C H A P T E R 1

Sixth Year, September

Ardal TeGailey rolled his eyes, annoyed. For the past fifteen minutes, he'd been sitting with three people that he really didn't wish to be around. It wasn't that he had a problem with either of them or anything. No, it was much more personal than that. He didn't want to be around anyone. Ardal was a man of secrets, a man of keeping to himself. He was perfectly capable of doing the entire Charms assignment on his own. No need to involve others, but sadly it wasn't his choice. It was the professors. For some reason, unknown to wizard kind, Professor Flitwick thought that making groups of four for a two week assignment would be good. He'd said it was for the sixth years to get to know the students from others houses better, but really Ardal thought it was all for the sake of 'house unity'.

Honestly, the teachers needed to get passed it. There was never going to be house unity. That's just how it's always been and will always be. No point in trying to force it, nothing good every came of something forced. At least that was the Slytherin's view.


"No, no…the charm doesn't work like that. The objects size determines first word and the weight determines second word," Nilly Willis grabbed at the piece of parchment one of her partners was working on, and erasing what she'd written. The Ravenclaw replaced the words with ones that were very similar to the ones that she'd just spoken out loud, as well as adding in the weight and size classifications with the words they went along with. "Luckily, the classifications are broad enough so that an estimate usually works. Granted, you do have to know the all the possible combinations first."

Nilly pushed the paper back over to it's former writer, and leaned back in her chair. She continued to watch as the Gryffindor scribbled a few more sentences before looking back at the book for more information. They were going to have to revise the essay a few times before handing it in, but they did have two weeks so there was plenty of time for that later. At the moment however, it seemed that only the two girls of the group were making any effort at the project, and that irritated the girl to no end. One of the boy's (a rather lanky blonde-haired boy) didn't seem to know whether his opinion was wanted or not; and the other (a well built dark-haired quidditch player) just acted like he didn't care. Though Nilly wasn't surprised, that boy was a Slytherin after all. He probably hated this project more than she did.


"Hey! I have an idea," sarcasm dripped from the words that flowed through Rhay Ponds' mouth. She'd stopped writing for a few moments, and was looking between the males of her group with fake cheerfulness. "Why don't you two start to help for a change?" Though they hadn't really been partnered up for that long, couldn't have been more than twenty minutes, the two of them hadn't even uttered a word. Not even a simple hello.

Rhay ran a hand through her silky black hair, letting each strand slip smoothly through her fingers, as she waited for a response. When neither of the two boys answered, the Gryffindor raised her left eyebrow in her trademark fashion, making it clear that she was ticked off. "Look, do you really think that either of us," she pointed between herself and the Ravenclaw girl, "want to be here either? No. Now either you two help out or I take my own measure to make you help out."


Maddox Myson almost shuddered as the dark-haired girl spoke. The threat that left her mouth was not empty, and he knew it. It was common knowledge that the girl in front of his had a temper, and she was known to follow through on the things she said. Still, Maddox had no idea what they were even doing. Yeah he knew it was a project, but he didn't even know what it was on.

So despite the Gryffindor's threat, Maddox stayed silent. He supposed whatever she had in mind couldn't be worse than not knowing what they were doing. Luckily for him, the Slytherin boy, who sat a little bit away from him, spoke, saving him from both the embarrassment and the wrath of the brunette.

"Sorry Gryff, but I don't take orders from the red and cold," the boy spoke viciously. "Oops, did I say cold? Oh…I meant gold. Sometimes it slips, you know?" The smirk on his face told Maddox exactly what the boy was doing. He wanted a rise out of the Gryffindor and Maddox knew that was what he was going to get. It didn't take more than a few seconds for her to respond either.

"I am not the cold one, Slytherin, or did you fail to notice that it is your house that takes pride in being so?" she spat back at him. It wasn't even directed at Maddox, yet the Hufflepuff was the one who pushed his chair, as discreetly as possible, farther away from the Gryffindor.

"Really? I thought we were known for our cunning and superiorly good looks."

"Ha! Good looking? Is that what you tell yourself when you look in the mirror every morning? Sorry to break it to ya, hun, your not even close. You don't even begin to scrape the surface of good looking."

"Well that's funny because I seem to recall a rumor that went around just last year about your little 'crush' on me," he pretended to think by putting a finger to his chin. This Maddox could actually confirm. He'd heard the rumor as well. It'd been an uproar in the school. After all, who would have thought that a Gryffindor, and a very outspoken one at that, would outwardly like a Slytherin? However after two weeks the rumor was put out when Sirius Black stood up and admitted that he started the rumor because of a fight they'd gotten into. Maddox still had his suspicions as to whether or not that was true.

