Hi I'm galagladyboy. This is my first story, so I hope it isn't too bad. Hope you like it. Oh and it might have Grammatik and vocabulary mistakes, but they're only because I'm German^^.I don't know if this is an good apology (did I spell it wrong?.?) but it's my only XD.

I only gone write Amuto stories ^^

The Exchange Student

Ikuto is send to an Exchange school fortwo month. His parents told him that he'll stay at a family called Hinamori. They also told him that they have two girls. Will Ikuto manage the situation or will he turn in his evil self and violate Amu (XD what the fuck am I writing her).




Normal text and talking


Ikuto: 18

Amu: 15

Ami: 9

Tasade: 16

Yaya: 15

Rima: 15

Capter starts:

Ikutos prov.:

I jumped out of the bus. The bus driver gave me my bags. I mumbled a quiet "Thank you" and looked at the house. So in this house I'll live for two month. Well it doesn't look that bad, I thought. I went to the door and rang the doorbell. A pretty girl with bubble gum pink hair opened the door and studied me. "Hi I'm Tsukiyomi Ikuto, the exchange student." I said with a smirk."Ok come in.", she said.

Amus prov.:

"Hi I'm Tsukiyomi Ikuto, the exchange student." he said."Ok come in" I said in my cool and spicy mode. "My parents aren't here yet, but I'll take you to your room if you want.""Thanks" was all what he said. I took him to his room.

Ikutos prov.:

She showed me my room. I went in and looked at the meager furniture. I heard that she went out and closed the door.

Amus prov.:

I felt my face turned hot when I blushed. What's wrong with me? I never blushed that hardly before. I went down and turned the TV on. After 30 Minutes I heard Ikuto call for me."Amu could you bring me a towel?" I walked upstairs and took a towel. At the moment I opened the door and saw Ikuto, I just thought one thing; GET OUT AMU! I dropped the towel, turned around and ran out of the bathroom.

Normal prov.:

Amu lay on her bed and thought at the things which happened 10 Minutes before.

She heard that someone opened the door.

Ikutos prov.:

I heard the door open. I turned around and saw Amu with a towel I her right hand. She blushed hardly, turned around, ran out and slammed door. I smirked and picked up the towel. Ten minutes later went to Amus room.

Amus prov.:

After the door opened I heard Ikutos voice. "Did you like what you saw? After all it's my turn now, so take off …" was all he could say, after I started to threw my pillows at him."Get out you perverse jerk!" I shouted.


Well I hope it isn't as bad as I think^^

Please Review