Just So you know- this is only meant as a sort of Epilogue/Ending. Just to wrap things up.

The air force soldier slipped into the Malibu mansion- ignoring the alarms that went off and Jarvis' nonchalant voice informing him that the police had been contacted.

But the sight of his best friend hobbling out of a side room holding a shiny cane. What surprised him was the arm-piece from the IRON MAN suit aimed at him.

"What the- Rhody? Why are you here?"
"Pepper called-" Rhody replied- the grin on his face

"Why didn't you tell her no?" Tony asked, still not dropping the IRON MAN arm.

Rhody saw that he looked better- still pale and thinner- but better.

"Have you ever tried to tell Potts no?"

When his friend didn't respond the grin widened.

"Exactly." Rhody replied

Tony sat down wearily on the floor- he didn't have the strength to make it to a couch or chair.

Rhody wanted to rush forward and help- it was in his nature to help and protect others, but he resisted instead making jokes and small talk while his best friend ran fingers up both sides of his legs in an attempt to stop the throbbing.

Tony knew that he shouldn't have been on them so quickly- or in his weakened state. But he couldn't stand waiting- and being as impatient as he usually was, he completely ignored the rules and or anything else that terfered with his impatient schedule.

"When's the date?" Asked Rhody- to get his mind off of his friend in pain.

Tony rattled off a time in the future.

Rhody nodded- watching the light play across the huge house.

As it turns out- a story was leaked to the press that One, Anthony Stark and One Virginia Potts eloped three days later.

According to some reports they were spending their honeymoon in France- there was also a report that IRON MAN was also seen that week rescuing hostages from insurgents near the Moroccan border.

So when Tony floated in after his adventure to his waiting wife who was looking both proud and worried at the same time- he realized that this was what it meant to be happy.

He attempted to kiss her- while in this euphoric state- and promptly fell, knocking her flat in the process.

Tony laughed pulling her up off the ground.

"Some super hero-" She smirked. "It's a miracle that they haven't arrested you- attacking poor women standing on their balconies."
"Well I'm sorry of new at this ma'am." He replied, playing along.

"It's no excuse. If you're going to be a super hero you need to know these things."
His chuckle threatened to burst forth- she was looking pretty severe.

"But my super suit is pretty awesome- you have to admit."
She shrugged.

"Is that your super hero name- Mr. Shiny Suit?"
"Nah." He replied- pulling her suddenly to him- his voive growing deep and husky. "I am Iron Man."


Now I could tell you that they married and lived happily ever after- never once finding strife in their married bliss.

But that wouldn't be the whole story, and it would be in short -a lie and I think that you would be mightily displeased by such a boring ending.

So I will tell you, that she married him- and he loved her, and that they were happy and that they fought and argued when he came home hurt while being a hero.

But he was home when their children were delivered, although a little late for number 3, which turned out to be his second son.

I can also tell you that they had their father's eyes and their mother's hair- and that the second son was building an arc reactor by the age of four.

You'll have to know that he was loyal to her all those years, against his very nature- and that people stopped calling her a golddigger within two weeks after the wedding.

Their house was always a state of chaos- and when Tony Stark turned back to look at all the stories and adventures that had led up to this moment, he was unable to verbalize his gratitude to the Powers That Be for a life that was so fulfilled.

Iron Man was most likely, eventually defeated, and Pepper at some point made her final journey.

But I do not tell you that story.

I have told you this story-and this, as all stories must end.


Random Ending I know- but I had no choice, this was how it had to end- it was short and to the point, as endings should be.

I hope you enjoyed my story. As you know- I own nothing to do with Iron Man, the only thing that is original is my lovely story.

Review if you like-

Thanks again for reading.

