Chapter 5


Yamamoto looked at his own present and shrugged opening it gently. He frowned as he dragged out purple silk bonds. "Matsumoto fuku taicho what is this" he asked over the noise.

Matsumoto smiled too busy trying to open her own gift to be scared. "Well you have worn those purple bonds to tie your beard for ages and they are getting tired and old, so I thought you wanted some new."

Yamamoto blinked. It was true that the bonds he wore now were starting to wear out. "Thank you" he said to wich Matsumoto simply nodded a simple you are welcome.

"Aw thanks Ukitake" Sasakibe said having opened his own present, wich was a series of tea pots and cups nicely hand painted.

"Well I know how you collect them" Ukitake said trying gently to open the knot on the present Isane had given him.

"Yachiru Kusajishi how in the world…"

Everyone stopped what they where doing. They had been curious as to what that huge gift Soi Fon had gotten was. They blinked as they saw what Soi had packed out. It was a glass sculpture, the glass matt black. It was a black cat sitting on its haunches looking slightly up. It was the size of a real cat.

"Have you noticed the detail on the nose?" Yachiru asked smiling mischievously. Soi looked at the nose and blinked seeing a small bee on the cat's nose.

"As for how" Yachiru said whit a smile. "I know this glass master by the eastern wall. A few months ago he was attacked by some bullies who wanted his money. I beat them up and he said that if I ever needed anything I should come to him. Now as I live in the 11th glass figurines wouldn't last to long but the 2nd are a bit more careful whit their things… or so I have heard."

Soi smiled gently carefully placing the cat and bee into its box again. "Thank you, it was kind of you."

"No problem" Yachiru said whit a smile.

Omaeda smiled as he finally got open his own box looking down and dragging out a piece of paper reading it his eyebrows disappearing into his hairline. "Sou taicho how did you manage?"

He asked looking over to Yamamoto who where looking at everyone else. "How did I manage to give you a paid vacation to the living world? I run this place Omaeda I can do anything."

Omaeda blushed but bowed. "Arigato Sou taicho it is very nice of you."

Kira smiled as he opened his present, a small white ocarina decorated whit golden paint. "Aw thanks Renji, this is so nice of you" he said smiling from ear to ear.

"Well I knew you collected them so I figured you wanted another one."

Kira was about to say something when a small surprised shriek made them look up. Momo had jumped up and tackled Nemu into a hug.

"M-m-m-Momo?" Nemu blinked as Momo looked up from her stomach, soft tears falling down her cheeks.

"Thank you Nemu, it's so nice of you."

Hitsugaya blinked wondering what had happened and looked down to where Momo's gift lay taking it up looking at a white diamond necklace in the shape of a snow flake.

"Wow Nemu these are nice" Soi said looking at them over Hitsugaya's shoulders.

"Well she helped me a lot so I decided to give her something special back. And since she likes snowy figures well…"

Nemu shrugged while patting Momo's back who stood up wiping her face taking back her new necklace placing it around her neck.

"Thank you Nemu, I mean it."

Nemu smiled gently waving it away whit a hand. "Nothing to think about" she said and Momo sat down smiling.

Unohana smiled too, glad Nemu had helped Momo before she had to intervene. She looked down at her own gift having carefully taken off the ribbon. She took off the paper blinking as she looked at a bound book. She turned it to come to the front where it was written in big golden letters, 'Family.'

She blinked and opened the book and smiled at the first page, a picture from the academy day's whit her, Kyoraku and Ukitake. It had been one of her first Hakuda classes whit the other two and Ukitake had told her he'd help her out as she looked so weak. She smiled at the picture showing Ukitake flat on his back, her own foot on his stomach, her arms crossed, smiling softly, Kyoraku in the background laughing his ass off at Ukitake's shocked expression.

Unohana looked down to see writing under the picture. 'The original captain's of the Gotei 13.'

Unohana smiled and turned the page blinking as she saw a picture of herself and Isane. The writing under the picture was short and heart tearing. 'The shinigami mother and her favourite daughter.'

As she turned the pages she smiled at the pictures. Former 4th squaders as well as their friends as well as her own friends and close people. The last page of her book made her heart skip a beat. A huge picture that must have been taken after office hours looked back at her. The picture was from in front of the 4th squad and included every single person in the 4th squad smiling waving to the camera, Momo's writing on the bottom making her smile.

'All the proud children.'

And on the other side that didn't have any pictures there where signatures. She recognised all the 4th squaders, but blinked when she saw other names, like Soi Fon's, Yumichka, Ikkaku, Yachiru and even Kyoraku's and Ukitake's.

"Isane" she got out, her voice thick from trying not to cry.

Isane smiled looking at the book. "Momo ran all around our squad taking pictures making sure no one told you, even went to Ukitake and Kyoraku to get some old academy pictures."

Unohana couldn't hold it in anymore and a single tear fell from her eye. "It's so sweet" she said and thanked Isane as she gave her a tissue.

"Get Momo over here so I can thank her could you."

