The Fields of Hades

5: Pillage

Through hazy eyes, Light watched L's retrieving back when the man had to open the door and close it softly behind himself while the shinigami melted right through it.

He wanted to follow them; he knew that whatever was being said behind that door was probably important enough for him actually get his ass off the bed and listen to, at least listen in on, but as far as movements went, he was exhausted.

The only other time he'd attempted active involvement in the world around him to this degree was when he gave Misa Amane too much credit.

That only proved three things: Misa Amane was as dumb as she looked, Misa Amane was as insane as she looked (and after the incident she had documents to prove it) and Light couldn't keep his appearance for very long... and that kind of resulted in number two, but that wasn't his problem.

This was awful.

A shinigami.


He couldn't believe his luck, and yet he couldn't believe how much energy he actually needed to get up and talk to it.

L didn't know shit, what could he possibly ask it that would help Light in any way? That's right, Light told him some things, he almost forgot...

No, no, no! Stay! he ordered his consciousness, but the awareness of the things around him was slowly slipping though his fingers as he clawed at it... he realized his fingertips dug slightly against L's mattress and he could actually feel its texture.


He wouldn't.

It was pathetic, scary every time it happened even after so many countless, horrifying times, it was still scary and Light tried everything he could to grasp his own cautiousness and hold onto it...

If he kept this up, soon he would disappear, melt, become one with air and drift away against his will to move the opposite direction.

He would pass by people, sometimes familiar people he would scream for, but his screams would be nothing to their deaf ears.

He would catch snippets of conversations he'd never hear the end of.

He would just... exist, and it was hell, to just wonder the world like that.

It was tiring... every sound that broke out of his mouth took effort of screaming for hours, every thing he touched or picked up hurt his hands and... shinigami...

He felt his lips part slightly and he thought he should at least try to call for L... 'Ryuzaki' was too long to pronounce, so he mouthed "L" instead, but it wasn't even nearly above a whisper.

He saw his fingertips begin to melt.

This was his limit, he could do no more.

Try again and disappear for a few hours of hell, or sleep.

As far as shinigami's importance...

Went, Light still...



Feeling sort of dazed by an overwhelming staring at a very dead thing for an hour, L gingerly tiptoed around where the gorgeous brunette laid passed out on his side of the bed.


The boy rested on his back, his chest rising and falling, brown locks sprayed the sheets in all directions, long lashes twitched slightly and rosy lips were parted. Light's perfect, long fingers resting near his sleeping face were relaxed as if they were clinging to the mattress for dear life and now went limp from exhaustion.

Light looked so, so... he didn't look like he was going to be waking up anytime soon...

And L was L, and for the most part, L was unaffected by having a near-death experience with a very supernatural thing only moments ago... and Light was sleeping, and L really didn't have much to do until the brunette woke up... huh.

L was L.

Carefully, he pinched the tip of the red marker sticking out of Light's pocket between his two fingers and pulled it out cautious of not to touch anything but the marker.

Light's fragile form couldn't handle the contact with L's skin, that marker however proved to be useful on many occasions...

L was L.

Light was unconscious.

Briefly L looked up to the ceiling to make sure he had no moral dilemma...

Nope, nothing.

Flipping the marker and holding it by the lid, L experimentally poked Light's creamy cheek with the rounded end. No melting.

L grinned and trailed the pen down the soft skin towards the parted lips and traced around the bottom one, imagining the texture of it at he applied pressure and the rosy flesh suddenly pressed together, irritated.

Heat colored L's own face as he imagined other places where he could put that pen to good use where he himself couldn't touch.

Light's face just twitched in unconscious irritation and L was more than happy to remove it.

Clothes are off-limits, huh...

Light's explanation about his clothes was so faulty L couldn't help himself but stretch out his pinky and gently poke Light's sleeve, then grasp the limp hand around the wrist where clothes still surrounded the skin.

This was good. L straddled the sleeping beauty without any further testing and pressed his open palms against clothed chest; the body under him twitched as L let his thumb brush over a relaxed nipple. Though he couldn't really touch it... he pinched the fabric along with the flesh under it, and after a few agitated movements from the receiving party, L was satisfied to see the clear outline of the perky nub.

There was no body heat radiating from the skin under the clothes... and that just wouldn't do. L had better ideas anyway, and he probably shouldn't piss off the brunette too much, or all hell would break loose if heaven forbid, Light was to wake up. Naturally, L moved onto the wondrous parts of beautiful Light Yagami he had yet to see.

No, no moral dilemma here either, he thought calmly as he undid the offending zipper and slowly pulled gray uniform pants and blue stripy boxers down.

Really, L grinned smugly.

He should go down for sexual harassment.

And down, down the pants went...

The very inappropriate sight below him made L shift to a more comfortable position so that the beginnings of an erection he was getting wouldn't get in the way of his real plans... he licked his lips and after a few brief strokes with a pen to Light's limp and absolutely unbothered private organ earned him absolutely no reaction (like L expected it would), he slowly grasped under one of pants-clad knees and pulled the leg up so that another wonderful area came to his view.

L grinned again.

Serves him right for being such a tease and lying about his clothes, anyway. This wasn't about sex, though L did consider raiding the Yagami house for condoms their son might've touched and, well...

Nope, still no moral dilemma, but the exposed boy under L was beginning to shrug irritably in his deep sleep.

Hastily, L licked the round end of the pen the best he could and dove inside a few inches.


"So that shinigami is called Ryuk."

"Yes, Light-kun."

"And he knew about me."

Ryuk was not an exceptionally bright shinigami, but he told L many interesting and mostly useless things before he left.

"Yes, Light-kun."

"And he showed up 'cause we were onto something bad," Light hadn't gotten up yet, and he started up from the bed to where L sat away from him, perhaps too far away. His face was slightly distracted, as if trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Yes, Light-kun."

Light stared at L suspiciously.

"Something the matter, Light-kun?" L watched in amusement as Light rearranged his legs and the odd look on the brunette's face became slightly disturbed.

"No," the boy very obviously lied, shifting his legs again, "I just wish I could talk to him myself."

L wondered how long it was until he would be torn into shreds by supernatural hurricane of sharp objects.

"Hmm..." the almond-shaped eyes held about twenty very important questions, and yet all Light could do was rustle uncomfortably around L's bed, "... did he..." oh, that definitely hit the spot, "you know what, hold that thought I'll be right back."

The ethereal creature lifted himself gracefully up from L's bed and L nearly giggled as the caramel eyes widened slightly at what most likely was unexpected mild pain where pain should not be.

Light nearly ran for L's bathroom.

There were cameras there too, so L would make sure to watch the tapes later-

"L YOU FUCKING CUNT I'M GONNA RIP YOUR FUCKING DICK OFF AND FEED IT TO YOU!" the door burst open, and oh, if only very angry glares could kill and clenched fists could set things on fire.

"What is Light-kun talking about?"

"OH DON'T YOU 'WHAT-LIGHT-KUN' ME, YOU PERVERTED SHIT!" L jumped out of his chair and backed away from the approaching ball of fury with puffy cheeks and narrowed eyes.


"You piece of trash," Light whined from his position against the wall where he sat on the floor and hugged his knees adorably, very clearly wronged by L's actions.

L apologized again and continued cleaning the aftermath of scattered junk and paper waste.

"Son of a bitch, I hate you," Light whined again and L supposed only cute tears would make the brunette look more huggable, but Kira-chan's already injured pride wouldn't allow for cute tears, and L settled on the pouty face.

Shinigami could wait.

"I apologize I have violated Light-kun in such a wicked manner," L deadpanned again as he discarded still-bloody paperknife into a box he would hide in case another hurricane of righteousness razed his room to the ground again.

"That's not even the worst part! You realize it's not gonna wash off, right?"

L was actually very happy that Light couldn't wash off the writing L left on Light's firm behind just to add insult to injury.

Light's perfectly round, perfectly smooth and very appealing butt, after being probed with a pen in the most despicable way now also featured the following:

A heart, 'L was here' and an arrow.

L just couldn't resist, even if it cost him two fair nicks to the shoulder with a paperknife, one to the face, and three bruises from being hit by books that made surprisingly good projectiles.

Fair price, L noted.