A/N: Sou…sou…konnichiwa, minna-san. It's been a very long time, hasn't it? For those people that remember me from before (and still do), this would might as well be my "comeback" here in the HxH section. So here is my comeback fanfiction featuring Hunter X Hunter's very own thrill pair. Enjoy!

Warning(s): This fanfiction is appropriately rated-T and/or PG-13 for its grim storyline, bloodshed and vile language in selected scenes (sorry). Grammar/spelling errors are to be expected as well as OOC (can't live without it). And yes: Shounen-ai or boy x boy relationship is naturally present. My sincere apologies for those that cannot tolerate such content but I am not regretful at the least. So don't sue. Those who like, READ—those who don't, then spare me. Clear? Good.

This story belongs to the AU or Alternate Universe category. Same characters, but an entirely different setting.

Disclaimer: Hunter X Hunter and its characters belong to Yoshihiro Togashi. But this story and its plot are rightfully mine.


Life is and will never be fair.

This maxim that was to be forever engraved in his mind gave him the perfect reason for his actions. There was not a single matter in the world that was fair. Frankly, the particular word should not have existed at all. It was a grave insult to his pride, to know that some people actually believed that there was justice in this earth. Well…there was none. And he was more than willing to prove his point.

"Mr. Zaoldyeck?"

A middle-aged waiter approached him just as the bartender fixed him his Bloody Mary. He eyed the waiter from his peripheral vision and gave a nod to indicate that he was indeed 'Mr. Zaoldyeck'.

"Don Zenburu wishes to see you this instant, Mr. Zaoldyeck." Two men then came behind the waiter, both wearing tuxedos over their bulky frames. "These men will accompany you to his suite."

Killua gave the three males an expressionless stare then shrugged. He pulled back a sleeve and checked his watch: 11:30. Their agreed time was midnight, but he came earlier just for a passing whim. He did not expect, though, for his client to be this enthusiastic to send for him before the allotted time. Or maybe he actually did.

He finished the Bloody Mary in three gulps then proceeded with the men in tuxedos to Don Zenburu's suite. As they rode the elevator to the topmost floor of the hotel, Killua gazed at his reflection on the glass-lined walls inside. He wore a tight black turtleneck and denim jeans, just as agreed. His attire was mainly for the purpose of recognition, but in his own opinion, it was unnecessary for he was noticeable enough because of his pearl white complexion and hair color.

The elevator stopped with a ting sound and they stepped out onto an empty hallway. Their footsteps steps echoed on the marble flooring as they walked. Killua had counted about three doors before they stopped in front of a mahogany double-door.

One of the men in the tuxedos spoke to the intercom beside the door. "Don Zenburu, you're guest has arrived."

They waited a second or so before a voice replied. "Let him in."

The same man swiped a card and the door was unlocked. He turned the brass doorknob and opened the door quietly, then ushered Killua inside.

It was a six-room suite, the Majestic Suite, and was truly fit for royalty. The walls were painted scarlet with linings of beige. Euphorbia and potpourris decorated the corners of the room, and extravagant paintings adorned the walls. A posh red carpet covered the marble flooring. Floor-to-ceiling windows occupied one part of the wall and currently gave a spectacular evening view of the city of York Shin, glittered with hundreds of flashing lights that appeared like tiny jewels.

A king-sized bed occupied the center of the room. Killua noticed a figure lounging on the bed, and it did not take him a second to know that it was his client.

"Ah…it is so good to see you again, Killua, darling." Don Zenburu cooed from the bed, putting a stress on the word 'darling'. He was a thin and frail-built man, in the middle of his thirties, rich, spoiled, and a pedophile. Killua shivered. Disgusting.

He suddenly regretted agreeing to that deal.

"Now, now, my darling, come here. I have been waiting impatiently for this…" Don Zenburu's words trailed off as Killua approached the bed casually. The boy jerked when Don Zenburu suddenly forced him to his lap, strangling Killua around the waist. "My, my…you have such a light weight." He whispered huskily in Killua's ear and stroked his snow-white hair. Killua felt himself shiver slightly at the look of lust in Don Zenburu's eyes, although his own eyes reflected no emotion at all. Blank. Void of any emotion.

