hopefillyx3: Hello people! Yup, that's right, this is my first Amuto fanfic!

Amu: About time. You better write good.

hopefillyx3: Aw, Amu, don't act all "cool and spicy" around me.

Amu-(sighs) Alright. By the way, where is Ikuto?

hopefillyx3: (giggles) I was planning for a grand entrance.

Amu – (raises eyebrow) Huh?

(A curtain comes out and Ikuto walks through it)

Ikuto – Hey! How's it going? Miss me? (kisses cheeks of screaming fangirls)

Amu – Wow…(and turns around)

Ikuto - Aw, Amu, are you jealous? It is okay, I'm going to treat you my way once the story starts.

Amu – P-pervert!!

hopefillyx3 –Hah! Anyways, aren't they such happy love birds? (laughs evily)

Amu: Why are you laughing?!?

hopefillyx3 – Because I'm the author! By the way, Amu doesn't come from Tokyo.

Amu: So your making me move to Tokyo?

Ikuto: Yay! So when she comes in will you.. (whispers into hopefillyx3's ear):

hopefillyx3: (giggles) Of course! Though it depends on the readers.

Amu: What?!? What are you talking about?

Ikuto: Something private, Amu.

Amu: Ahh! Don't make me stuck with that pervert, don't make him do something perverted to me!

hopefillyx3: (grins an evil smile) You guys will understand later. Ikuto, please do the disclaimer!

Ikuto - Meli-chan (hopefillyx3) doesn't own us or Shugo Chara! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Day "Cool and Spicy" Hinamori Amu Cracks

Rosy strands of hair gently blew with the wind gracefully. Her stunning golden eyes stood out from other people, and can entrance you in anyway when you look at her. Her look would stand out anywhere; an "X" burette, while wearing a black jacket with a skull on it and a heart, a mini skirt with pink and black stripes, with a black v-neck that was slightly tight, but was showing her curves. She sighed at the students constantly whispering, "Wow, she looks cool, and she's beautiful," or something like that. Her floating charas took her attention.

"Hey, Amu-chan!" Ran suddenly demanded.

"What?" Amu replied, her eyebrow twitching. "Are you nervous for your first year at high school?" Miki answered for her, closing her notebook, while smirking at the same time. Amu sighed.

"Of course she's nervous-desu!" Suu stated confidently, her blond hair bouncing around when she went up to their faces.

"Yea, I am nervous," Amu sighed yet again. "But I won't show it," she muttered to herself. She's gotten used to the fact that she has been acting, as they say, "cool and spicy" without knowing. Actually, she didn't want to, but was quite fond of her clothes. Of course, Miki had made them. She actually came to Tokyo a few days ago, and moved into an apartment, because her real home was far away in Osaka. Her parents were there too, but she decided to leave her parent alone and decided to stay with her charas in an apartment so she wouldn't have to be driven far from Osaka. She didn't want to cause them trouble. She stood outside for a while, since she was thirty minutes early, but dealt with it and walked slowly to the door. She tried to breathe in as much fresh air and enjoy the falling pink cherry blossoms filling the blue sky as much as possible. Then, as she headed toward the school with her eyes closed, which later became a stupid thing to do, she ran her head into something hard and muscular.

"Ow.." she yelped, and suddenly heard another, deep, silk like voice whining the same thing.

She opened her eyes and spent a second considering what he looked like-totally gorgeous. His hair looked soft with midnight blue, shiny hair, with his deep sapphire eyes. His skin was light peach, slightly pale, and his lips were parted slightly. He had a perfect figure, not too skinny or chubby, but just the right appearance. He was very tall. "Oh-I'm sorry," she apologized, bowing in apology.

"So you're a freshman right? You're new?" he asked suddenly.

She looked up at him, curious, and nodded. Then, a smirk played across his face. "So what is your name?" he asked.

She stared at him for a split second, then got herself together to not act flushed.

"Amu Hinamori. Nice to meet you," she added politely.

"Ikuto Tsukiyomi," he replied. His face was filled with mystery and somewhat, playful and seductive.

"Nice to meet you Amu," he said so suddenly, emphasizing her first name.

Her name rolled off his tongue like velvet. She blinked, and tried to concentrate on their conversation, not to act dazed, and really to fight against her blush. "By the way," he started, his tone a little cold. "Make sure you open your eyes and actually focus when you walk," he finished, giving her a fake smile, his eyes cold.

