fanfic100 claim

Title: It Just Wasn't Enough

Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!

Characters: Yami no Malik, Ryou Bakura

Prompt: #34 Not Enough

Word Count: 1,623

Chapter: 1/100

Rating: PG, for... homosexuality? For safety.

Summary: "I'm sorry, I didn't know", he replied and Ryou smiled shakily at him.

Author's Notes: This is the first story of 100 about Yami no Malik and Ryou Bakura. They will not in all be in a relationship or start one, if they do, 'Yaoi' will be labeled in the warnings. These is a standalone, so the future chapters will neither be based on this one nor will it be necessary to read all chapters to understand one. Though there will be a few sets (don't know how many yet). I will especially mention those in the A/N. Now, have fun!

This was beta-read by ladygodess! Go read her set of drabbles, they're really worth it.

Warnings: Yaoi, sad, friendship, heartbreak, Yami no Malik will be referred to as "Mariku" here.

He knew something was up, when he waved a greeting at his best friend from afar, only to see him turn his back on him. He frowned, something was definitely wrong and had been for awhile now. He didn't know when he figured that out, however, his friend was acting weirder around him lately. Though the beating around the bush would stop today, he was determined to see why, stopping a few steps behind his friend.

"Ryou, we need to talk."

The silver-haired youth turned around at hearing the familiar voice and smiled diffidently. "Sure." The two males walked away from their friends and settled down beneath a cherry tree. They stayed quiet for some time, Ryou fidgeting nervously under his friend's stare.

"S-so what d-did you want to... t-talk about?", the silver-haired teen stammered, avoiding the other's lavender-coloured gaze. The other male sighed, shaking his blond head sadly.

"You're doing it again.", he stated.

"Doing what?" Ryou glanced up when his friend didn't answer right away. "Mariku?"

With a heavy sigh he said. "Avoiding me."

They locked gazes for a few seconds.

"Did I do or say something wrong?"

Ryou shook his head, no.

"What is it then?"

Silence met him again, making his eyes narrow and he growled angrily. "Ry, talk to me!" Mariku got a little frustrated when Ryou failed to say anything. "I'm your best friend, ain't I? Why can't you just tell me what's wrong!"

When Ryou simply glanced away, Mariku stood up abruptly, glaring down at his jumpy friend. They both tensed, but still Ryou wouldn't look up at him. The blond male snarled, crossing his arms and huffing.

"Fine then, be that way!", he snapped and turned, stalking off moodily. The silver-haired youth gulped, jumping up and running after his best friend. He knew, he should have said something, but he just didn't know why, he was so confused and afraid of what the other may think or say...

"Mariku, wait! Please! I'm sorry!", Ryou called out to the blond. Fortunately, he stopped and looked over his shoulder at him, his face expressionless. "I... gomen, Mariku. I'll explain... someday, I will."

"Why not now?", he inquired rather calmly, turning slightly to face the teen better. "Why so vague?"

The silver-haired youth gulped, staring at the ground, finding the dirt rather interesting all of a sudden. He had always known that the day would come when he had to Mariku about this, but because of his shyness he postponed it time after time. He still wasn't ready.

"I... I can't."

Mariku looked at him for a long moment, before turning and heading off into the school building just as the bell rang. He had his hands in his pockets casually, though a frown marred his face. Ryou hung his head, knowing exactly the other was, at least a little, mad at him for not telling him and making such a fuss about it.

He slowly walked down the corridors, entering the classroom only seconds before the teacher did. He sat down silently and stared ahead pensively. Ryou knew it was about time he told Mariku, they were friends since the other moved here four years ago. And Ryou had kept his little secret for about three months, hiding it from his best friend successfully, which in itself is astounding, seeing how close they were.

Throughout the rest of the school day, Ryou doodled on his papers and stared out of the window. He didn't want Mariku to be mad at him, he could never stand it, when they had an argument. After all, he had every right to know since it concerned him, right? The silver-head nibbled on his lower lip. What if he never wanted to talk to him again? He knew that was a silly thought, however, the doubt was still there.

Ryou waited for him after school, but Mariku never showed up. It was the first time in a long time that he drove home alone, sitting in the back of the bus, staring out of the window. A few bullies bothered him, though he didn't care, he was worried about his friend. He should have said something more that morning, maybe the other wouldn't be so mad at him then... He tried calling him on his cell a few times, after the fifth try however, Mariku seemingly turned it off.

