He was right in front of her, watching her, waiting. She didnt know whether to laugh or cry or kick his ass.

Hey little girl im back he thought to himself. He looked her up and down damn not a little girl anymore.

She turned and started to walk away, he jumped up and grabbed her arm, she turned and punched him right in the jaw. His head spun and he was knocked to the ground. If he wasnt so shocked he would've hit her back.

He pulled himself up and stood there staring damn it, the girls got a hell of a right hook. He thought as he watched her walk back up the stairs, he could taste blood, shit.

He went after her.

She was sat on her bed looking at her fist, she hit him, she couldnt believe she'd hit him. It felt good but at the same time she felt guilty. She had missed him so much but she also hated him so much for leaving her.

There was a soft knock on the door "Jack" he called, there was no answer. "Jack, come on. Im sorry" She laid back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She heard him slide down the door and sit.

"I missed you" he called "God i missed you, Jack?" he asked waiting for a reply. "Forgive me." he said.

The door opened suddenly and he fell backwards, it was all she could do not to laugh. He pulled himself up.

"Forgive you, how can i forgive you Riddick?" She walked back into the room.

"Come on Jack, i came back didn't i"

"Thats not the point Riddick" she growled. He moved further into the room, closer to her. She put up her hand.
"You come any closer Riddick, im gonna....i'll....i don't know what i'll do, just keep away from me." she warned. All of a sudden there were footsteps outside that stopped in front of the door. Riddick moved and opened the door and a little girl ran in towards Jack.

"Whats the matter baby girl" she picked the little girl up onto her lap.

Riddick looked a her as if to say who's the kid? The little girl hid her face in Jacks long curly chestnut hair.

"Ziza sweety, whats wrong?"

"Monsters" she whispered

"It was just a bad dream Ziza, it's ok."

Ziza looked up.

"The monsters not gonna get me?" she asked.

"No sweety, there's no monsters. Lets get you back to bed"

Ziza looked towards Riddick, he'd taken his goggles off to get a better look at Jack. The girl gasped and clung onto jack.

"It's ok Ziza, he wont hurt you," she assured her. The girl was intrigued.

"Are you Riddick?" she asked him

"Yeah kid im Riddick" he answered. She climed off Jacks lap and moved towards him.

"You came back" she said moving even closer


"You hurt my sister real bad you know, she said you were a fu..." Riddick chuckled as Jack cut her off.

"Ziza!" Jack almost yelled "Time for bed" she scooped the girl up.

"Did you come back to make Jack feel better?" she asked, Jack paused.

"Yeah kid, i missed her." he replied.

Jack took Ziza back to her room. She put her in her bed and pulled the covers over her.

"will he be here tomorrow?" she asked

"I don't know, goodnight ziza" she kissed her on the forehead and got up.

"Goodnight Jack" she whispered.

Riddick was at the door.

"Cute kid" he said.

She glared at him and walked past tuning off the light as she went.

"Jack, come on, how many times do i need to say im sorry?" he asked as he followed her downstairs.

"Maybe just once more Riddick" she shouted throwing her arms up in despair, "Do you not get it Riddick? Sorry is not gonna cut it.?"

"Then what will Jack? tell me cos i just don't know what to do, do you even realise how hard it is for me to say sorry, it's pretty damn fucking hard Jack. I could have been doing something else right now, but im not, im here wasting my time apologising to you because for some fucked up reason i missed you, ok , i missed you Jack" he stopped for air, she just looked at him.

"What do you want me to do Riddick? forgive you just like that and forget it never happened? is that it?"

"Yeah Jack it is."

"Well i can't" she yelled, "i cant forget what you put me through."

"Oh i didn't put you through anything"

"Yes you did, and don't you dare try and fucking deny it. When you left Riddick, mercs had no idea where to look for you next so where do you think they went Riddick, who was the last one to see you, Me thats who. They came and they hurt me so much but i couldn't tell them where you were, so they hurt me even more. I hated you then Riddick, what makes you think i'll ever stop hating you?" she stopped breathless.

He stood there looking at her, not knowing what to say. They stood there in silence.

He looked at her "Im sorry Ja...." he was cut off.

"You know what Riddick, i just want to, i just.... i just wanna go back to bed" she went to walk back upstairs, he grabbed her arm.

"Im sorry, Jack"

"Don't Riddick." she whispered, she was tired and couldn't be bothered to argue anymore. She went back to her room. She went to a draw and pulled out a blanket, she reached over and grabbed one of her pillows and handed them to him. He looked at her as if to say what are these for? she pointed at the door, "Just go sleep on the couch, or wherever."

"Goodnight Jack." he said as he turned and went downstairs

Jack laid back in her bed trying to think about what she was going to do about Riddick but failed miserably, she fell fast asleep still thinking about him.