Title: Shutout
Author: Mad Server
Rating: T
Characters: Dean, Sam
Word Count: 100, on the nose
Summary: It's first aid time, and Dean won't let Sam help.
A/N: Missing scene for "Sex and Violence." E/O Challenge, prompt word: "graze." This is for Enkidu07, because I can't think of stitches and not think of her.
Disclaimer: I don't own these guys.

Dean's face is grey under the bright bathroom lights, his arm a shock of cherry as he peels away jacket-shirt-undershirt with visibly shaking hands, lets them drop. Eyes downcast, he lathers up; suds run pink down his wrists. Towel graze, then long fingers fumble with med-kit, produce a needle and thread. It's eight tries before he finds the eye, his face sick and sweaty, nostrils flaring. A flask screws open; contents pour on shoulder, nowhere else. With a sniff, he positions the needle.

"Dean," Sam tries.

Dean cuts him a weary glance in the mirror; turns and shuts the door.