That night, Ryou couldn't sleep. He watch horror movies late into the night and when he was through with all his reserves, he sighed and zapped through the tv, finally deciding on a very silly comedy. He didn't know when he fell asleep, but the tv was still making funny noises in the background.

When he woke, it was about noon the next day. His eyes widened in realization, he had slept in and missed half of the school day. He turned the tv off and took a quick shower, before rushing to grab the next bus possible, he couldn't be any more late than he already was. Of course, his teacher chided him for being late, then sent him of to the headmaster, who gave him a weeks full of detention, though it all didn't matter to him anymore.

He came to a conclusion. He would tell Mariku during lunch break. It took all his courage to approach the imposing figure that is his best friend, grouping up with the bad guy fraction of their school. Ryou saw in his eyes that he was still angry with him, however, there was a spark of worry as well. That made Ryou stop in my tracks. Did he really act so strange to make his best friend worry? A pang of guilt made itself known.

"Mariku?", he asked softly, trying his best to hold the other's questioning gaze. "Can I talk to you in private, please?"

He just shrugged and stood up, nudging the silver-haired teen to lead the way. They sat down on their usual spot beneath the Sakura tree and Ryou worked up his courage to tell what he had to. The blond just stared at him, wondering.

"I... Mariku, there's something I haven't told you. I-I was af-fraid... afraid of how y-you would react. I still am." He quieted down, taking his time counting to ten, before locking gazes with his best friend. "You know about... which gender I prefer... I... a few months ago, I fell in love with... someone."

The blond tilted his head to the side interrogatively, watching the silver-haired youth carefully. "So, that's what you've been hiding? You're in love and didn't tell me?" He sounded hurt, thinking his best friend was in the relationship already and didn't trust him enough, but Ryou was oblivious to this because he had his own worries about where this conservation was going.

"Yes.", he nodded his head affirmative.

"Well then, who is it?"

"I...", he took a deep breath, "I fell in love... w-with... you."

Mariku looked positively shocked, staring at his best friend with wide eyes. It took him a while, before he responded. "I'm sorry, I didn't know", he replied and Ryou smiled shakily at him. "I... I thought you were in trouble first, but as you told me you fell in love, I, I thought you didn't trust me to still like you the same way as before because you were in a relationship with someone."

He was ranting now, but stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the shimmer of hope in beautiful green eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't get your hopes up, it's just, I wasn't prepared for, I mean...", he trailed off and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I love you, Ry, I really do, but in a brotherly sense of love. You'll always be close to me, but I just love you like you're my little brother..."

Ryou gulped, his eyes shimmered with tears, but he hold them back and faked a smile. "Thanks for being honest. Are we still friends?" He needed to know, he couldn't live with the thought of loosing Mariku, he needed him close, as close as possible, even if they would never... He stifled a sob, looking anywhere but at his best friend and love interest.

"Always." Mariku stood up and looked around awkwardly. "Look, Ry, I don't know what to do right now, but lunch breaks over and we should had back to class, if you don't want anymore detention as you have already. We'll figure something out, just give me some time to... digest this new bit of information, yeah?"

Ryou nodded and the blond let out a sigh of relief. "Do you still want to hang out at the arcade later with the gang, or would you rather some alone time, Ry?"

"Thanks, Mariku, but I don't think I'm in the mood for the arcade today.", he replied and managed a shaky smile, before turning around and walking off into the school hurriedly. Mariku sighed, he really didn't know what to do, he just wasn't interested in guys, otherwise he would have at least tried, but still... he didn't love Ryou enough to ignore his own heterosexuality.

That night, Ryou went to bed early. He supposed, he should be glad. At least, Mariku wasn't mad at him or didn't want anything to do with him anymore. They were still best friends, like they had always been. His pajamas felt uncomfortable and he tossed and turned, finally coming to a halt lying on his back, arms and legs spread. A big lump had built in his chest during the day and he felt so sad. Ryou had promised himself he wouldn't cry about this, because he was happy to still be friends and that was good enough, right? He stared up at the ceiling blankly, not finding any sleep.

Companionship was fine, really. Tears started falling down his cheeks. Brotherly friendship was better then nothing. The first tear dropped onto the cushion. It just wasn't enough.