Hey people, nice to meet yah, um well this is my second fic but my fist anyways, i do not own shaman king or any of the characters. Except Hao. okay so not Hao either TT^TT

Yoh P.O.V

As I walked into the classroom, the first person i noticed was a longhaired boy, sat at the back of the classroom. why? well, he was surrounded by a metre of empty space on all sides with no-one near him. He was also the only person in the room not talking, but working. But, even more noticeable was the fact he did not wear any proper uniform. Just like me! Just then the teacher cleared his throut and told the class to be quiet.

"well class," He began, "we have a new student joining us today who has yet to know the proper uniform. But anyway make sure you are nice to him. His name is Asakura, Yoh. No relation to it."

"it?" I thought "whats that?"

Allready i was bieng judged and hated, a new record that shattered the last one which took one hour before bieng hated. Little did i know, i was soon to find out just what "it" is. But at what cost?

okay okay, no flames please people this is just a prologue i will put up the next chapter soon - really soon. However, i need 3 people to review before i update, and small critscisms would be nice. If there is anything you feel i should add/not add in my next installment then please say so.

THANKS now hit that review button! Please?