I ran through the cave trying to retreat, at Alberta's orders. I had managed to get through the small gap and a releived look appeared on his face indicating Rose was still alive and not hurt. I gave her a small smile. Aparantly we were both getting out of this alive. We began running towards the exit as night was falling fast. We had to get back under the safe wards of the school. I stayed at the back making sure everyone had got out safe... but as always something unexpected happened. Strigoi had been piling up in lead offs in the walls and leapt out as we ran past. Alan had been killed swiftly a Strigoi cracking his neck. The sound was disgusting. Afraid for Rose, I had made my fatal move. A Strigoi from behind had gave me a suprise attack. Rose was watching. Pulling me to the floor I attempted to kick, push anything to get this Strigoi off me and safe myself when his fangs sunk into my neck. I dont know if I heard her screaming... all I knew from that moment on... she thought I was dead. However I had somehow miraculously managed to survive. When I awoke I wasnt in a cave but chained down in a cell... what was this?

I tilted my head through the bars and noticed some of the others that were on the rescue mission with us. They hadnt woken up or were dead... I couldnt tell. Lifting my chained hand I felt the scars from that Strigoi biting me they were still painful. But like any other pain... I shrugged it off. I didnt know how I was still alive, why I was alive. But one thing I knew. I had to get out of here and return to the Academy... to Rose.

Months Later

Rose yawned getting up, awaking in her bedroom. After the rescue mission, Dimitri's death hit me pretty hard. Lets just say you could of called her depressed from it all. Not knowing really what killed her. He could be dead. He could be alive. Or worse, he could be inbetween... a Strigoi. Pictures of him with glowing red eyes full of blood lust and hate almost made her cry. Even if it had been months after his dissapearance, and she had moved on. It still haunted her dreams... unless of course Adrian Ivashkov wasnt constantly visiting them. Even if she had grown over the past months to get over Dimitri and find some love for Adrian... his death stayed with her. Some part of her died with him and everyone accepted that. But she was trying hard.

After graduation she was indeed asigned to Lissa, as was Eddie. Since he did a good job on the feild experience in protecting her and Lissa needed two guardians he had been chosen as the other one. Christian hadnt been asigned a guardian but he was always with Lissa, so they were both protecting him and Lissa. Even if he could very well defend himself. We were returning to the Academy as a renunion type thing. Guardians sometimes returned and taught the novices a thing or two. It was now their turn. Lissa smiled happily pulling up in front of its huge iron gates. Eddie drove in the front seat beside Lissa. Rose got stuck in the back with Christian and her current boyfriend Adrian. I got out first followed by Christian, Adrian, Eddie then Lissa. That was the order they all got out of the car. I could defend Adrian should a Strigoi attacked. Christian could defend himself really well with his fire magic. Also Eddie remained in the car protecting Lissa. Lissa waltzed up to the iron gates and a guardian smiled at them all recognising them.

"Welcome back..." She said simply and opened the gates. All the Moroi stepped in first this time followed by Eddie then Rose, "I hope life has been pleasant for you all." She said. Anyone hoped that. Killing Strigoi was a nasty business but someone had to do it.

"A few, not too many suprisingly. Since we have been gone for years." Eddie answered for them both. He had at least four Molinja marks where as Rose had six and the battle mark. The other Molinja marks didnt bother her. However the battle mark was always burning at the back of her neck. The exact number he had... Rose thought. He had six Molinja marks and had he survived he would of had the battle mark as well. He was right about one thing, Rose would surpass him one day. The continued on towards the Headmistresses Kirova's office. Also where most of the guardians were when off duty. Seeing most of them come in, some from her class others who had been a guardian for years. Some novices from her year even had some Molinja marks which shocked her. Hating to admit it shocked that none of them had been killed.

During their time outside the Academy she had been hoping that she would run into him. Part of her hoped he was alive and just couldnt find a way to come back. Another part of her hoped he was dead rather than the third alternative. Her mother had come by as well and Rose gave her a small smile. It was one of the few times she saw her mother. She too was an excellent guardian. Only one of the few could match Dimitri. Lissa in the end respectivly declined the invitation from the queen, learning about her secret plot, to get Adrian and her together as a couple. So she went on the University Christian was attending. It was a huge school, it gave Rose and Eddie a challenge. Rose guarded Adrian and Lissa most often and Eddie Christian. Adrian and Lissa being spirit users attended a class taught by another spirit user. There wasnt many other spirit users in the school, in fact they still had yet to find some.

