Chapter 9: Protection Detail

Time: Same as last chapter

Gibbs POV

I'm still looking at the screen where just seconds ago the SecNav stood. Telling me that there was a chance that my daughter was here, or on her way here with a group of terrorists, I don't want to think about why they may have brought her. Gathering my senses I get up and walk out of MTAC, ignoring Jen's call for me to come back. I rush down to the bullpen where my team is, still trying to finish reports.

"We've got a case" I say, as I walk over to my desk and grab my gun out of the drawer.

"Where at?" DiNozzo asks as he grabs his gear.

"The marina" I reply heading towards the elevator.

"Boss, what's going on at the marina?" I hear McGee ask as he and DiNozzo finish scrambling to get their gear.

"Threat by Hamas." Is all I say as the elevator doors close.

A quick car ride later and we're all standing in the main office at the marina; they've also gotten a call from SecNav so they know to expect us.

"We've got 15 men that are devoted to the security of this marina, will that be enough?" The captain asks.

"Plenty," I reply, "The goal isn't to spook them into doing something stupid."

"You mean like attacking a marina?" The captain asks sarcastically

"Something like that." I reply.

"Sir?" We both look at the door where a petty officer is standing, looking distinctly uncomfortable at interrupting us.

"One moment Petty Officer; Agent Gibbs, let me know where you plan on having people stationed." The captain says ending the conversation.

"Will do." I reply turning around to walk out of the building. I see my DiNozzo and McGee standing over by the car. DiNozzo's got his back to me and is picking on McGee…again. I walk over and slap DiNozzo on the back of the head as way of greeting.

"Hey Boss, what's the news?" DiNozzo asks.

"We've got 15 more men, and 2 hours to have them positioned." I say, looking around the marina.

Kelly's POV

Time: 1115

I've never been one to be sea sick, but being stuck in a tiny room with no food and little water while going wherever it is we're going is enough to make even me a touch green. The men that have me now are much, much bigger then Ari was, I may not know where they're going, but I do know that I'm not the only leverage they have. I can only hope that this is done soon and that I can somehow manage to get out of here and back home. Since I've been kidnapped I've done my best not to think of home, it hurts too much, but since I saw my Daddy last week it's been so hard not to. I miss going horseback riding with my parents, just hanging out with them watching a movie. I know that it will never be the same again but I hope that I can make it back to my Daddy soon. I miss him.

A/N: Sorry this has taken me so long to get out. My life is a little crazy right now; my Grandpa has been in the hospital and just got out. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
