A/N: So this is Part IV, just like I promised! :) I'm keeping this rated M even though it could probably be T but I just want to play it safe. The rating comes in later. Hope you enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: Same as always.


Elle pulled into her driveway and got out of her car. "Reid?" She asked startled as she saw him sitting on her doorstep.

He smiled at the way that she said his name and he could see that a small smile instinctively formed on her face before she quickly banished it. That minuscule action told him that everything would be okay.

Chapter 1 – Stepping Out of Your Own Skin

Reid got to his feet and turned on the light in his watch. "It's ten minutes after ten now. I've been here since six thirty…"

"You what?" She asked amazed.

He laughed lightly as he placed his hands in his jacket pockets. "I've been sat here for over three and a half hours."

She stared back at him sadly. "Why are you making this harder than it has to be?"

It was now or never. No guts, no glory. He chuckled nervously, "Because I'm in love with you."

She shook her head. "Don't say that," she replied quietly. "You're only saying that because of the circumstances."

He walked slowly towards her. "You can't tell me how I feel."

He softly stroked her cheek but she pushed his hand away quickly. "Don't…not here…" She walked past him towards her front door and removed her keys from her pocket.

He laughed once again. "Elle, I'm not an irrational person but…" She turned back around when he began to yell at the top of his lungs. "I, SPENCER REID, AM IN LOVE WITH ELLE GREENAWAY!"

She ran towards him and covered his mouth with her hand. "Reid, what the hell are you doing? Shut up! You're going to wake the whole neighborhood."

He took her hand off of his face and smiled at her. "I don't care," he said quietly.

He gently took her hands in his. "I am…" he paused and laughed, "completely in love with you, and I always have been. It just took me an enormous amount of time to realize it."

She looked away as he was talking and forced herself to hold back tears. She let go of his hands, turned around, and walked back up to her door. As she was unlocking her front door she spoke with forced anger. "I can't deal with this right now! You have to stop! You only think that you're in love with me because I'm pregnant."

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him across her lawn and towards her door, he caught it before she closed it on him. "Elle, can you just listen to me please?" He begged. "I love your laugh, and when you smile you have the cutest dimples. I love how independent you are and how you have this wall built up around you to protect yourself, but when you decide to let somebody in…" He paused briefly while he smiled brightly at her and then he continued, "I love how much your job means to you, how you work so hard and how you're so passionate about it. I love how empathetic you are. I love how much family means to you. I love how much you value where you come from and what you've been through. I love…"

She cut him off, "Reid, can you not start every sentence with 'I love'?"

He laughed, "I love how you switch back and forth between Reid and Spencer."

"Can you stop please?" She pleaded in a whisper.

"Since we've been broken up, I've had a hard time dealing with the fact that I can't kiss you whenever I want. I'm having trouble standing here knowing that right now we're only friends and colleagues. I can't go back to being your friend, not after what we had." He looked at her with his gorgeous, brown eyes. "And I've tried to appreciate the fact that you're being civil to me at work but your kindness just keeps me in love with you." He laughed again, "I know I sound utterly dependent and pathetic but I've been pining for you."

He worked his way completely inside of her house and then closed the door behind him. He gently pushed her up against the wall in her porch. She looked up at him tentatively as he moved closer so that their noses were almost touching.

He began whispering, "I think about you all the time. You are the only woman I've ever been with," he tucked her hair behind her ears, "and you are the only one that I ever want to be with." She looked away again as he leaned down and brushed his lips softly along her jaw line. "You make me feel better about myself." He ran his hands along her sides and down over her hips as he continued to whisper, "I haven't touched you in so long."

She grasped his hands. "Our relationship has been about sex," she lied.

He sighed, "If it was just about that then I wouldn't have spent all day at work thinking about what I was going to say tonight. If it was just about that then I wouldn't have sat on your doorstep in winter for three and a half hours. If it was just about that then I wouldn't have risked being arrested for domestic disturbance." He smiled when she laughed. "There's the laugh I love." He slowly removed the scarf that was wrapped around her neck. "I get so excited at the prospect of spending all day with you at work and I love the mornings when I wake up and you're asleep with your head on my chest. I feel a certain way when I'm around you…" He stopped in mid-sentence, "I am genuinely, truly, whole-heartedly, in love with you." He leaned down once again and kissed her lightly on the lips. "And I'll still be in love with you tomorrow, and the next day…" He stopped talking and kissed her cheek playfully.