Isane smiled and beckoned for Momo who had been looking at Unohana the entire time. When she came over Unohana simply hugged her. No words where needed.

Isane smiled turning her attention back to her own gift opening it gasping. "Kira are you nuts?" She all but screamed over at Kira who simply smiled. Isane took out her gift, a bunch of pearl like lions.

"It's for your braids" Kira said smiling. "And as your sign is Leo I thought it was fitting. It's a matching necklace down there too."

Isane took out the necklace and goggled at it placing them gently back into it's box standing and running over to Kira hugging him making him blush.

"You are welcome" he said smiling.

Ichigo smiled turning back to his own small gift. He opened it and gasped slightly. It was a picture of his family from before the entire shinigami business started. He stood angry whit one foot planted on his fathers face slamming it to the ground. Yuzu stood looking worried and Karin looked bored. Ichigo turned to the loveseat where Kiyone sat.

"Hey Kiyone, where did you get this?"

Kiyone smiled gently. "I wrote a letter to your sisters explaining that I wanted something from them that you could have in your office to think of your family while you are here, I gave the letter to an officer who where going to earth on a 3 days mission and asked her not to read it or ask about it when the sister gave her something. I got that, already framed inn."

Ichigo smiled. "Thank you Kiyone, it was very kind of you."

"Not at all" Kiyone said blushing. "I just thought it would be nice of you to have something from your world while you worked."

Ichigo smiled and turned facing a shocked Rukia. "Ichigo what does this look like?"

Ichigo looked at the white plush bunny Rukia held in her hands. "A bunny. How so?"

"The thing is it came from Zaraki taicho… I'm afraid that it will jump and hurt me any second now."

Yachiru who sat a few centimetres away laughed. "I saw Ken Chan right after he had bought that. I wouldn't recommend thanking him for the gift his reputation is hanging by the thread enough as it is."

Rukia simply nodded agreeing.

Byakuya was confused. He looked at the CD in his hand. He had a CD player, he knew how to use it and actually had a wide collection of songs, but why in the name of kami had he gotten a CD that simply said Secret Santa?

"Aikon, explanation please?"

"Well" Aikon said sheepishly rubbing his neck. "After what I have heard you have a lot on your mind lately." Aikon's eyes hurriedly went towards where Ichigo and Rukia sat. "So I made this. It has a lot of calming songs, perfect for meditation."

Byakuya shot a quick look towards Ichigo too and closed his eyes nodding slightly, his way of saying thank you.

Renji smiled at his taicho having finally managed to open his own gift from Soi Fon taicho. He blinked as he, much like Ichigo stared down on a picture from his academy days, he and Rukia smiling, Rukia holding up a small peace sign. Renji thought back and remembered a discussion he have had whit Kira about unattainable women. Soi Fon must have overheard and walked off to the academy. He smiled and looked up at Soi Fon who looked deep in thought.

"Hey Soi Fon taicho?"

She looked up.

"Thanks" he said.

She smiled and nodded once before looking over at Nemu starting a conversation. Komamura smiled as he opened his own gift, a huge fleece blanket.

"Aw thank you Ise fuku taicho, this will be wonderful on these cold winter days when I have to work late."

"You are welcome" Nanao said smiling lifting her glasses higher up on her nose blushing slightly.

Over at his own side Iba smiled as he drew out his own gift, a coupon for a years worth of training gear from the best shinigami store inside the seretei ring.

"Thank you Kyoraku taicho" he called already thinking of what to buy.

"You are welcome" Kyoraku called opening his own gift smiling as he drew out a robe in pink whit white cuffs. He looked at the tag. 'Made in Japan…' "Hey Sentaro is this from the real world?"

"Hai" Sentaro said whit a smile. "Ukitake taicho always said you liked human clothes so I decided to get something from there."

"Thank you I really like it" Kyoraku said whit a smile.

He then turned to Nanao who was staring wide eyed at two tickets that she held up. "What did you get Nanao Chan?"

"A trip" she said not trusting her voice. "A trip on a cruise in the human world."

She looked down to Unohana who still looked red eyed after opening her own gift. "Arigato Unohana taicho" she said Unohana looking up smiling.

"You need some rest" Unohana said smiling. "And there are two tickets, feel free to bring a friend."

Nanao nodded. "I will."

Hisagi looked curious on his envelope opening it carefully to not ruin whatever lay inside. He blinked at the paper inside, giving him an hour at the local tattoo shop. He turned towards where Rukia sat. She smiled at him when she saw the face.

"I got Renji drunk; he said you wanted to get a tattoo of the 9th squad logo on your back, you just never got the time, so I got an appointment for you."

Hisagi smiled. "Thank you Kuchiki fuku taicho, that was very considerate of you."

Rukia smiled Hisagi pocketing the envelope whit his appointment into his shihakusho. Sentaro smiled too as he opened his own gift, a small wind chime, the top having a golden sun, and hanging under it a bunch of hollow wooden pipes that made a small sound when something hit them.

"Thank you Komamura taicho" he said.

Komamura smiled. "I heard you collected sun figurines and saw that in a shop window. I figured it was as good as any other gift I could find."

