Truth be told, the thing drove him mad. He had hated the theatrical, flouncing style of the Manji Clan leader, with some sparkly "magical" sword or some shite like that, speaking in countless riddles, whizzing that god damn freakish arm about, and in general annoying the bejesus out of the stoic Raven. Defeating him hadn't been easy, for as much as the agent hated to admit it, Yoshimitsu was tough-racy and unpredictable, much like his moods. The quirky, high whirs that made up the thief's voice had set Raven's teeth on edge, yet he found a uncharacteristic tremor ride though him when the man's voice had darkened to a threatening bass, something in it that was smooth and sensuous to the ear, so invoking you were dragged in…..

However, he was quickly dragged out when the sneaky bastards sword hilt clonked the side of his chin. It had left a blossoming bruise below his mouth, which looked like a nasty hickey of some sort. Damn.

Cue bounds of humiliation when someone asked him the cause of such a mark, to answer simply "Yoshimitsu" was not a particularly intelligent thing to do. In short, he had admitted to gaining a hickey off the irritating thief. AGH.

Raven needed to sleep pretty badly.

It was nearly midnight when he retired to bed. Today had been long and tiresome-the bastard whom tied up his complete collection of swords knew how to do really tie knots, pink ribbon or no pink ribbon. Raven settled down, contented, within the sheets of his bed. He had discarded his classic black leather for the far more pleasing combination of cotton pyjamas. Though anyone else would have feared that surely this would have deducted from the hardened stereotype of the Ninja, but Raven's natural confidence and threat melded into anything, even the less than menacing blue striped combo. Somehow even the cliché night clothes alongside Raven could have made a grown man wet himself.

But who was going to see him tonight, anyway?

Um. Someone was.

Rata tat tat.

Groaning, Raven pulled his covers over his head. What the hell….?

Rat. A. TAT.

Mice? Could it be mice? A bird, perhaps? Nope. Severe training had taught Raven the tap of human fingers when he heard it. The man clenched his teeth in anger. It sounded metallic.


The balcony door quickly swung open before shutting with a plasticised snap. Someone….or something was in the room. His ears alert, Raven feigned sleep as his strong hands firmly grasped a knife craftily hidden under his pillow. Whoever was interrupting his sleeping pattern was gonna feel cold steel.

Despite his lack of humour, Raven couldn't help but wince at his own thoughts. Cold steel? Lord, how cliché. He'd start waving around various blades and slaying the undead in bad B movies soon.

The thing crept along his bedroom floor with an unearthly grace, before settling beside the bed, its "eyes" boring down onto the slumbering form of the man. As the ambiguous being grew closer, Raven sprang off the covers to press the dagger to the neck of whoever was trespassing in his bedroom.

Only to find with a shock, that he was completely alone.

Nothing. No one. Zero. Zilch. He couldn't even detect the vague sound of breath draining from lungs, the swift whoosh of one retreating….nothing. Perplexed, the Ninja slowly lowered his weapon, eyebrows knotted together in aggravation. Ether the thing was completely still, or lacked the capacity to breath, or it might have been, Raven thought with a shudder, his own hyped up imagination. A heavy frown creased his face-considering his occupation, child like fantasies were hardly welcomed.


With a hurl of otherworldly strength, Raven was suddenly thrown back, pillows and duvets scooting up into the air like agitated swans. The Ninja felt with a strike of fury the weight of a man straddling his hips, two firm hands binding his wrists above his head. Or he would have felt fear, or an emotion which implied intimidation if it wasn't for that blasted throaty chuckle which streamed out of nothingness.

"Hehe….I must say, young one, your choice of nightwear is quite….becoming."

Undesired, maniacal laughter filled his ears, and with an unsavoury wrench in his stomach, Raven clamped his teeth in anger.


Yoshimitsu shifted comfortably on top of Raven, still invisible and releasing an aura of self congratulation. Raven's sharp, instinctive eyes shone in the darkness, teeth bared. Right now he was unable to intercept any way out of this degrading situation, but well formed instincts instructed him to analyze the situation before doing anything drastic. Still, his wrists trembled against the invisible hands, looking for a way to cause a struggle.

