A/N: Hey, there. I'm back. I know I haven't been gone for a long time but I'm in the writing mood. The idea for this story came from another cartoon. I've had this written for some time now, back before I knew anything about this site. So, I've decided to rewrite it. As always, this story's fate rests in the hands of the readers.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Turtles.
It wasn't like he didn't mind the exercise. That was why he was topside anyway. But did they really have to ruin a perfect run with a poorly thought out ambush? Oh, well. The Foot weren't known for their brains.
Raphael jumped over the gap between rooftops. He landed gracefully on the other side and continued running. Now he knew what Leonardo felt like when he had been ambushed. Raphael just hoped that Shredder wasn't somewhere along his path. The turtle looked over his shoulder. The number of ninjas had doubled since he last checked. He was not in the mood for this. Two months had past since he had been captured by Shredder and turned into one of his Foot Tech drones. The last thing he wanted to see now was the Foot.
Raphael slid to a stop. He was panting heavily and his heart was working over time. Two dozen or so Foot soldiers blocked the reptile's path. Raphael growled in annoyance. Even though it gave him indescribable pleasure to take on terrible odds, he began to back up.
"Make a run for it. Make a run for it and live to fight another day," his mind screamed at him.
Raphael turned around and saw the group of ninjas pursuing him land on the rooftop. There were too many to count. An impossible fray to win. Raphael felt adrenaline begin to shoot through his veins.
"Fight or flight?" he asked himself. "Fight and meet an early grave? Or run and be guaranteed to live?"
Raphael looked around. It seemed like with every second that ticked by more and more ninjas appeared. The turtle began backing up towards the edge of the building. The Foot ninjas followed his every move. Raphael stepped up on to the ledge and prepared himself to jump if his attackers made any kind of move towards him. He felt the bands around his wrists vibrate. It was a feeling he had gotten used to whenever he was threatened. The bands and belt would vibrate and then release the armour. After the skirmish was over it would retreat back into the bands. Raphael fingered his shell cell. He needed back up. He needed his brothers. He would even settle for Casey at this point.
What are you waitin' for? Make a break for it already! his body and mind yelled.
Raphael shook his head to try to clear it. Anger and frustration was quickly clouding his senses. He couldn't afford to lose focus right now. The young mutant edged closer to the side. He heard cars roaring down the street below. A light pole stood almost directly below where Raphael stood. The red-masked ninja looked back at the black-clad humans. A few got the bright idea of moving. Without hesitation, Raphael jumped. He reached out and grabbed the light pole. He used the momentum to vault himself across the street and disappeared into an alley.
Raphael ran for a few more blocks before stopping. He lend up against the wall and closed his eyes. He could hardly breathe and his rapidly pounding heart didn't help matters. Raphael slid down the wall until he was sitting on the ground. He took out his shell cell and opened it. He was about to dial Leonardo's number when he heard the unmistakable sounds of a struggle.
"Let go of me! Help! Someone help!"
Raphael closed his phone and shot to his feet. He was mindful to keep an eye out for any Foot ninjas.
"Where is it?"
"Where is what?"
Raphael crept down the back alley he was in and peeked around the corner. A young girl was cornered by what looked like Purple Dragons.
"You know what we're talking about. Now, hand it over!"
There was a whistle, as if someone was trying to catch someone else's attention. The two men turned around. Their eyes grew wide when they saw the red-masked turtle standing behind them. Arms crossed and a mischievous smirk on his face.
"Hi," Raphael greeted.
The girl went rigid.
"Now, what would two punks like you be harassing a nice girl like her?" Raphael asked, nodding to the young female.
"None of your business, freak," one of the Dragons spat.
Raphael growled at the name. He never did like being called a freak. He uncrossed his arms and put his hands on his sais.
"I'll give ya to the count a' three," he said.
No one moved.
One of the Dragons made a run for it. His friend soon followed him. Raphael chuckled. It worked every time. There was a small whimper. Raphael turned to the girl. He walked over and knelt down.
