Disclaimer is in the first chapter- don't make me tell you again! Oh you can't this is the last chapter nananananana!

A/N Before I dive into this, let me just say, that it's been awesome to redo my errors in this story! And my newest VM story The Accident is slowly coming along. Feel free to check it out! ENJOY!


5 years later at the Neptune High School's 10 year reunion.

The music pored loudly out of the speakers, glitter and tons of balloons hung all around the first-class ballroom the reunion organizers had rented for the evening. And I'll bet they're still a bit too find of that tulle, Veronica Mars thought with a smile, will they never learn?

Veronica had just entered the building alone and she noticed that the ballroom doors were already wide open. She lifted her head and tried to catch a closer glimpse of the room. She smiled a moment later at the expected sight of fabric and silently got in line to receive her nametag.

A few yards in front of her, an ordinary table stood at the exact same place as five years earlier. And to Veronica's delight, Mandy was once again the key organizer of the event. Veronica's eyes widened in surprise though, when she saw Kylie the lesbian cheerleader walk casually up to Mandy to say something, and with no hesitation what so ever Mandy gave her a loving peck on the lips as though they had done so for a long time. I do love it when I'm right, Veronica thought to herself smugly and moved forward in the line.


Mandy's brown and green eyes lit up with a familiar glimpse of pure idolization at the sight of Veronica. The blonde swallowed a sigh and smiled uncomfortably, like I said; some things never change. Mandy walked around the table and unceremoniously pushed people out of her way as she made her way over to Veronica.

"Hi Veronica," she said again and continued before Veronica could do anything else but nod in greeting, "So I'm stoked that you showed up again – I mean the last reunion didn't exactly bode well for you and all." Veronica's smiled and Mandy looked surprised down at the smaller woman. She looks happier than I've ever seen her, the brunette decided – just as Veronica quietly said, "I wouldn't say that. A few good things did happen at the last reunion."

Mandy smiled and was about to engage Veronica in a very detailed description of her dog's latest birth, but fortunately for Veronica, Kylie read the desperation on her face and quickly came to her rescue. Veronica smiled widely and as she watched the former cheerleader fawn all over the former geek.

And speaking of fawning over someone, Veronica thought to herself, I better go look for my certain someone. A minute later Veronica had gotten her nametag without further distractions and was entering the ballroom.

"Yoyoyo elephant on the loose! Everybody run for cover!"

Veronica slowly put her hands behind her aching back for support and literally waddled over to Dick Cassablancas and yelled in mock anger - just as Dick's wife, Mac hit him on the head with a coaster, "Shut up Dick or I'll show you how elephants react to insults! It ain't pretty Blondie."

Mac smiled in delight at the usual banter between the love of her life and her best friend. At least they're past the I-think-You-Suck-stage by now. Then she tried to get up from her chair to greet said best friend and failed miserably. Mac looked at her husband of a mere two days with a raised eyebrow as she stated sarcastically, "Well, I'm ever so pleased that the sight of other women makes you forget your manners hubby..."

Dick laughed a booming laugh and winked at Veronica before lending a helping hand to the 8 and a half months pregnant Mac. The two women tried to hug each other, but their matching big bellies didn't quite want to cooperate with that idea. After a few tries Veronica sighed in defeat and said, "Well, we'll do it after the babies are born, deal?" Mac nodded in agreement and the next minute both of them sat back down with a hard thump.

Veronica immediately looked around the room – scanning its occupants closely. "Where's everybody?" she yelled over the loud music, "Don't tell me that the Dickmeister finally arrived first at the scene for once?" Veronica looked teasingly over at Dick, who shook his head and answered with a grin, "Hey! I'm a new man Ronnie. I'm married to an exceptional woman and am about to enter the world of fatherhood; gotta keep maturing and all that shit," he added with another childish wink.

Mac rolled her eyes with a smile and ruffled his blonde hair saying, "Wow Dick, what an achievement, honey. We've been married for the grand total of two days, I'm proud of you, really I am!" Dick laughed again and shook his head at their teasing, got up and said with a fake pout, "Gotta go find me some testosterone or I'll lose my mind." His twinkling blue eyes turned soft as he bent forward and kissed Mac briefly on the lips, "I'll be right back, okay?" Veronica smiled inadvertently at their obvious love. If anyone had told me this would happen back in high school I might just have had them committed…

Mac had just begun talking about how much she loved being married and of how long it would be before Veronica finally took the plunge herself, when she was interrupted by Jackie's loud shriek of joy. The pretty black woman looked as stylish as ever as she bent down to hug her two very pregnant friends and pet them on their big bellies.