Before Sentaro could reply Hitsugaya's voice boomed over everyone else.


Omaeda smiled at Hitsugaya's outburst. "My family is rich taicho, I just pulled some strings."

Hitsugaya just goggled at the two tickets in his hands. "Front row seats for next weeks winter fireworks Omaeda this is madness."

Soi blinked. "The winter fireworks? The one that usually are sod out a year before it's even decided when and where will be."

"That is the one" Omaeda said smiling. "Hinamori and Matsumoto said Hitsugaya taicho enjoyed watching the fireworks from his division's roof. Well not this year."

Matsumoto smiled from her place looking at her taicho all flustered before turning back to her own task, opening this damn strange present. Under all the paper there had been a box whit tape around it, well she intended to get this thing open. She smiled as she finally broke the tape whit her nail opening the long box turning it on the head catching what came out. She goggled as she drew it out understanding what it was.

"Oh my god" she whispered.

Ichigo smiled. "A new sheath for Haineko. The one she has now looks worn out. I paid a girl from the 10th to get the measurements and went down to the old man who runs the weapons store up at the northern wall."

Matsumoto looked at the design. The sheath was the same red hue as she now had for Haineko, but this one had been gold painted. At the bottom of the sheath it where a flowery design whit loads of swirly vines. About 1 third up on the blade the flower disappeared into tiny golden spots symbolising ash, and at the very top of the sheath the ash formed into a spotty cat.

"Also" Ichigo said making Matsumoto look up. "The man polished it so it will last for at least 100 years."

Matsumoto smiled looking down on the sheath again and then started to sniff and suddenly Ichigo was being forced into the well endowed embrace of Matsumoto.

"T-t-t-thank *sniff* you *sniff* It's so kind of *sniff* you."

"It's ok" Ichigo said. "Now can you let me breathe?"

Kenpachi simply shaked his head at the display, women, they where so emotional. He looked at his own present and opened it not really interested. Iba wasn't so stupid that he gave him something sissy at least. He looked at the gift lifting an eyebrow at the gift… A book? He looked at the title and then smiled. How to talk to your Zanpakuto, manifestation whit inn 10 years or your money back. He smiled. Iba wasn't such a bad guy after all.


He sighed looking up as Yachiru collided whit his stomach. "What?"


She held up a small plush lion, making Kenpachi sigh.

"Don't you have a million of those plushies at home?"

"But this is a lion, I don't have any lions."

Kenpachi shaked his head looking over at Hisagi who smiled gently.

"Blame Ikkaku and Yumichka, I asked them what I should get her."

Kenpachi grunted Yachiru running over to Unohana showing off her lion, Unohana gently patting her on the shoulder being her friendly motherly self. Nemu smiled at the display, Yachiru was always so fun to be around.

She looked over to her own parcel opening it carefully her eyes wide as she saw what lay in it. She stood and held out the silky cloth that she had gotten letting it fall making everyone who sat around her whistle low.

It was a silk robe, in scarlet red whit gold around the edges and the arms, the gold spreading like a flame up on both arms and back. Low at the neck there was a golden clasp to close the robe.

"Sasakibe… how… when…how… T-t-t-thank you."

Sasakibe smiled. "It was my pleasure."

"How much did this cost you?"

"You do not want to know."

Sasakibe winched as Yamamoto spoke up sounding a bit annoyed that it was a clothing item he had gone to ask for money to buy.

Nemu laughed but donned the robe over her haori closing it in front doing a small pirouette asking the others present what they thought. Aikon smiled; glad to see how much Nemu had grown after her father had bit the dust. No one really mourned for the loss… except Nemu of course.

He sighed and opened his own present smiling as he saw what he had gotten. "Thank you Hitsugaya taicho" he called making Hitsugaya smile and nod.

Aikon looked down to the book in his hands. It was a book on human science, something that he had always loved studying. The living people where so much more different than the shinigami where.

Ukitake smiled in his seat, the warmth of the fireplace making this very cosy. He opened his own gift smiling as he had gotten a book from a series he liked to read.

"Arigato Isane" he called making Isane turn to face him a small smile on her face.

"Well I knew you read those stories and I figured it would be nice to have something to read on now on these cold days."

Ukitake smiled turning to Kiyone who where gaping. And as he looked into her hand he could do nothing but sympathise for his fuku taicho. Kiyone had always collected moons. And now that Byakuya had to get her something… well if the expensive looking crystal moon in her hands where anything to judge about, Kiyone was happy.

"Byakuya I think you have turned my fuku taicho into a mute."

Byakuya huffed. "I don't think we are that lucky" he replied to wich Sentaro started to laugh and Kiyone got out of her trance glaring at him.

It went a few hours to wich thank you's and comparing gifts Yamamoto called the meeting to an end as everyone had to get up in the morning.

A few weeks later everyone had gone into their own pace again, tickets being used, figurines placed into special places and new things tried out.

And one year later when Yamamoto declared another Secret Santa project, no one could do anything else than groan thinking to them selves, here we go again.