"What do you want?" he questioned gruffly, fingers curling slowing into fists which were still being held above his head with surprising strength.

The sudden, heavy silence above him filled Raven with a strong sense of dread. Oh God, what now?

"I wanted to see you," the musical voice slipped out of the darkness with a questioning confidence, as gradually Yoshimitsu began to materialize into plain sight. Moonlight bounced off the head of his otherworldly mask, the satin fabric of his outfit (Satin. Oh God, he's wearing satin. Raven, with a raised eyebrow, wrestled with the ideology of what straight male wore satin) which brushed the pinned man's exposed midriff.

The otherworldly mask seemed to leer down into Raven's eyes with a inquisitive stare, obviously prompting the man's reaction. Raven's lips twisted into a grimace, as he mused on the ludicrous answer which had been given him. However, he wasn't going to give into the thief's satisfaction by reacting harshly.

His voice was steady, careful, yet restrained his internal anger and confusion.

"You've defiled my home, attempted to vandalise my property, and stolen my belongings because you wished to see me again?"

Yoshimitsu quirked his head to the side in a somewhat innocent manner, his thumbs which were holding down the man's hands beginning to circulate around the small groves in Raven's wrist. Somehow, this tender action caused Raven's breath to hitch. Bastard.

"Correction. I entered your home without permission…."

Damn Thumbs.

"Also, I merely attempted to intersect an ounce of my humble creativity in terms of decoration…."

All the way though the Thief's babbling justification for breaking and entering, Raven became aware of the slight trance he was become increasingly pulled into due to the repetitive actions of the Manji Leader's thumbs-they stroked, applied a gentle pressure on the sensitive areas of skin, soothed with the rhythm of a circular motion. Despite his anger, Raven felt his eyelids becoming heavy, his muscles relaxing without his consent. The sheer exhaustion of the day began to impact on his body, sending his mind adrift on a cloud; the grating voice of Yoshimitsu becoming a pleasant buzz in the background. In fact, the Ninja's tone had changed. It had become slower, softer, more parental, incorporating within it the dark husk of Yoshimitsu's natural voice.

He was falling asleep.

He was becoming intoxicated and hypnotised by the very being which had tied sodding pink ribbons around priceless artefacts.

"Agh…." His natural senses took to fighting against this bizarre spell, but it was fighting against his own exhausted muscles, his weakened mind and lead eyelids. Usually, Raven's harsh training had taught him to rebel against such weakness, yet he had endured a specifically violent mission that day, which had been tiresome even for him. This coupled with the freaking weird situation he had before him was just causing the agent to feel so enervated.

"Stop," Raven growled, his voice struggling to remain steady, as he saw with a pang all his professionalism draining from his body. "Stop this…now…."

Yoshimitsu paused, leaning forward onto the man's chest, the mouth of his mask lingering on the side of Raven's face. His breathy coo sounded too close for the man's personal liking.

"Why should I stop?" he purred, his thumbs becoming slower, more agonizingly sleep inducing. "When it is helping thee to sleep?"

Yoshimitsu's face began to blur in the man's sight, before the world vanished in a haze of tempting darkness for Raven.










On something soft.

Mmmm....feels...slippery...yet warm....




It took every ounce of strength within Raven to crack open an eyelid and take in his surroundings. A sudden shock of colour induced him to screw up his eyes again, before he braved the study of this....unusual room.

It was highly colourful and elaborate, decked out with cushions, curtains, finery of the past ages-Buddha statues, ancient Japanese artefacts, filled with fabrics, gold, precious stones, different styles of clothing, numerous different weapons consisting of jewelled boas, bladed nunchucks....the place was a treasure trove for anyone with a sense of the diverse. It was a magical cluster of heterogeneous flamboyance, so full of colour and mess and life Raven wondered for a moment whether he was dreaming. The place vaguely reminded him of a thief's loot storage; before it struck him...he was in one. Strangely enough, there were things of understated modesty-upon a window which showed the fiery start of morning, sat a dusty lily in a vase, encasing within it an small fragility. Upon that side of the room, were trivial things, most likely given by children. Clumsily written, childlike Thank you cards were stuck with great care around the window, alongside many gifts which only the poor could afford; tiny stuffed animals, bottles of cheap wine, etc.....not very outstanding presents, but Raven acquired the insight to realise it wasn't the price or content of the gift, but the generosity, the heartfelt gratitude behind it which made it a real pleasure, and Yoshimitsu treasured that notion.