Well they were back here for their summer holidays. The academy rarely had any holidays so for these six weeks the novices would be holding their feild experience. Rose and Eddie were called back to do some tests merely the Moroi were here to have a good time. Her mother was here for that as well. Alberta soon came out and started talking, "Welcome back." She began. Rose and Eddie nodded their hello's and so did the rest. At least they had grown up, "Well you know why you are here because you have done it before. Feild experience. We have no where near enough guardians to do it this time, so its why you have been summoned. Some will be doing the test others patrolling the school. It depends on the ammount of marks you have as to what you will be doing."

Christian yawned, "This seems alot like school." He mumbled and Lissa nudged him to shut up. She was still talking. Alberta continued, "Sorry you see it that way Christian. At any rate, its starting today so follow me and you will find out." Eddie walked on ahead with Christian and Lissa. Rose stayed at the back with Adrian and her mother. Rose gave Adrian a look and he took the hint and walked a little faster giving Rose and her mother some catch up time.

"You have progressed alot..."Janine siad to her daughter. Rose laughed and gingerly touched the back of her neck, "Well I dont have as many as you do..."

"Thats not the point." Janine said. It didnt matter how many she had, but of how well she protected Lissa, " Well considering you have three Moroi to protect, you have done quite well."

"Yeah. Christian helps from time to time with his fire magic. Adrian does have his own guardian, but he sacked him or something along them lines." Rose answered her.

"I never known you to be modest, Rose. Shows your growing up."

Rose winced at that. Considering what she had to deal with... she had to grow up fast to deal with it all. Her mother noticed and then added, "You have dealt with it quite well." Janine said and Rose knew what she had meant.

"I know..."

"You have moved on at any rate." Janine said with a smile hinting towards Adrian.

"He cant replace him."

"Im sure Adrian respects that..." Janine nodded towards her. Soon they made it into the gym where most of the novices had gathered to find their assignments out. And the guardians theres.

Alberta silenced the hall with their anticipated whispers hoping who would get who, "When I call your name and the Moroi you shall be guarding for the next six weeks. Come up here and collect the file. Inside the file it gives you all the information you will need to know about your Moroi. Study it, know it." Alberta ordered and then looked at her sheet of paper. Calling out names in turn, some got the Moroi they wanted or at least was pleased with the choices. Others werent. One wasnt happy at all, she reminded Rose of herself, when she found out who she was guarding. Rose looked at Christian briefly and their eyes met knowing they were thinking the same thing. He hadnt been much of a bad choice looking back on it.

Higher guardians like Rose's mother and guardians who were still here for when she was at school were assigned the tests as usual. Rose had been given that duty as well along with Eddie. In fact they were the only ones out of the class. The rest complained.

"How come they get it? We have come here as well you know.." They said complaining.

"If you hadnt been such a jack ass in school you would of." Rose countered.

"I even have more marks than Eddie! Why is he getting it?"

Alberta then narrowed her eyes at that, "You may have more marks than Eddie. That was took into consideration. Eddie has four guarding three Moroi. You have five guarding one. So Eddie alone to get that is an acheivement, that of which he deserves this."

The rest grumbled their opinion, "Security of the school is one of the most hardest jobs, and the most responsible." One of the other guardians said to them. They sighed eventually realising the responsibilty.

They all filtered off to begin their duties as did the other guardians. Lissa smiled at Rose,"Six weeks will fly by you know, Rose.." She said with a smile. Rose looked at her friend and nodded. She liked and both disliked this place. Everyone already knew the reason why. Alberta then turned to Lissa, "Vasilisa, would you be up to anything over the next six weeks?"

Lissa turned around to her and shook her head with a smile. Alberta then sighed with relif, "We could use yours and Adrians help over the next few weeks."

"What is it?" Lissa asked rather concerned. Alberta then smiled, "We might have another Spirit user Moroi on campus. She hasnt specialised yet, and she is at that age. Would you watch her for me? Just to confirm that she has or hasnt got spirit. Then if she has try and steer her in the right direction."

