sorry it's so short. i know some of you were probably expecting more, and i feel a bit unresolved just thinking about it.
so i might do a sequel.
probably not, but might.
just because i really really just wanna be DONE with this story and move onto bigger and better things!! i will definitely still write Maximum Ride fics though, so no worries! :D
read on! (it won't take very long. once again, sorry!)
:-: : : : : : : : : : :-:
"So," Fang said. "What now?"
I sighed. "That seems to be the million dollar question around here."
He kissed the top of my head, sending a wave of warmth flooding through me. "We'll figure something out." So there you have it, folks! Fang and I are officially a couple.
Right then we were laying down on the forest floor, snuggling by the fire. I was in between Fang's legs, leaning back against his chest. He absently played with my hair and once and a while would press his lips to it.
It felt soooo good…
And trust me, I never use that many o's in so unless I mean it.
And so, (see what I mean?) this would pretty much conclude our little chronicle of the many whims and whimsies we go through every day.
And hey, you never know. Maybe we'll meet someday…
"Max!" Iggy voice startled me and I jumped out of Fang's arms. The dusk blanketed our camp and Iggy's face was barely lit by the fire. But the dim lighting didn't mask his apprehension. "Some one's coming!"
I strained and just barely made out over the hum of the crickets…Thump. Thump. Thump. Footsteps.
…Or not.
:-: : : : : : : : : : : : :-:
muahahaha. left you with a bit of a cliffy, eh? (to answer any questions you may have, YES, i am Canadian. no lie.)
A HUGE THANK YOU to my readers, reviewers, favorite-ers, and alerters!!!!!
fanks. :)
that was a bit...anticlimatic? haha!
well, this is it! i would love it if you guys would continue to follow my stories so i can hear from you!!
for the last time in this fic......
:let's take a trip down