"Oh, you know exactly wher-" the Gryffindor started, only to be interrupted by a surprisingly strong voice.

"Hi! I'm Nilly, and I don't recall any of your names. So how about we forget about this petty fight, introduce ourselves, and get on with the project," the small blond haired Ravenclaw girl said. It was quite surprising to see her interrupt the two fighting. From what Maddox had seen over the years, she only took charge when it came to school work and usually when somebody was making a mistake. He'd always assumed that she was more like him. The quiet, reserved sort of person.

Meanwhile the Gryffindor and Slytherin both gaped at the petite girl. They both seemed to be in shock that she'd interrupted them, but neither said anything. Maddox found it a bit unnerving, the silence that had fallen over the group. It was awkward, and he didn't like awkward. Actually, he didn't really like groups, or people. They all made him a bit nervous, but to his surprise he was the next one to speak. "I'm, um, Maddox."

The Hufflepuff boy could feel heat rise to his face when he managed to capture the attention of all three of them. What had expected, though, really? He spoke, they should look. The silence that hung over them continued to get more awkward. Maddox rubbed the back of his neck to calm himself and cleared his throat in an attempt to get others to talk.

"I guess I'll go next," the Gryffindor shrugged, "I'm Rhay, but some of you already seem to know that." She made it a point to look at the Slytherin as she spoke in reference to the rumor. Then, she raised her eyebrows at him in invitation to introduce himself.


That was enough for Maddox, and apparently the other two accepted it as well. "Alright, um, so…obviously we have this essay to write, but we'll also need to do some sort of presentation of the charm," Rhay took charge.

"I suggest that we do an example of each of the combinations of the charm, or at least do four. That way we could each demonstrate one," Nilly suggested in a soft voice. It seemed that she'd gone back to her quiet mode, and truthfully Maddox was happy for it. At least he wasn't the only one.

"Good idea," Rhay smiled and wrote it down on a spare piece of parchment. "We'll also need to practice. We only have two weeks, and the book makes it seem like the spells are rather tough. We're going to have to do some of this outside of the classroom." Maddox didn't fail to notice the bitter tone in her voice as she spoke. He also could have sworn she sent a quick glare at Ardal, but he wasn't positive on that account. It was too fast to be sure.

"Whatever. The bell's going to ring in a few moments. How about after lunch tomorrow in the fifth floor abandoned classroom?" Maddox was surprised to see that it was Ardal who made the suggestion.

The rest of the group nodded their consent just as the bell rang.


Day two of this bloody assignment and I'm already about to rip my hair out, Rhay thought to herself. The group was crowded inside the abandoned classroom after lunch on a Thursday afternoon, as was decided in class. So far it'd been an hour and they'd made absolutely no progress on the essay, and the actual practical part wasn't going so well. Rhay was ready to give up and just walk out on them. She was feeling claustrophobic being stuck in the room with Ardal.

The rumor that was spread the previous year did actually have some truth to it, though Rhay would never admit it. She'd just said that the boy was kind of cute, in passing, and Black had happened to overhear. It was also her that made him stand up in front of the school two weeks later and tell them all it was a made up rumor meant to be a prank. Oh the powers of knowing one of the boy's more well kept secrets. Rhay always appreciated having such knowledge, especially since the two of them got along only on a rare occasion. It made for great blackmail.

"Alright!" she pushed herself off the desk she was previously sitting on, and put her hands on her hips. "How about we actually talk to each other to get something done instead of all of us doing it on our own. It'd be a lot easier if we worked together, don't ya think?" Rhay sighed, sometimes being a voice of reason was rather annoying. Then again, being stuck there was rather annoying.

Rhay looked at the group, not failing to notice that Ardal was not looking her way; a fact which greatly pissed her off. "Maddox, grab that binder over there," she pointed to a shelf that contained a few scattered items. "What size range is that in, do you think? And what about the weight?"

"Um, can't be more than…two pounds," Maddox answered her first question quietly.

"10 by 12 inches,:" she heard Ardal say. It didn't even seem like he looked at it, but she wasn't going to argue for once. She just wanted to get something done. "It'd probably fall in the Tulallis category."

"Alright, so… Tulallis Macarnu?" she asked out loud.

"Yeah, but make sure you emphasize the 'all' in Tulallis," Nilly reminded her. Rhay merely nodded her head in response before concentrating on the binder in front of her. She repeated the charm in her head a few times before readying herself to perform the charm. Though she doubted it would work, the girl flicked her wand and said the incantation as clearly as possible at the binder. To no ones shock, nothing happened.