She stared at him and realized that he literally made her weak in the knees. In a month, he had managed to penetrate the walls that she had spent 12 years building. She was wrong to breakup with him and she had been fighting her feelings for him the entire time. She couldn't do it anymore. "I thought it'd be better if we were apart, but…" She paused, "…I'm in love with you too," she confessed quietly and with her head angled slightly towards the floor. She looked up at him and laughed, "I hate how much I'm in to you. I'm afraid that I'm going to get hurt."

He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and kissed her passionately on the mouth. "I promise I won't ever hurt you," he panted against her lips.

She placed her arms around his neck as he grabbed the bottom of her legs and picked her up off of the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist as they began to kiss hungrily.

He turned the corner to enter her living room and they briefly stopped kissing while she unbuttoned her jacket and threw it on the couch. He then removed his jacket and also threw it on the couch. He placed his right hand on the back of her neck and ran it through her hair as they resumed kissing. She placed her feet back on the floor as she began to pull his black sweater vest over his head. She took him by the hand and they got halfway down her hallway before he pushed her up against the wall and slid his hands up under her shirt. She giggled quietly. He was being so passionate. He pulled her dark blue, Columbia University, hooded, sweater over her head. He chuckled as he tossed it on the floor. He smiled at her and it reached his eyes, lighting up the features of his handsome face. She pushed him against the opposite wall and kissed along his neck as he slowly pushed up her long sleeved, black shirt to reveal a blue tank top. He removed both items and threw them on the floor. How many layers of clothing did she have on! He played with the straps of her dark purple bra as she unbuttoned his white dress shirt. She pushed his shirt over his shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

He picked her up off of the floor again as she pulled him in and began kissing him eagerly. He walked down the hallway and pushed her bedroom door open with his foot. She unzipped his black dress pants and moved her legs farther up his bare back as he pulled them off and threw them across the room.

He reached behind him and tenderly removed her legs from around his waist. He laughed as he placed her back on the floor and reached for the top button of her jeans. He unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and slowly pulled them down her legs. Once she stepped out of them he pushed her back on the bed and climbed on top of her. She quickly removed her glasses and placed them on the bedside table. A part of him wanted to ask her to keep them on but he decided against it. He kissed along her neck and then moved down to the top edge of her bra.

She moaned softly as she gently gripped his soft, brown hair. He may be fairly inexperienced but no man had ever set her body on fire like him. Despite her lust induced haze, she realized that they hadn't discussed her pregnancy. She seized his hands as they played with the bottom edge of her panties. She pushed him off of her and stood up on the other side of the bed. "We shouldn't be doing this now," she stated sternly.

He sat up slowly and stared at her in confusion. He ignored the uncomfortable tent in his boxers as he hopped up off of the bed and walked towards her. "Why shouldn't we be doing this now?"

She turned around and he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She sighed as he started to softly kiss her neck. "Well, I just brought up the point that our relationship has been about sex and here we are again. If we do this now all it means is that we can't keep our hands off each other."

"But that's not why you broke up with me, right?" He questioned in concern as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"No, that's not why I broke up with you. I broke up with you because I had a pregnancy scare that turned out to be a real pregnancy and now I have no idea what I'm supposed to do." She was fully confessing to him now. "Are you sure you want this? You're only 25."

"I want this. I really want this," he whispered honestly. "The woman that I'm in love with is having my baby." He ran his hands along her stomach as he kissed her shoulder. "And…right…now…I…wanna…celebrate," he said in between kisses. She spun around to face him and he picked her up once again. He laid her delicately back down on the bed, and looked down at her adoringly. He tucked her hair behind her ears and whispered, "I love you so much." She placed both of her hands on his face and pulled him down on top of her.


Elle stretched in her bed and felt that Reid wasn't beside her anymore. She sat up and covered her half naked body with her thin, beige bed sheet. She grabbed her glasses off of the bedside table, slipped them on, and then glanced at her digital clock. She ran her hands through her hair; it was six-thirty in the morning. She was about to get up out of bed when Reid walked into her room carrying a large tray of food in only his plaid, dark blue boxers.

"Good morning," he said smiling.

"Morning," she said through a yawn.

He laid the tray of food on her bedside table and sat down next to her. He kissed her softly on the forehead. "You're tired, when I leave you should go back to sleep."

She smiled, then yawned again. "What time did you get up this morning?"

He shook his head. "I dunno. It was early."

"You shouldn't have gotten up that early just to make me breakfast. You have to work today."

He placed the tray in her lap. "But I wanted to get up early just to make you breakfast," he said sweetly. She stared at him briefly. "What's on your mind?"

