A/N- Once again, here's another Giriko/Justin fic for LJ's "42 Souls," using prompt #2 Something Sexy About the Rain. Lots of things come to mind, right? XD I've decided to make this on a "To Be Continued" type deal, so expect more chapters soon! :D I also had a terrible case of writer's block while writing this, but I'm very happy with the final outcome. X3 So, please, ENJOY!

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater, Justin Law, or Giriko: they are property of OHKUBO ATSUSHI and others. Also, I do not own the prompts used to inspire this fic, THANKS TO THE ADMINS OF 42_SOULS!!!


Sacrilege Part 1: "Stuck in the Mud"

His body splashed hard into the muddy puddle, dark droplets soaring into the air and smacking against the surrounding trees. The harsh rainstorm had been raging for the duration of the fight, and the forest floor's moist consistency conveyed enough evidence.

"If you were a good boy, you would've realized not to assault Shibusen so carelessly. Learn your lesson well, heretic: I have no intention to repeat myself," the young man said, his voice glossed with a roguish tone. Justin Law glanced down at Giriko's fallen body, a slight smirk upon his face.

Coughs, grunts, and growls escaped from Giriko's throat as his body writhed in the pool of rain and soil. "Ah, fuck you, priest," he groaned, wiping the blood-stained mud from the corner of his scowling lips. He sat up, spitting out a soiled tooth and a stream of red fluid. Glaring up from under his brow, he returned the death scythe's devious smirk, adding an underhanded snicker. "And I don't give a shit about Shibusen. I came here to kill you."

Justin raised a cautious eyebrow to Giriko's presumed plan. "Kill me," he mimicked coyly, replaying their two previous meetings in his head. He chuckled, finding the current situation rather humorous. "Yes, you did mention that before. Fortunately for me, it seems as if you've missed your chance again." He simply smiled and turned his back to his fallen opponent, walking off into the dark depths of the trees.

"Not so fast, Father," Giriko called out, followed by an ominous clinking sound that shot a nerve up Justin's spine.

His short journey suspended, Justin gradually turned his head, glancing over his shoulder; his eyes bulged wide at the sight of the emerging chains. "Y-you…"

Giriko narrowed his eyes, taking a loop of the chain in his hands before flinging it towards the young priest. "I'm not defeated in the slightest," he said, the chain latching around Justin's right leg. With a light pull, the chains began to rotate around the young man's lower appendage, tightening and biting into the fabric of his pants.

Gasping, Justin's vision darted down towards his own captured leg, his body shaking with building fear and rising alarm. He attempted to jerk away from the rolling chains, but his actions only tightened the chains' hold.

"Don't do that if you're trying to escape," Giriko teased, laughing under his breath. He gave the chain another taut pull and watched in amusement as the priest collapsed into the puddle at his feet.

In the mud, Justin squirmed about, kicking up mucky rainwater and gasping for breath. He had forgotten about the chains and carelessly left his back open to the enemy, in the most literal sense. He sat up in his puddle, staring over at the other man who, despite his injuries, seemed disturbingly contented with the current development.

Another mischievous laugh of Giriko's resonated throughout the collective of trees. "You know, I always thought that there was something sexy about the rain," Giriko said lazily, pulling on the chain and dragging Justin along the damp ground towards him.

Justin yelped and dug his nails in the miry forest floor, leaving finger trails in the mud as his body was being reeled into a murky doom. There was little he could do to escape such a fate; Giriko's chains had pierced ferociously into Justin's flesh.

"St-stop this," Justin pleaded, his watery eyes glancing up at the heretic, now hovering menacingly above Justin's captive body.

Smiling, Giriko dropped the chain from his stained hands and lowered his body upon the priest's trembling form. "Fine by me," he said softly, pressing his nose against Justin's. "You know, I was gonna kill you, but for some reason, I just can't bring myself to do it."

Swallowing nervously, Justin could think of nothing to say or do in his defense. For all he could muster in his head, Giriko's sudden change in attitude was not only unexpected, but degrading, but Justin's standards. "Why not," he asked in a small and voice.

Giriko grabbed the young man's sopping wet sleeve, tracing his fingers over the slippery fabric. "It's these clothes, priest," he said, licking Justin's lips, as well as his own. "The rain makes them stick nice and tight against your skin. I just can't help myself."

Justin gasped, his eyes widening in realization of Giriko's new found intent. "N-no," he whimpered breathily, his mouth too dry for any other words. He turned his head away, desperate to get the image of his aroused enemy far from his visual field. His breathing becoming short and sporadic, Justin felt as if he were sinking deeper into the mud; but one lick along his neck sent a new sensation throughout Justin's body, and his face flushed red.

"Tasty," Giriko said, his breath tickling the nerves on the young man's neck.

Justin whined helplessly, his palms pressed tight against Giriko's chest in an attempt to back away. He would've tried kicking away as well, but knew the bloody consequences would only go against him. Sighing, Justin's body flopped limply in the puddle, his determination floating away with the remnants of his dignity. "Go ahead," he said, small tears dripping from the corners of his eyes, "have your way with me."

Heavy silence filled the next moments with only a few drops of rain disrupting the mood. "You're…giving up?"

Justin nodded, sniffling pathetically between his muffled cries. "Yes," he whispered.

Giriko gave a heavy, slightly agitated sigh as he unraveled the rusted chains from Justin's leg. "Well, we can't have that," he said bluntly.

A new interest piquing in Justin's mind, he looked up at Giriko, now mounted on his knees. "Excuse me?"

Giriko smirked and instantly grabbed Justin, cradling the death scythe in his arms like a virginal bride. "I like it better when you resist: makes me want you more," he said, a toothy grin forming on his face as he sloppily stood up onto his feet.

Confused and offended, Justin held tightly onto Giriko's soaked vest, his attention focused between the forest floor and the heretic's face. "That's not something I want to hear," Justin yelled, his cheeks hot from embarrassment.

Giriko only chuckled in response, taking his first step towards the edge of the forest.

After moments of another awkward silence, Justin sighed and glanced up at Giriko, the man completely focused on leaving the wooded area. "What do plan on doing to me," he said, pouting like a bratty child.

His eyes scanning lightly over Justin's body, Giriko faced forward once more and smirked innocently. "Your leg's a mess, and I'm responsible. I can't help feeling guilty, so I'm gonna fix you up."

Justin's eyes grew wide and his vision flashed over to his leg, unaware of its existence after it became numb from the piercing pain. Blood dripped down from the soiled fabric to the ground below and Justin felt a little more at ease with his enemy's intentions. He smiled, leaning his head against Giriko's damp chest. "Thank you," he said, serenely closing his eyes.

Another laugh reverberated from Giriko, but Justin had fallen fast asleep in his enemy's arms, the day's events gently spilling over into his realm of dreams.


Thanks for reading, please review, and stay tuned for more!!! X3