"Well, can't say I didn't try," Rhay said nonchalantly and took a seat on the table once more. "Anyone else wanna give it a shot?"

Each one took a turn attempting to do the spell, and none succeeded. Well actually, Nilly did get it to turn a very dark shade of blue, or at least that's what they told themselves. It really could have just been a trick of light, but for confidence purposes it was decided that it really did change color for a split second. After everyone tried, they came to a group decision to leave it at that, and pick up again the next day after classes.


"Hey! TeGailey!" a voice rang through the Great Hall, getting closer to the boy being called.

It took all of Ardal's strength not to yell at the person coming his way. "It's tay-glee, not teh-gay-lee. Get it right or don't say it at all," he rolled his eyes at the girl in front of him. It was bad enough that she was a Gryffindor coming over to him at the Slytherin table, but getting his name wrong was just dreadful. If there was one thing that pissed him off more than anything else, it was that. "What do you want?"

"Oh, just reminding you that we're working on the project in the library in an hour," she replied as if she wasn't being stared down by the three Slytherins Ardal was sitting with.

"I know, I don't forget things. Now you can go," he said, irritated.

"Aren't we a ray of sunshine?" was the last thing she said before leaving. Ardal just rolled his eyes and turned back to the boys he was sitting with.

"What was that about? Since when do you hang out with the likes of them?" Nott growled and glared after the girl.

"I don't. It's for a Herbology project, not that it's any of your business. I can do what I please," Ardal sneered before standing up, and leaving the Great Hall just as Rhay had done moments before. The Slytherin boy had decided long ago that he didn't care what the other Slytherin's thought. In fact he'd made it a point to spend as little time as possible around them. It's not like he wasn't necessarily like them, it was more of he didn't get the sadistic pleasure out of beating up younger students, and ganging up on muggleborns. He didn't have any real problem with them, he just didn't go out of his way to befriend them.

Ardal had his own views, separate from those of his parents and those of the other Slytherins. Yes, he wasn't kind and he could be conniving, but he wasn't inhuman. He cared about some things. He didn't want people to die for no reason; he didn't care about minor injuries, that wasn't his problem. Ardal basically let nature take it's course. He didn't feel the impulse to interfere, and he didn't blink when he saw something amiss. But despite that, he really did care in his own way.

To pass off the time until the group was to meet up, the boy walked around the castle aimlessly. In that time he managed to interrupt a couple get a little bit too friendly with each other in public, and overhear a bit of teacher gossip. It was nothing to him. He just continued on his way not giving any of it a second thought. In fact, the only thing he was thinking about was how long the project was going to take. It'd been a week and a half. It was Saturday, and the project was due this coming Tuesday. They had finished the essay, and managed to get two of the charms to work, but when the size and weight of the objects jumped into the next category it got more difficult. Of course, Ardal volunteered to be the one to perform the hardest one while Rhay took the next hardest. Ardal secretly wondered if it was some sort of ego thing for the girl, he didn't deny that was the reason he'd volunteered, but Rhay refused to give any reasoning. He wouldn't doubt it if that was the real reason.

"Woah, watch it," a male's voice snarled at Ardal. The boy broke out of his revere and looked at the person who'd spoke. He couldn't stop the smirk on his face when he saw none other than Sirius Black and James Potter standing in front of him, both with menacing looks on their faces.

"Why should I? You should be watching out for me," Ardal retorted. While he wasn't one to bring on physical fights, verbal ones he had no problem with. It was always fun to get a reaction out of people, and in his own way that was Ardal's form of entertainment.

"Watch what you say TeGailey or you might find that your pumpkin juice doesn't take like it normally does one morning," Black spat, and moved to shove by the Slytherin.

"Oo, I'm so scared. Please, don't do anything to my pumpkin juice! Whatever will I do?" Sarcasm seeped through each word. However, all he got out of the two boys was glare before they walked off. Not usually what the two would do in such a situation, but Ardal wasn't too disappointed, he did have more important things to do.


"Urgh, why couldn't we just hex him?" Sirius Black muttered after he and James Potter turned the corner.

"Because we have to meet Remus in five minutes, and the lake is at least a ten minute walk from here," James replied. "Besides, we'll just get him back later along with the rest of those slime balls."

Sirius couldn't fight that. He knew that they would soon be getting a taste of something rather unpleasant. Well, once the plan was completed sorted out. That was actually the point of the meeting between the boys. "Wait, what about Peter? Isn't he going to be there too?" Black wondered out loud. They'd been seeing less and less of the boy these days, and they shared a room with him for God's sake. It seemed the only time he was with them for more than an hour was on the night of the full moon, and that was just to help out a friend.