Then, subconsciously she narrowed her eyes at him and spoke words that she didn't intend to say. "Well, whenever you see someone coming at you, be wise enough to move away. Besides, at least I'm talking like a real human that makes sense, unlike you, Tsukiyomi," she attacked calmly with a hint of venom in it.

She heard whispers, "Oh wow, the new girl is actually talking back to Tsukiyomi, a sophomore? Wow, so cool and spicy!" She almost sighed, because this was just like elementary school all over again.

Though, she wondered what made them think she was cool and spicy, though she almost showed she was frustrated. How come my big mouth gets me into so much trouble?! When would they stop misunderstanding me?! She screamed in her thoughts. Then his eyes widened in shock, but he started smirking again.

She glared at him, her arms crossed over her chest. "I like your attitude, Amu." he replied, his face suddenly a centimeter from hers. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she felt the blush coming up on her cheeks. Her teeth clenched as she saw his eyes, filled with amusement.

"But you picked the wrong person to talk back to," he convicted back, making her eyes widen at the threat. Just what was this guy? Then she shook her head and decided to get over it. Though, she noticed a flying cat chara on his shoulder. Wait, how come she hadn't seen that before? And could've he seen hers? She shook her head again in disbelief. Then, she ran to orientation.

"Hi! My name is Kukai, nice to meet you! I'm one of the guardians!" A sophomore shouted, shaking hands with her in absolute delight.

"Welcome, welcome!" he added, opening his eyes. In her mind, she had to admit that he was cute with his emerald green eyes, his slightly tanned skin, his sparking smile, and his ruffled and somehow spiky brown hair. She smiled and said,

"Hi! My name is Amu Hinamori! And, what is a guardian?" she asked curiously. He grinned. "Since you have charas, We'll tell you that detail later," A soft voice answered. Noticing one soccer chara on Kukai and another king chara, her eyes set on the other guy who had the king chara. He had blond hair, purple pinkish eyes, and was so cute. He reminded her of a prince.He made her automatically blush but her eyes widened. "Wha-" I asked suspiciously, but was stopped.

"I'll tell you specific details if you become one of us!" A friendly voice added, and her eyes set upon him too. He had long, purple hair with golden eyes. He looked friendly and warm, and surprisingly handsome. She smiled. "Um, I will, but I need an explanation!" she smirked. The blond one added, "Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tadase Hotori." And the purple haired one also added, "The name is Nagehiko." "Its nice to meet you all!" she smiled. Then a blond, shorter girl ran to us.

"Ah, you have charas?" she asked shyly in a way, but normally. Amu nodded. "Then my name is Rima! I'm a freshman, too." She replied. Amu giggled. She was cute, with light brown eyes, long, wavy blond hair, and a headband on her head.

"Anyways, what is with the guardian stuff?" I asked. "Well, guardians are one of the top people in the school and have, well, connections based on people who have charas, which we will tell you about later," Tadase explained. Amu pouted, and laughed. Then Kukai gave a look at Amu. She stared at him back. "What?" she asked curiously. He shook his head. "It's nothing, but you're the gossip that's spreading throughout the high school already. Remember your little chat with Tskuyomi?" Kukai sighed, shrugging. Suddenly her eyes widened and her mouth gaped open.

"What?!" she almost shouted, like a yelp of embarrassment, fury, and trying to control her emotions. Kukai looked sympathetic to her. "You should've known about Tskuyomi first of all," Tadase continued. She kept her eyes widened even though she blinked a few times in bewilderment. She was silent.

"Ikuto Tskuyomi is one of the most popular guys in school, actually the guy who is the grandson of the owner of the school. So that means that he can do anything with the students, actually he can do anything to the students. I'm not meaning anything perverted," Tadase continued, answering the question from her in her mind, at the last sentence he spoke. She kept silent, though on the inside she was screaming.

"So, he might be planning a punishment for you right now," Rima finished, looking down. Amu sighed and her eyebrows ceased into a "V". "Damn my stupid mouth!" I muttered to myself. Then I stood up. "So when do we meet?" I asked. Tadase grinned his beautiful, prince like smile.

"Right after school," Tadase answered. I smiled and I walked out of orientation. Then, suddenly, Amu's chin was gently held by a soft, large hand. She stared at him straight in the eye, her eyes narrowed, but she was careful not to say anything rude. "Excuse me," she said the nicest she can as possible. Ikuto smirked and spoke, "Amu," he emphasized yet again, the name spoke in his voice as if it belonged to him. Amu shuddered at the thought. "Since that incident in the morning, you don't know what I can do to people who mess with me," he threatened while smirking.

