So this is the sequel of Change Can Change Everything. As you have red in the last chapter, the begining of this chapter will be what happens after so if you get confused, re read the last chapter of Change Can Change Everything. So, now everyone is older and you will find out more as you read XD HOPE YOU LIKE!

Cops roamed the field and paramedics rushed Eric into the ambulence and Celine sat in the middle of the field, out of the way simply sumb struck. She couldn't belive it was happening. No one would tell her if Eric was okay. The paramedics just wooshed her away.

She was thinking and thinking, her mind never leaving Eric. Then she heard a voice so familiar, one she hadn't heard in years.

"How are you holding up?" The male voice asked her. Celine didn't look up, just watched the ambulance pull away leaving CSIs, detectives and cops suround the crime scene.

"They won't let me leave. I just want to be with Eric right now." She replied.

"I just need you to answer a few of my question."

"Then, can I go see Eric?"

"I promis."

"You promis a lot of things, don't you." Celine said, more of a statement.

Ryan pulled her up from her sitting position, manuvered her away from the crime scene, enough away from it. He pulled her arm to his chest and she braced herself.

"I'm sorry, but yo didn't exactly hold your end of it either." He said in a yelling whisper. Hurt was written on both their faces.

"You left, not me! You ruined what we had so you can pin this on me! It's all your fault!" Celine practically yelled.

"I'm sorry, I was trying to be somebody. Making my life meaningful."

"Your life meant everything to me, it was my life and you took it. Because you wanted more then what you had, you couldn't be happy with that and now you lost me, the one who loved you from the start."

Ryan ran a hand across his hair and then rested his hands on his hips, head down.

"I have a job to do."

"I know, that's all that matters to you." Celine retorted.

"I'm going to forget ou even said that. Now, what time did you discover Eric?"

"I called you guys right away?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I called his name, I shook him, tried to wake him up. He didn't move, so I called 911."

"You touched his body?"

"Of course!"

"Alright, when was the last time you saw him?"

"A few months ago, when we agreed to take a break from each other. Our marriage was mostly composed of arguing, me being paranoid and him being paranoid, then there's his job. He was worried something could happen to me and thought it was best I was kept on the down low for a little while."

"When you said paranoid, what do you mean exactly?"

"He thought I was sleeping with another guy and I thought he was sleeping with another woman."

"So you were fairly upset with him? You were mad?"

"I didn't fucking hurt him! He was-is my damn husband!"

"But you were upset with him, he through you out of his life. Maybe for your sake, maybe he just wanted life without his wife for who knows how long... See other women, live his life differently but always know he has you to turn t-"

"No, no! Eric was- isn't like that! He loves me, he only did that because he loves me."

"Do you love him?" Celine hesitated, she honestly didn't want to dissapoint Eric. She cared for Eric, a lot, more then anyone can count but she couldn't honestly say she loved him. Her broken heart belonged to the one who broke it in the first place, and surpringly, them arguing didn't change her mind what so ever. She loved Ryan and there wasn't a fiber in her body opposed.

"I want to go see him now."

"A few more questions."

"Fine, but that's it."

"Does Eric have any enemies of any kind?"

"You'd know more then I would."

"Celine, we don't work together."

"I'm sure you hear all the gossip that goes around."

"Okay, you don't know of any. Listen, Celine, I'll keep you as informed as I can."

"So can I leave?"

"Yeah." Ryan handed her his card. "If you think of anything-"

"I'll call."

With that, Celine left to the hospital.

When she arrived, the lady behind the big desk let Celine know Eric's condition and told her she had about and hour or so to wait.

"What's wrong with him?" Celine asked the lady.

"He had Pedaphorethaline injected into his system. The amount he was given knocked him right out."

"Is it dangerous?"

"It's mostly used for athletes when they have sore muscles or any sort of pain preventing them from doing their best in games."

"I've been playing soccer since for ever and I have never heard of that drug."

"It's a very new drug, it's only been introduced in Europe mostly. It's only starting here in the states."

"Oh, ok."

"Well Eric's body was over dosed with the drug and numbed his muscles completely, which confused his brain and he went into shock."

"Will he be okay."

"Well, we haven't been introduce to this scenerio till Mr. Delko so were having help from Europe. He'll be all set up with in the hour so you'll be able to see him.

Celine waited the hour necessary, twiddling her fingers.

"Mrs. Delko, your husband his awake but he is very weak, symptom of the drug."

"Thank you." Celine rushed past her and into the room.

She neared the bed and took Eric's hand. She pulled a chair right up to the bed and sat down beside him.

"Eric, you scared me."

"I'm sorry." Eric smiled.

"Who would do this?"

"Honestly, I don't know. But if I did, I sure wouldn't tell you."

"Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Because I don't want you getting hurt."

"Ryan's encharge of this case. He accually thought I did this to you. I can't believe him. My own damn husband. At times, sure, I wanted to kill you but I would never."


"Do you really blame me? I mean, you send me away claiming it's for my own safety when you could be living the bachelor life but still have a wife in the end. Win win situation to me."

"Are you insane? Why the hell would I risk you like that?"

"I don't know, it sounds pretty good to me."

"Celine," Eric took her hand in his. "I love you, it's the reason I married you."

"Yeah but we've been arguing ever since..."

"That's because I'm growing old and your growing young. I want kids you want to live your life...."

"You think we shouldn't have gotten married?"

"I think we have just gotten married too early."

"That's why you wanted us to slow down..."

"Celine, I want to live a couples life. Right now."

"Why didn't you tell me any of this before?"

"Because, I knew we would end up fighting about it in the end."

"Well, I find it's a great idea. From when your out of this bed till we are matured to the same age, we will live as if we were never married and we are a couple only."

"Till I get out of this bed?"

"You need a wife to get through the next couple of days or weeks or what ever..."

"Thanks baby." Celine cupped her husband's face.

"I really care for you. I am going to help you get through this all the way through. Then, you," Celine played with his chest. "and I are going to spend a week in that fancy hotel down town. We'll sneek around together as if I was your mistress and you were my getaway... How does that sound?"

"I'm loving every word." Celine bent down and gave him a quick kiss then sat back in her chair and watched him till he fell a sleep.