"He's getting extra help in some class," James shrugged it off. They all knew that their friend wasn't the smartest of lads, but still he could have asked Remus for help. The boy wouldn't have turned him down. After all, where else would he and James get their homework from? It wasn't that they weren't smart enough to do it on their own, they definitely were, it was just that they couldn't be bothered. There were definitely many more things they'd rather be doing.

"You know, I've been thinking…why don't we greaten the prank a bit?" Sirius started.

"Greaten the prank?"

"Yeah, instead of just the Slytherins, why not make it everyone? Gryffindors included. We know what's going to happen, so we just won't drink anything. It's not like it's a cruel prank. It's definitely a more tame one for us, just with greater magnitude."

James seemed to be in thought for a moment before a wide grin spread across his face. "My dear Padfoot, I think that is a fantastic idea. We'll just have to run it by Moony first since he's the real organizer of it. I'm sure he'll agree, and if not, we'll make him agree."


Yesterday's group meeting hadn't gone exactly as Nilly had hoped it would, but at least they got something done. Both Rhay and Ardal had managed to get a little bit of color and sparkle on each of their objects before they called it a day. The group had originally planned on having today off. It was Sunday after all, but Nilly had insisted that they meet again. They only had two more days, one of which they had classes on. It was really the only logical day to meet up. This time they'd vowed not to leave until they at least succeeded with one of the objects.

However, they weren't to meet until after breakfast and right now that was where Nilly was. She sat at the Ravenclaw table sipping at her orange juice, and reading a book. It was a little after eight, and on a Sunday that was early. However, it seemed that almost half the school was already up. Granted, many of them had tired eyes and were yawning, but they were still up. Nilly looked around at her own table for a moment, and noted that practically her whole house was there. It was a rare moment in time when that happened, but they were Ravenclaws. Most of them planned their days out at breakfast, so she supposed once one person got up in a dorm, most of the others did as well.

It was different with the sixth year girls, though only slightly. Nilly was usually the first one up since she went to bed the earliest, but not once had she ever bothered to wake the others. It wasn't that they didn't get along, well okay they didn't really. But it was more of the fact that they just didn't talk to her. Usually it was a cold shoulder or on the occasion a mere nod in greeting. It hadn't always been that way. They were all once close friends, until fourth year. After a fight with Terry Underway, Nilly had been shoved to the side. Terry was the leader of the group, she always had been. When Nilly made the mistake of talking about her in her journal, she was 'disowned' as they called it.

The incident had happened in May of their fourth year, and they never forgave her. It had only been one entry in particular. Nilly had been upset when she wrote it. After all, it had been her birthday, and Terry went out and took the boy she knew Nilly was crushing on. It was within her right to be angry, or at least that's what Nilly thought and stood by to this day.

Nilly made sure to charm her journal now.

"Hey Nilly," a voice said from behind the girl, causing her to jump in her seat. "Sorry to scare you."

"Um, no, it's fine," she smiled up at Rhay who'd taken her response as an invitation to sit down. Nilly just looked at the girl expectantly, but she didn't seem to understand. "So, why are you here?"

"Oh, I just saw you sitting alone and thought I should join you," Rhay started, now looking like she was uncertain of her choice. Nilly instantly felt bad for being so rude, but that didn't stop her from wondering what gave the girl such an idea. Sure, they'd been working on the project together and they'd been civil to each other. Did that mean something? Did she miss something that indicated a potential friendship?

"Sorry, I just thought, um, it's fine if you join me," she offered up a smile, figuring she might as well take the opportunity. Nilly hadn't made any friends since the incident, and though she'd gotten used to being alone she did find herself enjoying company from time to time.

"Good," Rhay grinned, her bubbly personality coming through. "So I was talking to Lily the other day, and she said that her group wasn't doing much better on their assigned charm. I guess we're not as far behind as we thought. I mean, it's Lily, come on. She's like a Charm's expert. If her group isn't up to par, then no one's group is up to par."

Nilly could see the logic in the girl's words, and she probably should have been offended by it but she wasn't. Lily Evans was smart, Nilly had to agree. She was also definitely the best Charm's student in their year. "I guess so," Nilly nodded her head.

"Um, can I ask you something?" Rhay asked uncertainly, and Nilly somewhat reluctantly nodded her head.


"Why-" she started when a loud shriek erupted through the Great Hall. All heads turned in the direction of a Hufflepuff fifth year whose hair was rapidly getting shorter, and changing color. Nilly's eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sight for right beside the girl was a boy, whose hair was steadily getting longer and changing color. Then suddenly there was an uproar in the Great Hall, and Nilly felt her own hair getting shorter. She felt like she couldn't breathe as she grabbed on to her precious blond hair in an attempt to stop it, but it continued to disappear into her scalp until it was just above her ears in a popular boy cut. She could see a few strands that fell into her eyes as it began to change into a light purple color. Tears welled up in her eyes, and it was all she could do to keep them at bay.