"What?! What can you do to mess with me?!" Amu blurted out, her expression angry, excited for school, and confused. Ikuto chuckled and put his hand on her shoulder. "Since I have connections from the owner of the school, I can do whatever I want with the students," he continued, his hand sliding on the arm and he stopped half way, which was beside her chest. Amu narrowed her eyes at his touch. Ikuto's eyes widened but he stayed put on his image.

"So? What is my punishment?" Amu asked suddenly, breaking Ikuto's grasp. Ikuto sighed. Then he smirked.

"Well, Amu, since I have some troubles with certain subjects, I need a helper 24/7. And I have to live with you in the process," he finished, his eyes sparkling in a perverted way. "WHAT?! NO way that is true! I'm going to the principal to find out!" Amu grumbled, and shoved her fist to his arm. Then she ran to the principal's office, and realized her punishment was true and she had to do it. Then she ran to Ikuto. "No way I'm going to do it!" Amu sniffed. Ikuto smirked his evil smile yet again.

"If you don't you'll be expelled," Ikuto bribed, his hand now wrapped around her waist. Amu trembled and nodded with difficulty and hate. I really hate this guy, Amu shouted in her mind. Then Amu pointed her skinny finger at Ikuto. "I have to tell the guardians about this!" She announced, her voice shaky. Ikuto nodded. Then Amu turned around and said, "So you have a chara, huh," she said, and walked away. Then she ran to the Guardians. (Melissa: Let's skip the whole explanation with the charas and all since we know!)

Ikuto's POV

Ikuto smirked as he saw the retreating figure. Amu was beautiful, of course, she had been that way since he first saw her. He only insulted her a little, just for her to know what she should do, and to test if she would become scared or fall in love with him. Though he was shocked and surprised also. No girl has ever talked back to him like that, mostly the girls just give him a look once he talks, and they swoon and fall in love with him. Though, she didn't. He frowned, though it turned back into a smile. Though, he was surprised that he hadn't seen her three charas before. He was also surprised that she had that many. Though, he shook his head and tried not to focus on that right now. The guardians were going to have a messed up schedule because of this. And little kiddy-king was going to pay for what he did to Ikuto. Now Ikuto smirked as Amu ran back within 15 minutes. Her face was flushed and her pink strands of hair fell into her eyes. Her eyebrows were made into a "V." And her soft mouth curved into a frown. He remembered the time where he touched her chin, which was very soft, and his feeling when he bumped into her. She was also very soft. He blinked again, and got back to reality. He started smirking again.

"They said fine, though I still have to join them a little after school!" Amu admitted, her expression flustered and angry. "Amu, lets get to class, shall we?" he whispered, his voice dripping with excitement and seductiveness, while in his mind perverted things started to form its own way through. It was going to be so interesting this year.

Melissa: Aha!! What a cliffy! I hope you enjoyed that chapter! Ikuto is getting more

perverted. Sorry there isn't much big things in this chapter, and I promise to make the next one longer and have more surprising events!

Tadase: What did I do to Ikuto?

Melissa: You'll find that out later.

Ikuto: Yes! I'm going to have fun with Amu! Especially she's living with me. (winks)

(fangirls faint and sigh)

Amu: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! How come that pervert is living with me?! (blushes and shakes head)

Ikuto: C'mon Amu, your going to have a lot of fun.

Amu: (blushes) Who would want to have "fun" with you?


Amu: Gosh, I didn't know he was so popular.

Ikuto: (grins) I'm real flattered everyone thinks I'm hot. (goes to hug every female and kisses them on the check)

Ikuto: Especially you, Meli-chan

Melissa: (blushes as he kisses cheek and hugs) Oh sorry Amu, I accidentally blushed when he did that. Sorry if I made you jealous.

Amu: Huh? Its okay. I wasn't jealous anyway.

Melissa: You don't know how lucky you are Amu!

Amu.: (shakes head) I don't think I'm actually lucky with him. If I do, I won't admit it.

Ikuto and Melissa: Yet.

Melissa: Anyways, no update until I get 2+ reviews! More than 2 reviews are always welcome!

Yoru: Hope you enjoyed~nya!