On the other side of the room, there lay the brutal weaponry and blood trophies Yoshimitsu had gained over the years, crafted in fool's gold, brandishing its sense of overconfidence and bloodshed. Raven narrowed his eyes. Two opposites sides to a room, two opposite sides to a man, dressed up in an overbearingly ostentatious extravagance. Was this a reflection of this odd warrior?

Or Yoshimitsu had one hell of a hoarding problem. Take your pick.

The bed he was laying on-purple and red, very fetching-was lumpy and insanely comfortable, though he did not wish to venture back into sleep until he saw the thief and ripped his head off. Not to mention, Raven sighed with a grimace, the fool carried me here.

"Done sightseeing, young one?"


Yoshimitsu was leaning against a table, his body slanted, one hand placed firmly on his hip. Raven knew the bastard would be smirking if his face wasn't hidden, not to mention the man's nonchalance at having bloody kidnapped him wasn't bad enough. He would make his move, but not before analyzing the situation first. He would of course to begin with, start with firm, verbal probing. The reappearance of the Ninja had sent Raven back into his usual mindset, and the agent snapped back into the cold hearted professional the world knew and feared.

"Take me home."

"No." Yoshimitsu responded with tiresome clarity.

"Why am I here?"

"Interesting question. Why are you here?"

Raven's eyes fell into slits, as a painful temper rose in his chest like bile. However, his voice remained icily civil. These silly mind games did nothing to a hardened veteran like himself.

"I wouldn't know, you're the one who kidnapped me."

"How do you like your eggs?"

Raven blinked, his guard thrown. "Hm?"

"Breakfast, I'm making Breakfast," twittered Yoshimitsu, sighing with impatience at this generous offer which his obnoxious roommate was throwing to the side. Already he was delving into his many bags littering the room, looking for yesterday's groceries. This was too unreal. Raven began to feel the coming of a severe migraine, before a lingering question struck him.

"What did you do to me last night?"

"Nope, nope....cabbage, you cannot have cabbage for breakfast....oh? I merely helped you sleep, that's all."

Raven remembered with acute humiliation the weight on his groin, the sensuality of the application of thumbs to wrist.

"This is absurd. I demand you return me home at once before this entire scenario turns..." Raven eyes darkened. "Serious."

He didn't see Yoshimitsu move, or the man freeze at his threat, just felt strong arms encircle his body, one hand binding his wrists together, the other caressing a sword against the tip of his throat. The closeness was stifling, invasive. Raven found himself staring with reluctance into the eyes of Yoshimitsu's mask. The thief leant forward, until his breath ghosted the darker man's ear; his voice had resorted to an animalistic purr, vibrating the air between them. It trembled with a dangerous, low power.

"All shall became clear in due time," Yoshimitsu whispered, his hand twisting the blade so that it kissed the soft skin of Raven's neck. "Patience is a virtue, young one."

Raven felt the acidic cruelty of defeat, yet an odd triumph as well. Yoshimitsu needed something from him, and as befitting of his knowledge seeking nature, he would sit this strange business out until he discovered it. Until then, he would have to bite his knuckles and bear it. Despite these thoughts, the quiver of fear which threatened to engulf Raven was overcome by his own gruelling, seasoned determination.

. "Now...how do you like your eggs?"

"Sunny side up."


To be continued

A warning-I've already started on the second chapter of this fic, but I do take a long time to write things, especially multi-chapter stories. An update could be between 3 weeks or 6 months, regarding on how busy I am at the time. Please be aware I tend to set character and story before anything else, so I rarely rush into anything on these kind of stories. This will be eventual slash, so pray for me as I attempt to make this relationship somewhat believable.

Another thing. I think I've chosen the two hardest Tekken characters to write and thrown them together in a comedy-drama adventure setting with a possible slash outcome. What in the hell was I thinking?


Please Read and Review!