Next to her, Rhay's face was becoming red with anger. Her hair, too, was now in a boy cut, but was changing a royal blue color. The menacing look on her face was directed at a group of boys at her rightful table, laughing their asses off at the mess. Before Nilly knew what was happening, the girl stood up and charged over at them with speed. "Are you fucking kidding me!" she screamed in outrage when she reached the boys, capturing the attention of almost the entire Great Hall.


James clutched his stomach as it cramped up from laughter. The Great Hall was a disaster. Students were screaming, some were even crying, and the professors had no idea what to do. Luckily, McGonagall wasn't yet in the room or the four boys would have already been dragged off. Beside him, Sirius, Peter, and even Remus were laughing their heads off. Granted, Remus was at least trying not to, but even the most indignant person would laugh at this. Well, provided they weren't a victim. Too bad everyone at breakfast that morning was a victim.

"Are you fucking kidding me!"

James stopped laughing just long enough to look up and see the very red, angry face of one Rhay Ponds. This, of course, just sent him tumbling over in laughter again. Only Sirius was able to respond to her, as he had some inexplicable talent to be able to stop laughing on cue. "Whatever do you mean?" he put on his innocent kid look, and frowned at the girl.

"You know what I mean! Look at this!" she grabbed a piece of her blue hair to emphasize her point. "Change it back now!"

"Sorry, no can do love. It'll wear off in about a week," Sirius replied in all truthfulness.

"A WEEK!?" Rhay gaped at him, before charging at him, causing him to tumble off the seat. James stopped laughing to watch as the girl tackled his best mate, and proceeded to wrestle with him on the floor of the Great Hall.

"Change it back!"

"I can't!" Sirius yelled back as he struggled to pin her on the ground. "Merlin woman, what do you do in your free time? Lift first years?" This, angered the blue-haired girl even more, but Sirius had already gained control. James laughed as Rhay struggled underneath Sirius in anger, when another person pushed through the crowd of angry students that had gathered.

"Get off her," the eerily calm voice of Lily Evans. Even James had to struggle not to laugh at the green-eyed girl. Her once gorgeous locks of flowing red hair were now a short bob of hot pink. "Professor McGonagall is on her way with Professor Dumbledore." Her anger seeped through her words, but she continued to keep her voice level. James was shocked at how well she was taking it all, though it was probably because she'd gotten the teachers right away and they were right behind her.

Sure enough, the enraged voice of Professor McGonagall rang through the Great Hall only moments later. "What is going on here?" her voice ricocheted off the walls. She immediately looked towards the center of the group, at the four boys who were suspiciously unhindered by everything. "You four! My office, NOW!"

They didn't need to be told twice. James and the three other boys stood up, and followed the professor out the door.


"One week! One week!" Rhay had been muttering the entire time the group was in the abandoned classroom. Maddox, whose hair was a great deal longer, was sick of hearing it.

"Can you please stop? We all know. We've all been infected. Now we need to finish this project," he said. He'd been more outspoken over the last few days of meetings, but this was the first time he'd actually had the nerve to interrupt Rhay. She still unnerved him, but his annoyance got the better of him.

"Oh yeah, and what pray tell, happened to you? All I see is longer hair," she noted bitterly.

"That's because mine happens to be glow in the dark," Maddox replied disdainfully and shrugged lower into the seat he occupied. They'd gotten nothing done since they met up that day. No one was in the mood to work, all of them were too angry to work. While Rhay outwardly muttered about them being stuck like that for a week, Nilly stayed quiet looking very upset, Ardal looked like he was going to explode in anger at any moment, and Maddox kept to himself. Until that moment, that is.

"Let's get back at them," Nilly's small voice came from the corner she was sitting in. All three of them looked at her in slight surprise. If anyone were to suggest revenge, Maddox would have thought it would be Rhay or even Ardal, but definitely not Nilly.

"Let's," Rhay agreed, and Maddox watched as her frown turned into a mischievous smirk.

"How?" Maddox asked, glancing between the three in the room.

"Easy. With a prank. We have to beat them at their own game," Ardal said simply. The Slytherin boy hadn't spoken a word that day, until now. Maddox was shocked he was even going along with it. Apparently, the Slytherin wanted to exact revenge on the four Gryffindors more than he wanted to be rid of the three people in front of him, and he knew he couldn't do it all on his own.