The Secret Santa's of Soul society

Chapter 1


Christmas was actually a big deal for the shinigami's of soul society. The entire part of celebrating the birth of a guy that to their knowledge didn't exist was enough to make any shinigami laugh, and yet, the thought of free gifts, Christmas food, decorating threes and so on, made Christmas one of the biggest festive celebrations in Soul society. That being said, there was a fine line to how very festive certain people would be.

"You want us to do what?"

Soi Fon could only gape at Yamamoto mortified as he had told them the reason he had summoned the taicho's and fuku taicho's to a meeting. Yamamoto turned towards her making the 2nd squad taicho suddenly realising who she was talking to and straightened up and looked away.

"I think I explained myself very clear Soi Fon taicho," Yamamoto said, his tone mildly irritated. "The high officers of soul society have a bad habit to only talk whit shinigami inside their own squads. Since we are getting close to Christmas I found it appropriate to have a secret Santa project."

"What exactly is a Secret Santa project?" Hitsugaya asked, a bit afraid of the answer.

Nemu, who had taken over as captain after her father had died in the winter war (wishful thinking on my side, nothing more) quickly replied, as if she had swallowed a textbook… again.

"A Secret Santa is a deal between a various numbers of persons, everyone's names are written down on notes and everyone randomly draws another's name and the person's names you get you have to give a present to by a certain period of time. It is also very important to keep who you are giving a present to a secret."

Nemu stopped talking and everyone stared at her as if she had lost her mind, except taicho's Soi Fon (who had heard of this ridiculous tradition from Yoruichi), Ichigo, now taicho of the 5th squad (once again wish thinking) who was a human and had done this at school many years ago, and Kyoraku who even though he hadn't heard of this before thought it sounded like a lot of fun.

When everyone was finished looking at Nemu they turned to Yama jii as if to ask if he was out of his mind.

"There will be no arguments" he said before anyone could open their mouths. "I have already taken the liberty of writing down everyone's names. This will take 1 week. You are bound to have figured out something said person will like by then."

Sasakibe walked up in between the taicho's and fuku taicho's a small cup in his hand.

"Fuku taicho's first" he declared. "All in here are taicho's names; if you pick your own taicho you will pick again, any questions?" Everyone shaked their heads.

"Then if all Fuku taicho's could gather here?"

Unohana smiled gently to Isane as she stepped up to Sasakibe. Ichigo shaked his head at the commotion. As a captain he had chosen Rukia as his own fuku taicho, as the only one he rather would have by his side helping out was Renji, but he had already a place in the 6th squad.

The former fuku taicho of the 5th, Hinamori Momo had been transferred to the fuku taicho position in the 3rd squad after former fuku taicho Kira had gotten the taicho haori as a reward for his services in the war. The same applied to taicho Hisagi in the 9th squad. He had taken in Sentaro from the 13th squad to be his fuku taicho, finally giving Ukitake the peace he needed after Ukitake himself promoted Kiyone up to Kaien's old rank.

"Very well then Omaeda you first."

Omaeda pulled out a note and opened it making sure not to show anyone the name. He breathed a long breath. "Not my taicho, continue dealing out the notes."

Sasakibe nodded and turned to Momo, looking a lot healthier now after the war had ended and she got away from the 5th squad pulled a note from the cup looking at the name, a small smile on her face.

"Not Kira – Kun" she said low making Sasakibe nod and turn around.

Isane was next; she smiled gently to Sasakibe as she pulled another note.

She smiled when she saw the name, glad she had gotten one of the easier names to pick out a gift to.

Next to her Rukia pulled her note, her frown showing that she had not been so lucky in her pick.

Renji who stood next to her smiled reassuringly to her whit out looking at her note and drew his note. He grinned. Luck was on his side today.

Iba drew a note and got strangely pale in the face.

"Bad draw Iba?" Matsumoto asked whit mirth.

"Oh you have no idea" he groaned.

Nanao was bit shaky as she drew her note. She didn't reveal any emotions only determination already planning what to do, this was going to be a toughie for her.

Newly appointed fuku taicho of the 9th Sentaro walked up and drew a note and grinned. He had gotten an easy one.

Matsumoto smiled and closed her eyes as she randomly drew a note. She looked at the note and raised her eyebrows in amazement. This was going to be hard but funny.

Yachiru, who had grown a little bit since the war ended, was still giddy as a child as she drew her note looked at it and got a dangerous grin on her face, her head already plotting.

Aikon, the former 3rd seat of squad 12, now the fuku taicho under Nemu stepped up to bat and took a note and looked at it sighing. Truth be told it could have been better. Worse too yes, but it could have been better.

Kiyone stepped up to Sasakibe, adjusting her 13th squad fuku taicho badge on her arm as she picked one of the two last notes looking at the name. Nodding in understanding she stepped down from Sasakibe folding the note laying it inside her shihakusho where no one could find it as Sasakibe took the last note himself blinking at the name, but not saying anything else on the matter.

"Very well then, do not reveal the taicho's name that you have picked, not even to your own taicho, you can all go now while the taicho's do their own picking of which one of you they will give gifts too."

The lieutenants all nodded and left, they needed time to think this new task over.

Sasakibe walked up to Yamamoto again and got a new cup, and went to where Soi Fon stood.

"You first Soi Fon taicho."

Soi sighed as she drew a note and looked.

"Not Omaeda that's for sure" she said closing the note starting to ponder what the hell she was going to do now.

Sasakibe nodded and turned to Kira who pulled out a note smiling down at the name. "Not Momo" he said and Sasakibe turned to Unohana.

Pulling a note Unohana just smiled her same polite smile, even when Sasakibe turned to face Ichigo, already thinking of the perfect present.

Ichigo pulled his note looked at the name, groaned and slapped his face.

"Unlucky pick Kurosaki taicho?" Komamura asked friendly.

"Not really unlucky" Ichigo confessed. "But it could have been way better."

Byakuya didn't even raise an eyebrow as he pulled his note, but swore to himself that the general was going to pay for humiliating him so much.

Komamura simply nodded to himself at the note, already planning on how to find the perfect present for the fuku taicho, whose name he had picked.

Kyoraku smiled to himself at his own note, thinking that this was indeed going to be fun.

Hisagi picked his own note chuckling at the name. Well at least he got a simple one, maybe he could help Sentaro whit his secret Santa if he needed it.

Hitsugaya sighed as he pulled a note, his genius brain already thinking hard.

Kenpachi took another note laughing once at the name.

"Typical" he mumbled, no one bothering to ask, it was against the rules anyhow.

Nemu, who had actually gotten a bit of a personality after her fathers death gave a small polite smile to Sasakibe as she pulled a note herself, a small smile on her face.

This will be a nice change of pace she thought to herself as Sasakibe turned to Ukitake.

Ukitake pulled a note and smiled, hoping that his sickness would hold off for one week so he could finish this off.

Sasakibe ran up to Yamamoto, offering him the last note which Yamamoto took and looked at, grunting once before looking up to the rest of the taicho's.

"You all have your assignments, you can go. Remember, one week is all you get."

And whit that everyone cleared out, a few asking Unohana if she had any remedy for migraines. They would probably need them.