By her side was Wallace and he looked down at the stranded Veronica and said while laughing, "V., does the words; beached whale mean anything to you?"Veronica tilted her head and lifted a finger in warning, "Be careful Wallace. You'll only get one of those. I'm gonna pop one of these days and then I'm gonna get ya for all the insults and the refusal to get me ice cream when I call you two in morning!" Wallace smiled and shook his head, "Well, I'll remember that. Which reminds me, tell me again why you didn't demand an ice cream run from your other half?" Veronica smirked and planted her arms on her belly as she replied sheepishly, "Well, he was already out getting me some lasagna from Dad's personal stock…" Wallace laughed at the oh-so-Veronicaish-answer and sat down with Jackie on his lap to listen to Mac's shameless bragging about her husband.

The Fennell's had now been married for six years and they were still going strong. Off course the old classmates, who didn't know them as well as Veronica did, eyed the famous NBA player closely, trying to decide if the tabloids were right about them splitting up due to infidelity, and what not. Veronica didn't care about the tabloids one bit. The Fennell's loved each other and that was that!

Veronica got distracted from her musings, when she felt a hard kick from her soon to be born son and she quickly hid a painful expression behind a fake yawn.

"What's that about V, going down so soon? Age really doesn't become you."

Weevil's deep voice whispered in her ear and Veronica looked up at her old friend and now employee. "Hey - whoever gave you permission to leave the office today Mr. Navarro?" Weevil smiled widely and sat down in front of his boss, "Well, you see, my boss is this little petite and very hormonal woman and she ain't working tonight, so I thought I might close up the P.I. bis' a bit early today." Veronica smiled teasingly and stated, "Your boss sounds like a big softy. I'll tell her to sharpen up in the future." The two long time friends smiled once more at each other and Veronica felt a huge lump of love for her badass friend.

After their last reunion and Veronica's subsequent hospitalization due to his mistakes, Weevil had finally taken the last crucial step away from a life of crime and thanks to Keith Mars and some of Veronica's called in favors around town, he had finally studied to be a P.I. himself. And a very good one too, Weevil thought and took a sip of his beer. Carm would be proud of me, I just know it.

After Veronica's near death experience, she had been offered a desk job at the Agency, which she promptly declined. Soon after she'd moved back to Neptune and then she had bought Mars investigations from her dad and now she ran it together with Weevil. Well, not so much at the moment though, Veronica thought, due to my present state as a beached whale, as Wallace so gently put it.

Veronica sighed – she really missed her work, but before she could ponder about the subject any longer, she was pulled back to reality by Mac whispering a silent, "Aw." "Are you okay?" Veronica mouthed to Mac, who in return smiled casually and continued her conversation with Jackie and Wallace.

Wallace looks tired, Veronica thought as her eyes landed on her best friend. But who can blame him though? After Mac and Dick's splendid grandeur of a wedding, he's been forced to stay at our parents place and it ain't exactly quiet at the moment, Veronica smiled fondly at the memory of Keith and Alicia's 2-year-old little son, Cliff, who was just as much of a talker as his name brother Cliff McCormack.

Veronica's smile increased as the memory of the night Keith and Alicia finally announced their engagement flew into her mind – an announcement that both Wallace and Veronica had known would come even before they did themselves. Finally Wallace and Veronica was family and it was only cemented by the birth of their baby brother.

Another hard kick blew Veronica back to her surroundings with a start. She gasped a bit and quickly tried to hide it again by reaching out for a nearby soda. A long sunburned arm reached over her shoulder, grabbed the can and gave it to her, before she even finished her movement.

"Hey. I've been looking for you, mister."

Veronica's sky blue eyes lit up with her deep feelings for the man standing behind her. "Hey, what can a man do when Dick pulls you over to the bar? He might be having second thoughts." Logan added in mock seriousness and looked teasingly over at Mac to gauge her reaction. Then his expression slowly changed to worry as he noticed the poring sweat on Mac's pale face. Veronica skillfully changed the subject by grapping Logan's big hand and asked, "Have you seen Madison yet?"

Logan looked down on his long time girlfriend and answered – completely forgetting Macs odd behavior – as Veronica had intended. "No, but D.K. says she's fooling around the Caribbean with husband number 3, so we're not gonna see her tonight."

Veronica didn't feel that old twinge of hate that she used to feel whenever Madison's name came up. After the shooting and jail incident five years earlier, the two women held an unspoken truce. They might never be close friends, but they were on Christmas card basis. And that's way better than I could ever have hoped for, Veronica thought with an internal smile.