Don Zenburu raised a brow when he noticed Killua's expressionless gaze. He felt annoyed. He disliked arrogant boys, but he had to admit that when it comes to bed, they were always the best choice. All he needed to do was crack the ice.

He bit on Killua's right ear and felt the boy flinch, but that was it. Killua didn't even do as much as shiver when his hands came down his chest and roamed on his inner thighs. It was as if the boy did not feel anything at all.

Don Zenburu did not like it at all. He wanted to feel the thrill. He wanted challenge from the boy.

Killua gasped momentarily when Don Zenburu pinned him down on the bed and bit his ear again, this time leaving a nasty teeth mark. The older male was breathing heavily, obviously consumed in his lust by now.

"I want challenge, darling. That is our deal." He said huskily in Killua's hair. "Thirty thousand zennies is what you want, isn't it? It's yours if you give me what I want." A shrill lust-filled laugh came from him, and Killua felt himself getting more annoyed.

He was uncomfortable, of course; this was the first time he let a stranger actually touch him. And it was going to be the last.

"Sou, sou…wakatte na." Killua said in a low voice, enough to convince Don Zenburu that he was finally going to comply. "Demou sa… you haven't told me yet exactly how you get your money? Last time we talked you only told me you were rich. Thirty thousand zennies is a huge amount. If you are as rich as you say, you'd be able to give me more. And maybe…I can give you more as well." Killua finished with a sly smile coupled with a flirtatious wink. He wanted to throw up.

But then Don Zenburu was convinced, maybe even more, and he welcomed Killua's challenge willingly. "Is that all you want to know, darling? Well, of course, I can give you more. You see, I won a huge company, and I can spend money for eternity. Now how about you, darling? What are you really, besides being strangled up in bed once in a while?" Yes, he actually believed Killua was the same as he. How fatal his mistake was…

A devilish grin appeared on Killua's face as his eyes turned cold and ruthless. "Me?" His grin widened as Don Zenburu attempted for a kiss. "I'm just a killer."

Don Zenburu did not even have a chance to scream as a knife cut through his throat. He scrambled backwards and fell off the bed as he gasped for air. Blood flowed from the deep gash on his neck and drenched his nightgown with blood. He coughed and sputtered more blood.

Killua sat up on the bed and stared down at him, the blood-stained knife cold to his touch. He was smiling malevolently. He relished the fear in the dying man's eyes, clearly screaming out: why the hell he did such a thing? Killua answered.

"I told you. I'm a killer. I kill."

The knife pierced through Don Zenburu's throat and with a last heave of his chest, he was dead.

A huge sigh escaped Killua's lips as he lay back down on the king-sized bed. His job was done, finished, just like that. Somehow, the simplicity of it annoyed him. Jobs like this one were just too easy.

He took out his beetle-shaped cell phone and dialed a number. A woman answered on the third ring.

"Dead." Killua had to stop himself from yawning.

The woman was silent for a while, and when she spoke Killua could determine that she was indeed very pleased. "Good." Her voice was low and intriguing. "When you exit the hotel a little boy will hand you a red envelope. Fifty thousand zennies, as agreed. I don't suppose this is our last conversation?"

"Suppose you will want someone else to be dead, I guess not." He cut the line and stood from the bed. The bloody corpse was sprawled on the scarlet mat, the puddle of blood barely noticeable with the color of the carpet. Killua stared at it for a second and walked towards the door. A knock brought the men outside to open the door, and without a word, Killua walked past the two of them. It did not take long for their horrified screams to fill every corner of the hotel's topmost floor. But Killua was already descending towards the ground floor by then.

As expected, a little boy clad in rags approached him the moment he went past the revolving doors. A bright red envelope was shoved into his hands before the boy hurried away rather excitedly. Killua shrugged and tucked the envelope inside his pocket. There was no need to count. He did his part of the bargain, it was only appropriate for the client to do the same. If not, then the odds were practically with him anyway…

A black BMW drove by and Killua caught a glimpse of a blonde woman from inside. She made a quick gesture with the cigarette on her hand before the car sped away.

She was called 'Madame Sphytz', if Killua remembered correctly, and was obviously the one who ordered Don Zenburu's death. It had been a matter concerning a marriage that went wrong and something else. Not that he cared much about the details. What he cared about was the money-filled enveloped that was in his pocket and some expensive jewelry that he hitched from the suite upstairs, thinking they were probably worth more than 30,000 zennies.

