Okay, this is my very first story ever! It's set after the third season of Sonic X on the planet Mobius and stars my new OC. This is her story about how she came to know the Sonic characters, some even closer than others. Feel free to review and give me tips. I'd like to know if anyone seems out of character. Please no rude comments or flames! Enjoy!
I don't own anything or any characters in this story or the Sonic Universe...except my OC.
Chapter 1: A Sudden Light
All day. All night. Drip…drip…drip…drip. You would think someone would notice and fix the stupid leak. Didn't it get on anyone else's nerves other than hers? Maybe there was no drip…maybe she was going insane.
Drip…drip…drip…drip. Maybe if she just thought of something else. Maybe if she imagined something in her head and let it consume her whole being until nothing else lurked in her thoughts, maybe the dripping would be drowned out. She would have liked her thoughts to be consumed by her family…but that was too painful. It would be worse than the drip, and the drip was bad. It came to the point that if she heard just one more little drip she might go crazy. She might lose her mind. Then she would become the drip and her misery would be over.
She knew it was coming. All she had to do was wait just a moment longer and she would be gone. Lost in the vastness of her mind…
"Hey, honey. I brought you some food."
The smooth talking voice interrupted her thoughts with a jolt. She blinked and looked up through her prison's bars at the figure who held a bowl of something hot out towards her. She took the bowl with shaky hands from the sassy jewel thief with the smooth voice.
"'Thought you might like something hot for a change. Those robots can't cook and Shadow never considers anyone's feelings other than his own," the bat continued. She smiled slyly at the little prisoner in front of her and reached through the bars to pat her head.
"Don't touch me. Leave me alone."
"Sorry, sweetheart. I just thought you might like a little company. After all, you are down here in the dark with no one to talk to. I would think you'd go insane." The bat shifted on her hips and surveyed the pitiful little child in front of her.
"If you want to do something for me, let me out."
"You know just as well as I do that that's not an option. Eggman would just send Shadow out to track you down again anyways. I don't know why you keep asking to be free when that's obviously never gonna happen, sister."
"Then at least get someone to fix that leaking faucet."
"I'll see what I can do, darling. In the mean time if there is anything else you need don't hesitate to call me."
Something moved in the shadows off to the side and a deep voice resounded into the small room. "Rouge, leave her alone. I told you not to bother her."
"Fine, Shadow. Calm down. I was only trying to cheer her up and feed her some proper food," Rouge the bat said and sidled over to the new figure in the dark. "I'll leave her to you then, handsome." She glided away out the doorway, leaving the mysterious Shadow glaring at the captive in the cage. He grunted, turned sharply, and walked away without having spoken a word to her. She shivered and began to eat the soup that was slowly getting cold. At least Rouge was kind enough to bring things and to visit, even though she was annoying, persistent, and only did things for the benefit of herself. Shadow never said a word and when he did come to check on her he would simply glare with his red eyes at her blue ones. It would always make her so uncomfortable.
The minutes ticked by again as they always did…and someone must have fixed the leak because she couldn't hear the dripping anymore.
This was worse than the dripping. At least that had been a subtle quiet like nice, this was loud. The booming and explosions vibrated and resounded all the way down to the cellar were she was curled up in a ball at the far end of her cell. It seemed like just moments before it had been quiet and she had been hungry. Then fighting broke loose and the whole structure of Dr. Eggman's fortress trembled with awesome power. She was very hungry now. She had been in the prison for days now without food while her caretakers were too busy with the fighting and defense to remember her. No one ever came down to check on her. She felt forgotten and alone…
There was a loud crash. Louder than before and the room she was in shook harder than before. She couldn't take it anymore so she cried out in frustration.
"Stop please! Just stop! Leave me alone! Leave me in peace! Can't I have some quiet?"
Then she heard something and stopped her shouting to perk her ears forward and listen. She was listening so intently, trying to hear that sound again when a beam of light shot down into the room. It was so bright! She hadn't seen light in such a long time. Not in months had she been comforted by its warmth. She could hardly stand it. Her eyes had just barely adjusted when she saw something…someone come towards where she was curled with hands up to cover her eyes. He came into the light and blocked it with his body and she caught a glimpse of blue fur and green eyes. Then light blinded her again and she could only here his voice. It brought tears to her eyes and she started crying at the sweet sound of a caring person. It was the voice of someone who cared because she was in danger, not because she was a prize or because she knew something they wanted to know, but because she was hurt and needed someone to be there for her.
"Hey, there. Are you okay? What are you doing down here in Eggman's dungeon?" he asked her.
She still couldn't see his face, just the blackness of a silhouette. "Wh-who are you?"
"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog."