Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy. Period. End of story.

Summary: AU. A year has passed since the summer everyone worked at the mall, but now they're back for round two. As relationships grow stronger and others fall apart, they learn that not all summers are fun.

Pairings (the stable ones): RoxasAxel, RufusNamine, YuffieKairi, ZexionDemyx

Mall Duty 2

1. A New Summer

Part 1

Sora slammed the car door shut, his eyes burning an intense blue. "I don't want to talk to you," he snarled at the silver-haired man standing behind him. "I don't want to look at you, so shut up and leave me the fuck alone."

Roxas stepped out of the drivers side, directing a glare almost identical to his twin's at the silver-haired man as he walked around the car. "You heard him. Beat it, asshole."

Riku started forward, opening his mouth, but was quickly backhanded by Sora before the brunet stomped away. His eyes widened in surprise as he stared after his ex-boyfriend, completely ignoring the blond still standing there with narrowed eyes.

"I don't know what you did to him," Roxas said. "But whatever it is, I won't ever forgive you for it. I don't fucking care if Sora does eventually forgive you, I will not."

"You don't even know what's going on, so back off," Riku said. "This is none of your business."

Roxas grabbed the front of Riku's shirt and slammed him back against his car. "Shut up," he hissed. "Don't tell me that it's none of my business when it's my twin brother who you have hurt. I am going to make it my business whether you like it or not, so get over it." He quickly released Riku's shirt as if he'd been burned and then hurried after Sora.

'Fuck. I am so screwed,' Riku thought.

"Hey there, handsome," Roxas purred, leaning against the counter at Spencers.

Axel quickly straightened up, slamming his head into some merchandise hanging over him. He let out a single curse as he turned to face Roxas.

"I'll kiss it better if you'd like," Roxas said.

Axel grinned, leaning down to rest his arms on the counter so his face was right in front of Roxas's, their noses barely touching. "Would you?" he asked deviously. "I might have to take you up on that."

As Roxas tilted his head up to kiss Axel on the lips, a box slammed down on the counter between them. The two blinked and pulled back to stare at Sora, who was so pissed off that he was actually glaring at them.

"Problem?" Roxas asked.

Sora's glare increased in intensity. "Yes. Axel has work to do so get back over to your own damn store, Roxas," he hissed.

Roxas stood up straight, narrowing his eyes at Sora. "Hey, we're both on break right now. You can get Larxene to do whatever the hell you need done. The way you're acting right now, she'll probably listen to you," he said. Then he grabbed Axel's hand and pulled him over the counter, defiantly kissing him right then and there before pulling him out of the store, leaving behind a fuming Sora.

"Larxene!" the enraged brunet shouted, pivoting on his heel to glare at the blonde nymph who was trying to convince a customer to buy a giant universal remote.

"Just a minute," she said in a saccharine sweet tone.

"Now," Sora growled.

Larxene fell silent and stared at Sora in something akin to shock and then slowly set the large remote down and sauntered over to the brunet. Sora quickly set her to task with unloading boxes and running (or rather, walking as slowly as possible just to piss him off) all over the store to do things while he stood there behind the counter and glared at every couple who dared walk into the store.

"So let me get this straight," Rikku said as she hopped up onto the counter at Hot Topic. "Or un-straight, if you prefer." (Riku rolled his eyes at the horrible pun.) "Sora is fighting with you and because of that you have to stay away from Roxas because he'll beat you up. And you can't go out the front of the store because Sora will be there to glare at you and you hate that. And you can't even go to Moogle Garden anymore because Sora still goes there everyday for lunch and your lunch breaks are still at the same time because the two of you are too damn stubborn to change it and show weakness to the other. Am I right?"

Riku nodded miserably.

Rikku raised an eyebrow as she crossed one leg over the other. "You know what I think? I think that both of you are idiots. But hey, maybe that's just me."

"Aren't you suppose to be, you know, helping me?" Riku asked.

"Yeah, yeah," Rikku said, waving her hand. "Alright. First of all, by not going out the front you're showing weakness to Sora. Y'gotta at least show that you have some balls! Second of all, stand up to Roxas. Don't let him bully you so much. You're bigger than him! I don't get why you're so afraid of him. Third of all, either change your damn lunch break or find someplace else to eat at. I hear that the new place, Kung Pow Wutai, is pretty good. Even though the name is really weird."

"But I've always eaten at Moogle Garden," Riku protested.

"Then it's time for a change!" Rikku exclaimed before hopping down from the counter. "Be a man, Riku! Don't make me play that one Disney song!"

Riku winced. He never wanted to hear that song again. It was bad enough that Rikku enjoyed randomly tugging him into the Land of Dragon's branch of the Disney store whenever they were leaving for the day. And if she started playing it in the store, they would never get any customers. They got so few as it was!

Rikku hummed the song as she bounded away into the depths of the small store, probably to torment some unsuspecting customer and talk him or her into buying something.

Riku sighed and slumped against the counter. It was going to be another long day.

Aerith sighed. It was only two days into the summer and already she felt like screaming in frustration. For once, her frustration wasn't due to misfiled paperwork or people trying to return games from years and years ago. And for once, Yuffie wasn't at the route of all her problems. No, instead it was her two workers.

Hesitantly, she opened her office door and peered out into the store. There was Genesis, older brother of Yuffie's girlfriend, Kairi. Once again he was reading something and pretending like the rest of the world didn't exist. Against the opposite wall playing Brawl with someone was Sephiroth.

For a moment, Aerith felt relieved. Then she took a closer look at who Sephiroth was playing the game with and felt a shudder run down her spine. It was one of his cousins, either Kadaj or Yazoo. She hoped it was the former. Kadaj could at least control his temper, much like Sephiroth.

"Aerith, I know you are there," Genesis said smoothly. "Are you done hiding away in your office now?"

Aerith walked out of her office with her head held high. There was no way she was going to show weakness to Genesis of all people. "Reading LOVELESS again, I see," she remarked. "Which act?"

Genesis smirked and began reading, "Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess. We seek it thus, and take to the sky."

"Act One," Aerith said.

"You remembered," Genesis replied.

"You read it everyday," Aerith said. "And you are rather fond of quoting it outloud. I'm sure most of our regular customers have it memorized as well. Although it is rather curious…"

Genesis shifted a little, moving the book so Aerith couldn't see the pages. "Oh?"

"You're always on Act One," Aerith said. "It makes me wonder if you've only memorized those lines and are secretly reading something else. But I guess that's just my imagination."

"Yes, I believe so."

Thinking the conversation was over, Genesis gave his undivided attention to his book. So he was a little startled when Aerith held out a hand for the book.

"May I?" she asked sweetly.

Genesis hesitated. In that split second of hesitation, Aerith reached out and easily plucked the book from his hands, eliciting a cry of alarm from the redhead. Green eyes fell on the pages of the book and the pretty brunette had to stifle her giggles at what she saw.

"Since when do you read manga?" she asked. "And Loveless, of all things,"

"Shut up!" Genesis hissed, snatching back his book. "So what if I do?"

Aerith laughed quietly. "Isn't that one of Kairi's?" she asked, ignoring his question.

A light shade of pink spread across Genesis's cheeks as he looked away. "Hn," he muttered.

Aerith contained her giggling as she handed the book back to him. "Don't worry," she told him as she turned away. She paused by the door to her office and turned her head back to wink at him as she said, "I won't tell."

Genesis growled as he was subjected to her airy laugh once again. Oh how he hated that laugh. It wasn't condescending or malicious, quite the opposite really. It was sweet and gentle and so… her. Genesis hated it.

"For the last time, Zack!" Reeve exclaimed in exasperation as he ran out front to stop his newest employee for the third time that morning. "Stripping to entertain our customers is not part of the job description!"

Zack reluctantly pulled his shirt back down over his head. "I think they disagree. Besides, what's wrong with trying to liven up the place and entertain everyone? I think they rather enjoy the view."

Reeve looked around at the squealing fangirls (and a few fanboys) and almost winced in fear. He had had his own share of experiences with the rabid variety of fans and had become quite adept at getting them to go away without too much disaster raining down on him. "That's not the point! This is a restaurant! We have health and safety codes!"

Zack pouted as he put his moogle hat back on. "You're no fun, Ree."

Reeve twitched. "It's Reeve."

Zack shrugged as he tied his apron back on. "Whatever you say, Ree."

"It's REEVE!"

"Hello, Reeve," a sultry voice purred.

Reeve flinched. He knew that voice. He also knew what that tone meant. Slowly, he turned his hair to peer at the blond leaning against the counter looking up at him through lidded blue eyes. "C-Cloud," he stammered.

"That is my name," Cloud said, sliding himself up onto the counter. "I'm so happy you remember it."

Reeve began to back away from the eccentric blond. "Now, Cloud, you and I both know that you don't really want to do this. Why don't you go on back to Abercrombie and attach yourself to Squall like you are so fond of doing."

Cloud swung his legs over the counter, resting them lightly on the ground on the other side. "Why have Squall when I can have you?"

Reeve took another step back. "B-because…"

"Because why?" Cloud challenged, standing up.

"Just because!"

"That's not a good enough reason."

Reeve cast around for someone who would help him. The first person he saw was Selphie, who had her tray raised up to cover the lower half of her face. Knowing that she was trying to hide the fact that she was laughing, Reeve continued looking around. Then his eyes landed on Zack.

"Zack! Help!"

"Sorry, Reeve," Zack apologized, not sounding very sorry. "It's the Strife Family Curse. Nothing I can do about that. Besides, you might as well go and get it over with otherwise he'll be all the more determined to get at you."

"Zack! You're suppose to help your employer!" Reeve all but shrieked as Cloud began advancing on him.

Zack cupped a hand around his ear. "Sorry? What was that? 'Go do your job, Zack'? Okay!" Humming, he bounced off to clean tables.


End Chapter

What's this? Could it be? YES! It's the first chapter of Mall Duty 2! Which means that my muses have returned and the ideas are running rampant in my mind. I figured I'd get a few of the stores this chapter and then do the others in the next chapter. And I know I'm going to regret trying to write this at school... I was sitting at a table at my college today working on the Moogle Garden scene and had to stop myself from laughing when I decided to bring Cloud in. And for Reeve's opening line. I tell you what, I feel bad for the people around me when I write. I'm sure I make all sorts of funny faces that reflect what I'm writing...

And the weirdest scene to write? The Hot Topic scene with Rikku and Riku. Yeah. I wrote it and it still makes my brain go, "What the hell?"