An hour later, the hotel had turned into a crime scene. The headline: Murder. The culprit: A young lad of about seventeen with white hair and striking, mysterious eyes.


The tapping sound of the dripping water he had been accustomed to was currently not enough to soothe his throbbing nerves. He knew something was wrong. He could feel that something was wrong.

The heavy sounds of the police sirens a few minutes ago had jerked him awake from his dreamless sleep. Fumbling about, he realized that the other half of the bed was empty. He called out but no one answered. It was painfully difficult when you're living in darkness.

Fortunately, then came the light sound of footsteps just outside the door, and he felt himself beam at the familiar way the door sounded when it was opened by a certain someone.


Killua slightly jerked in surprise. "Gon? Why are you still awake? I thought you were asleep."

"The police sirens woke me. Ne…did something happen again, Killu—?" A quick sniff was all he did and Gon already knew the answer to his own question. Killua cursed under his breath as the cheerful expression dissipated from Gon's face. "Ne, Killua, you didn't…" His voice trailed off as he set his unseeing gaze towards Killua's direction.

Killua knew a lie would be useless; the smell of blood that emanated from his clothes and hands were still overwhelming.

"Aa" was all he said as he approached the bed and dropped down beside Gon. "Tch…it wasn't even worth the effort. All I did was to take a knife out and, slash!" He mimed the action he did hours ago and spoke in a carefree tone, as if conversing of someone's murder was as typical as that of talking about breakfast. Well, for Killua, it probably was.

He kept talking in the same way and carelessly flinging his hands around, until he felt Gon's fist collide with the back of his head. "Gon! What did you do that for!?" He grabbed hold of Gon's collar and bellowed just as the other boy shouted back at him.

"You know exactly what my reason is, Killua! Why did you do that again!? That's wrong! I've told you that a thousand times and you know it yourself! You're going to get yourself in trouble again! You're so stupid!" Gon's sightless, almond eyes burned brighter with pure anger, and Killua knew arguing against him would be useless. Still, he was no less stubborn that Gon was.

"I know that, Gon! But—"

"No, you don't!" This time, Gon felt for the front of Killua's turtleneck and grabbed hold of it too. "Because if you do then you won't do it over and over again!"

"Damn it, Gon! I'm risking my neck just so you can have your operation! I'm not doing this just because I want to!" Killua's voice echoed inside the small room and he, himself, was surprised of the words he just blurted out. He really wasn't comfortable of voicing out his personal reasons, especially to Gon even after all those years he had spent with the boy. He slowly let go of Gon's shirt and let his hand fall languidly onto his lap. "Dakara…don't worry, okay? I know what I'm doing."

Gon let go of his shirt as well, but, to Killua's surprise, gave him another hit on the head. "Gon!"

"Killua no baka! Who told you that you can risk your life for my sake anyway!?"

"You'd do the same!"

"And it's only me who can do that! Not you!"

"What?!" Killua's tone of voice turned comically high pitched as he stared at Gon with disbelief. Really…despite his own stubbornness, he could never win against Gon. "Tch! Suit yourself." He fell beck on the bed and crossed his arms behind his head, then stared up at the ceiling and at the huge spider that was currently weaving its web. "I really can't understand you sometimes, Gon."

Gon stuck his tongue out at him and fell back on the bed as well. He did the same as Killua, only...he could not see the ceiling or anything else.

They stayed in that way for a couple of minutes, feeling comfortable and at peace just by being beside each other. The smell of blood that emanated from Killua did not even bother either of them, until Gon noised out about Killua having to go get a shower.

"Hai. Hai. I'll do that first thing in the morning." Killua then closed his eyes slowly, now attempting to have the rest he deserved. Before he completely fell asleep though, Gon murmured something that made him smile despite himself.

"Thank you, Killua. But I definitely will not let you do it again." He felt Gon shift on the bed and wasn't surprised when a blanket was draped over his body. "That's a promise."

A/N: Yatta! Haha…I actually made it through. I originally planned for it to be a multi-chaptered fanfiction, but the decision now depends on the kind of feedback this story will receive. I do believe this chapter can stand as a one-shot but…well…I'll just have to wait for your reviews and see how things turn out, don't I? I'll be waiting. :)