In the next minute Veronica flinched again as she felt yet another sharp pain in her abdomen and by the look of Mac, she was undergoing the same experience.

"When you speak of the Devil--" Logan's mocking voice thankfully distracted Veronica for a bit and she looked up to see Duncan walk up to Logan and punch him boyishly in the chest with a laugh, "Don't you know already that I came so I could be closer to you."

The two men were as close as they'd ever been. After their fight and Veronica's accident, they had somehow rebooted their relationship and Veronica knew that they weren't even that close during the Fab. 4 Golden Age.

Duncan still carried a small torch for Veronica, but only as the memory of her being his first love. No, Duncan had shocked the community and his parents once again by starting to date Lizzie Manning of all people – his daughter's aunt.

Lizzie's wild side had made Duncan more relaxed and carefree. He finally loved his life to the fullest. And it was about time as Lily would say, Veronica thought to herself.

As her pain continued to increase Veronica turned her attention to her favorite distraction, her lover. Logan was still a very handsome man and in Veronica's eyes he was one of those men, who only improved by age. He could totally be a movie star, she reasoned, if it wasn't for the fact that he's a much better writer than an actor…Veronica smiled and eyed Logan closely again. His face was happier than ever and it obvious to anyone looking that he was a very happy man.

Some of Logan's old followers from High School didn't quite recognize him anymore. His former "psychotic" self had completely evaporated and it was clear as day that the reason for his change was the little blonde, whom he once used to torment every chance he got. Life is weird sometimes.

But more than anything, Veronica loved how Logan instantly loved Lynne. The moment Veronica had been released from the hospital Logan had undergone the test and thankfully Logan's bone marrow had been a perfect match for his daughter and after some very hard months where both Lynne and Veronica was in and out of the hospital, the little girl was finally healthy. Almost too healthy sometimes, the mother thought with a cringe as another stab of pain echoed through her small body. Her and little Lily keep landing the both of them in trouble whenever they aren't being thoroughly watched…

Veronica clenched her fists and drew in a deep breath in the next moment. Logan heard it and looked down closely at her. Veronica's pale sweaty face gave him a sneaking suspicion. Her clenched fists and jaw another, but what finally convinced the soon to be father of his loved ones labor was the fact that Clemmons and Mandy announced that dinner was ready to be served and Veronica didn't look up in eager anticipation and armed with two plates.

"Oh no," Logan mumbled horrified as the truth hit him like a sledgehammer, "It's not happening now -- not now is it?" He asked with an almost desperate look in his eyes. In return Veronica mumbled something very not appropriate and Logan blushed a bit.

Suddenly Logan's horrified expression turned simply comical when he realized that Mac was panting rather heavily too. He jumped up from his seat and his eyes frantically scanned the room until they settled on their target.


"What dude? Don't distract me; I'm trying to fetch food for my woman! She'll kill me if I don't get at least five choices."





Veronica almost threw a giggle fit as she and Mac calmly observed how Dick paled just as fast as Logan had done before him. Finally it dawned on the blonde and Dick dropped his plates on Caitlin Ford's expensive shoes without noticing and quickly ran towards his wife -- looking like Clemmons had just offered him a teaching position.

Wallace, Jackie, Weevil and Duncan now also realized what was happening and they hurried towards the doors in a group, making way for the two panicked men, who was carrying their still laughing women to their cars.

The remaining people of the reunion stared after the tight knotted clique and began to laugh and cheer when they heard Veronica yell loudly, "Logan! Relax I'm the one in labor here! Your part is over!"


A/N Okay we've reached the ending and I'd like to thank all the reviewers of this story – be it the one time reviewers or the ones who've stuck by me through it all. You all rock! Please Rock harder by reviewing One Last Time;)

.SoDaPoP.9., Maiqu, AmandaL, Kathy0518, abigail, Dontia, Dani Mars, diesdi, isdonisgood, milady89, funkygirl93, frackandbonechick, Amanda, adambrodylover, Irene08, Abigail, cyn23, sosso, twilightchik89, bella, hoffi coffi, superficialcynic, mitzyspain, ZC70, k8ie88, wendy, Eveo, fuck u, Sammygurl2489, taylor, serber, thumper, aiden allis, rose, ladybard327, carlyj, LoVefan4ever, Melissa Gonzales, 3. THANK YOU!!!

And also thanks to the numerous people, who've put me on their favorite and alert list!

Until we meet again!

Happy writing and reading

Ditte Mai