So here is Chapter 6 hope you all like it. It has been beta'd by Sidney Ella Ford so I love her for that. But anyway here ya go!

Chapter 6 – Surprise!

"Jaaaaaaake tell me what the surprise is!" Nessie whined.

"For the last time Ness: I am not telling you, no matter how hard you try," Jake said with a smile. He knew she was trying really hard, but he wasn't going to budge; she even tried her puppy dog face, which usually worked, but Jake knew that if he kept this a secret, she would be happier than if he told her now.

"Fine." Nessie sat there acting like she was mad at Jake for not telling her what was going on, but kept stealing glances at him to see if he was going to give -but he wasn't. She furrowed her brown in question. He had never been able to keep a secret for this long without telling her what it was. The puppy dog faced always worked in situations like these, but it looked like it wasn't getting her anywhere.

She decided instead to just think about what he may be doing. It could be a romantic dinner at the clearing where he had set something up for just the two of them. But he had just done that two weeks ago; would he do it again so soon? Or he could be planning a big trip for the two of them and that's where he wanted to tell her, but if that was the case why couldn't he just tell her when they were at the fair instead of taking her all the way up to the clearing. None of this made sense to her. She supposed she could just wait it out; it's not like it takes that long to get to where he wanted to go, and she could try and be patient and just let him do what he needed to do to surprise her. She had to admit she was always a hard person to surprise.

They both were quiet as they pulled up to the trail where they had to run the rest of the way. Nessie was getting uneasy; it wasn't everyday you saw Jacob Black this quiet. In fact now that she thought about it, you would NEVER see Jacob Black this quiet.

"Alright Ness, now I know you're going to hate this, but I want to carry you up the trail and I want you to close your eyes." Jacob said, he knew Nessie was so independent she hated to be carried.

"But Jake why can't I just go? Are you afraid I'm going to beat you?" She said with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"No Nessie." He said, he sounded really nervous, and she had no idea why. "Can we just do this my way? Please? I really want this to be perfect."

"Want what to be perfect Jake?"

"Just…please Ness?" Now it was his turn to do the puppy dog eyes.

"Oh alright, but once we get up there I want you to put me down immediately!" she demanded.

He chucked, "Ok."

Nessie took in a huge sigh and climbed on top of Jacob's back. Of course he had the strength of an ox so it was no problem for him. He took her legs, looked back to make sure she was closing her eyes, and took off.

She might as well enjoy this free ride while it lasted. So she kept her eyes closed like Jake had asked and just took in the feeling of the breeze as it went through her curly hair. She smelled all kinds of things birds, wildlife, and flowers. But as they got closer to the clearing she smelt her family. She frowned, thinking that they couldn't be here now. She shook it off and assumed the reason she smelled them was because they have been here so often.

She could feel Jacob slowing his speed and she thought they must be getting closer to the clearing. She quickly gave him a peck on his throat as he slowly put her down.

"Ok Ness," he said with his voice shaking, "I'm going to lead you the rest of the way, please keep your eyes closed until you hear me say you can open them, okay?" he said, examining her face and making sure she wasn't peeking.

"Okay," she confirmed, but not before she gave off another big sigh.

She felt Jake leading her up the rest of the trail and soon she felt the ground leveling out. She thought they would stop there, but he kept on going and there were other smells that she couldn't quite pick out, but were strange because she never smelled them in the clearing before. He finally stopped her and let go of her hand.

"Jake? Can I open them now?" She asked.

"No not now Ness; be patient," he said but he sounded farther like he was moving away from her.

"Alright, alright."

After what felt like an eternity, she finally heard Jake confirm that she could open her eyes, although his voice was a lot further than she expected.

She slowly opened her eyes and gasped. She couldn't believe what she was seeing right now. The first thing she noticed was the numerous amounts of rose petals that were scattered on the ground. And then she noticed the candles. Pure white candles that gave off no scent were lining up as a make-shift walk-way, she followed the candles with her eyes and saw that Jacob was at the end of the walk way and that her whole family was there behind Jacob all dressed in white, including her grandpa Charlie. Nessie assumed that this was Alice's doing that she made everyone match. Her eyes finally looked up at Jacob and he was looking at her with such an intensity it made her shudder.

"Come here Ness," he said softly, so softly that a normal human wouldn't have been able to hear such a request, but she did.

She slowly made her way up the make shift walkway and couldn't help but smile at him. She wondered what this was all about. Was she about to discover why her family has been acting so weird all day? Why Jacob had seemed more nervous today than she has ever seen him? What the secret conversation was between her father and Jake?

She finally made it all the way up to Jacob and now was standing right in front of him. "Yes Jake?" she asked, it was now her turn to sound nervous. She knew now what was coming and she braced herself.

Jacob smiled at her and kissed her cheek. He slowly got down on one knee and pulled out a box from his pocket.

"Renesmee Cullen you are the love of my life and you always have been and you always will be." He smiled up at her nervously. "I just want you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and want to treat you like a princess. I want you to be the one I wake up to every morning and go to bed with every night. I want you to be my one and only forever until we…"

"Well certainly not grow old…" Emmett interrupted and then Aunt Rose punched him in the ribs. Nessie nodded to her gratefully.

"Well, no…not grow old…but…damn it Emmett!" Jake growled in frustration. Nessie's whole family looked like they were ready to tear Uncle Emmett's head off. "I guess what I'm trying to say Ness is: Will you marry me?"

Nessie looked around at her whole family they were all smiling and looking at her and then she finally looked down at Jacob, her beloved for as long as she could remember. She couldn't picture herself loving anyone else; she didn't want to love anyone else. She loved Jacob Black and she always would.

"Yes, Jacob, I will marry you," she stated, smiling. She didn't think her smile could get any bigger, but it did, when her whole family crowded them both with hugs and congratulations.

When they were all talking to each other, Jake and Renesmee's eyes met. They never had eyes for anyone else and they both knew that neither one of them ever would. The last thing Nessie heard before her lips crashed into Jacob's was her Aunt Alice's voice shouting.

"I know I better be the wedding planner!"