She laughed, "I was just thinking about how good you are to me, and how lucky I am."

He leaned in and started to softly kiss her neck. "I'm the lucky one," he said quietly.

She lifted his head up. "No, I'm serious. I've dated guys who've only been interested in the chase, so the fact that you've stayed around…"

He cut her off, "I love you." He kissed her but pulled back when she began laughing. "What?" He asked grinning.

"Did you get a shower this morning?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah," he replied hesitantly. "Why?"

She buried her nose in his hair and giggled as she kissed his forehead. "Because you smell like strawberries. Did you use my shampoo?"

"Well, I didn't have any of my stuff here…" He trailed off as blush crept across his face.

"It's cute, just don't let Morgan smell you," she laughed loudly.

"Okay." He kissed her softly before saying, "Now eat."

She laughed, "Okay." She picked up her fork and knife and began to eat the meal that he had prepared for her. As she ate, he kissed along her neck and shoulder. She laughed once again. "Why aren't you eating anything?"

"I'm not hungry," he said simply as he continued lightly kissing her shoulder.

She picked up a piece of a waffle with her fork. "Eat something," she demanded.

He laughed. "No, I'm fine."

She lifted his head up and shoved a piece of waffle in his mouth. "There," she said satisfied.

He laughed as he chewed the piece of forced food and then kissed her on the lips. "Finish your breakfast, I'm going to round up the clothes scattered all over your house."

He got up out of bed and by the time he returned carrying all of their clothes from the night before she had finished her breakfast. He laid the clothes in a pile by her bedroom door and climbed back in bed.

He took the tray and placed it on the bedside table and then turned back towards Elle. He leaned in and began kissing her. He played with the bed sheet that she held up to cover her bare torso. She pulled back panting. "So, I don't have to go to work today, but you do. So how much time do you have?"

He glanced at his watch. "An hour at least." He pushed her back into a lying position and then pulled the bed sheet over his head. He moved down and began to kiss along her stomach. "Hi," he said excitedly.

Elle laughed, "Spencer, what are you doing?"

He emerged from under the cover and looked up at her. "I'm talking to our baby. Since sound travels through the amniotic fluid, it is believed that the sound of the parents' voices actually calms the fetus down during the last trimester."

She laughed again, "Well you're starting a little early aren't you?"

He slipped under the bed sheet again and resumed kissing her stomach. "Your mother is so skeptical," he said jokingly. She plucked on the sheet and wrapped it tightly around her body. "Hey," he protested cutely. She laughed as she messed up his hair. He leaned in once again and kissed her. She pulled him down on top of her as they continued their lip lock. He pulled back slowly and looked down at her with a very serious expression. "Do you want to move in with me?"

"Reid!" She exclaimed surprised. "Isn't it a little too soon for that?"

He ran his right hand along her stomach. "I don't think that we get to decide the speed anymore."

She took his hand and entwined her fingers with his. He brought their hands up towards his face and lightly kissed hers as she said, "We can debate that later. You should get ready to go soon."

"But I don't want to leave yet," he said sweetly.

She laughed lightly. "I don't want you to go either, but what are they gonna do if we're both not there," she joked.

He leaned down and kissed along her jaw line. "I think that…" he began to kiss her in between names, "Hotch…Gideon…Morgan…JJ…and Garcia can get by without us."

They continued kissing until Elle pulled back and turned towards her clock. "Okay, now you have to go," she said unhappily.

"Five more minutes." He said as he kissed her neck.

She laughed, "I know, I know." She lightly pushed him off of her. "But you have to be at work on time."

He got up out of bed and walked towards the pile of clothes. He pulled on his dress pants and buttoned up his dress shirt. He took his tie and sweater vest in his hand and looked down at the floor confused. "Right, my jacket is on your couch." She sat up as he walked back towards the bed. He leaned down, ran his hand through her hair, and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "I'll come here directly after work okay? Love you."

"Okay, love you too."

He smiled brightly; it felt so unbelievable to hear her say that. "Go back to sleep," he said sweetly. He had to force himself to walk out of her bedroom and grab his jacket off of her couch. Before he opened her front door to leave he turned around to see Sebastian curled up on the couch. "Take good care of her, Sebastian," he said quietly. He laughed as the cat, as if he had understood what Reid had said, jumped off of the couch and trotted down the hallway towards Elle's bedroom.

Once Elle heard her front door close, she curled up on her side and quickly fell back asleep as she thought about Reid.

A/N: So this story is completely finished but it has to be polished and betaed, so give me a little bit of time until the next post. Okay? Review!!! :)