"Are ya hurt?"
The girl shook her head. Her eyes darted across Raphael's body.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt ya," Raphael assured her.
"Do you live in Brooklyn?" the girl asked, her voice shaking.
"No. Been there a few times though," Raphael replied.
"You speak with the Brooklyn accent."
"Yeah. That eludes even me."
The girl looked around the alley.
"No one's gonna hurt ya," Raphael repeated. "Would you mind tellin' me what those guys wanted?"
The girl didn't move, nor did she say anything. Her eyes remained fixed on the turtle's in front of her.
"You're in turmoil," she whispered.
Raphael frowned.
"Your mind is troubled," the girl said a bit louder.
"No it isn't," Raphael denied.
"I can see it in your eyes. You hide emotions that are not meant to be hidden," the girl explained.
Raphael shifted uncomfortably. He had been lectured on such things by Splinter when he was a preteen. He didn't need to be reminded of it by a girl who he hardly knew. He felt something hot rise in his chest. The girl's eyes fell to her rescuer's chest.
"We tend to hide scars beneath a mask. Only to have those scars turn into an enemy that even we ourselves cannot defeat," she said.
"Listen, kid, I'm in kind of a hurry," Raphael replied.
"They were looking for this," the girl answered, reaching into her coat and pulling out a hand mirror.
She held it out for Raphael to take. The turtle cautiously took it.
"What's so special about this?" he asked.
"I'm afraid I can't tell you that, sir," the girl answered.
"Oh, it's of those 'ya gotta find out for yourself' deals," Raphael muttered.
"Something like that," the girl confirmed. Her eyes drifted upward. "You have company."
Raphael swung around.
"Shell," he growled through clenched teeth.
The ninjas jumped down into the alley. Raphael turned back to the girl, only to find she was gone. With an irritated growl, Raphael tied the handle of the mirror to his belt and headed up the fire escape. The Foot soldiers followed.
"These guys just won't quit," Raphael said as the group from earlier rejoined the chase. "Whoa!"
He came to a sudden stop. Hun and the Foot Elite stood in front of him.
"Long time no see, Red," Hun said.
"Ugh," Raphael moaned. "Ya know I preferred it when you used to call me 'freak'."
He wrapped his fingers around the hilt of his sais. Hun walked up.
"The Shredder's been lookin' for you."
"No kiddin'. Coulda fooled me," Raphael said.
The air was suddenly forced out of his lungs. Raphael found himself on his back, gasping for air. Hun loomed over him.
"That smart mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble one of these days, turtle," the human mountain warned.
Raphael struggled to his knees. An agonized moan escaped him. He hated being on his knees in front of the Foot, even more so in front of Hun. Raphael felt a small tug on his belt.
"I never thought you freaks were into grooming," Hun said.
Raphael felt his side. The mirror was gone. The turtle looked up to find that Hun had it dangling over him. Raphael took a deep breath and slammed into Hun's stomach. As Hun fell, he dropped the mirror. Raphael dove and caught the mirror before it fell to the concrete. The Foot charged. The mirror began to glow. Raphael squeezed his eyes shut as a burst of light shot out of the mirror. He felt something wrap around his wrists.
"You cannot escape me," a voice hissed.
And just as soon as it had appeared, the light vanished. Raphael dropped the mirror and stumbled back. He looked around. Whatever that light was, it had taken care of the Foot problem. The sai-wielder dropped to his knees and tried to catch his breath. Raphael looked at the mirror. Something was seriously wrong with that thing.
"You cannot escape me."
Raphael shook his head. Great, now he was hearing voices.
"You cannot run. You cannot hide. You will belong to me."
Raphael got to his feet and picked up the mirror.
"Donny will know what to do with ya," he muttered.
So? What do you think? Worth continuing?
Reviews are always welcome. However, flames will be used to keep this story's wildfire burning.