Titel: Devil parents
Disclaim: I don't own anything
Summary: "oh it will be fun, dear, trust me" Lucius said and pulled his wife closer.

Note: this is my first HP fiction and I haven't written anything in a long time so I might be a little rusty, anyway english isn't my main language, so I'm sorry if my spelling and grammar sucks



"Draco, dinners ready" Narcissa called as she passed the stairs, continued her way to the dining room, were Lucius just opened a bottle of wine. She placed the bowl with salad on the table, and took a seat across from her husband. He poured some wine into his glass and walked around to his wife.
"Some wine, my dear?" he asked and kissed the bruised spot on her neck.
"Yes thank you, darling" Narcissa could fell Lucius smile against her skin and she couldn't help smile herself. He poured the red beverage into her glass and kissed the spot one more time, before returning to his seat. A few seconds later their son entered the room and sat down on his usual place. They had been eating for a few minutes when the mother spoke.
"So how was the trip, then?" she asked her son. Draco had been away with a couple of friends on a ski trip for the 3 past days and had returned home late last night. He shrugged.
"Okay I guess" he answered his mother with out looking at her. The dinner continued in silence when Draco spoke up
"Mother is …" he stopped when he what looked like a bruise on his mother's neck. "Is that hickey?!"
Narcissa slapped her hand over the spot were he husband had kissed her early. She could fell her cheeks turning red.
"Eat our food" she simply said and looked down on her own. Draco looked at his father; whose eye was set on his wife and with a cocky smile he took a sip of his wine. This was more then Draco needed to know.
"oh come on, that's gross!" he exclaimed and quickly left the room. The parents burst into laughter as a door on the second floor slammed shut.
"You were right, dear…" Narcissa said, and wiped away a few tears that had rolled down her cheek from laughing so hard. She took her wand a tapped lightly 3 times on the hickey and it disappear.
"...that was fun"