Lissa was quite shocked. Spirit users were few and far between, so to find another was wonderful. She then nodded, "Sure we can do that, cant we Adrian?"

Adrian just looked glum, "Sure." He said smoking on his cigarette. Rose glared a him. Something she didnt agree with was him smoking, as it made him smell,. Adrian just smiled and laughed and took one last draw then stubbed it out. Eddie then walked over to Rose and handed her a package of the novices they would be testing, "I guess we should get started." Along with the many novices was a notepad used for their personal notes on how their tests with them went. Alberta smiled towards Rose and Eddie,"The black clothes are in your rooms. Guardians dorm and ask at the security desk for the keys." Alberta answered them. Rose nodded and then moved toward Adrian. Adrian smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist, "Do we get to share a room?" He whispered seductivly in her ear. Rose narrowed her eyes then punched him in his shoulder, "I swear thats all you ever think about." She said then walked off with Eddie toward the Guardian dorms.

Getting there quite quickly and asked at security for their room keys. She took hers and almost gasped at the number. Attached to it was a note simply saying sorry. It was Dimitris old room before he was killed. It had been cleared out but obviously still holding memories of him and her. Eddie noticed her reaction, "You want to swap rooms?" He asked and Rose shook her head. She would feel a little safer in that the thought he had occupied it made her feel a little safer. She loved Adrian but it didnt come close to what she felt for Dimitri, well she had. He was gone now. She tried her best to love Adrian like that, and Adrian understood that.

"I'll be fine. Thanks anyway Eddie. You going to come into mine and study up or on your own?" She said waving the packages up in the air. Eddie nodded agreeing she would join her. Each novice had to be tested by each guardian. So they had to one at least a day. Guardian numbers were slowly springing up, however there were still more Moroi. Then on days they were supposed to be off they had a a choice to conduct a few suprise tests on any they wished to. It wasnt really a day off just one when they shouldnt be tested however... there wasnt no rules in the real world. She had been attacked before on her day off in the real world by a real strigoi. After her and Eddie had studied the packets and decided the order of when they were going to conduct their tests, Eddie left. Rose moved to her window then looking at the room. A tear sprung to her eye and she was shocked. She thought she was over Dimitri.

-*-*-* Dimitri-*-*-*

Over days, months, he had seen more dhampirs and Moroi be thrown in the cages. Put in chains. Somewere unconscious from bites others were severely hurt. He pretended all the time to be unconscious just waiting for his chance. He couldnt do it alone, but by gods he would try. Over time he had managed to get some people in the same cell as him to help. They ate their food to build up their strength. Then one day when everyone around him was ready... it was time to escape.

When the strigoi that bought them their food opened their cages thats when he would strike. He had picked the locks on the chains long ago. There was a sword on either wall nearby his goal was to at least stun the Strigoi and get to one of the swords. Lucky for him they were sharp. When the strigoi opened their cage. He sat behind the door, standing up he used the chain and clouted him easily around the head and ran out of the cell for the sword. Unlatching it and before the vampire could lunge for him again he swung beheading him easily. Grabbing the keys he opened all the other cages and everyone elses chains, "Everyone. There is only two swords so all of you who cant fight. Run. Dont fight. Run. Find an exit. Fire using moroi we could use your help. However the rest of you dont wait." He ordered them. They nodded some visibly afraid.

Moving out of the corridors silently. Killing few strigoi under suprise. So far so good. Looking around either side he noticed the exit. However the front door is always a trap. Looking down the two sides he noticed two more strigoi. Fire using Moroi took them out quickly at the same time bursting them into flames and to ashes. They didnt have time to scream. Moving on quickly getting closer each time. One strigoi turned and saw them. Dimitri flew for the door kicking it open quickly. Ushering them all outside quickly. The two most experienced guardians him and another stayed with the swords along with the two other Moroi. More fire users were outside taking out as many of the outside guards as they could. Most did as they were told and ran, the others stayed to fight and found out the hard way. Killing all the oncoming vampires Dimitri moved outside noticing the scene before him many lay dead on the ground. But most stayed alive. Finally... Freedom.