A/N: Ok my readers. after a discussion with my Beta, I have decided that this is the last chapter of my story. Seeing how all the characters are back together and happy, I felt that this was a good point to end Bella's journey. Sorry if it disappoints any of you, but I felt it was the time to let them go and move on. Sorry for the massive time delay as well, it took a while to come up with what I thought was a good ending. Please read the Author's Notes at the bottom as they are important!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot!

My body awoke in stages. The exhaustion that my body was capable of was unnerving to me when it came to making up lost time with Edward. Why did I have to be the one vampire in history that suffered from it? Beats the hell out of me. I guess Carlisle was right though, some of us do retain some human aspects of ourselves after the change. But it seems to me, that I retained a lot more human qualities than most. Actually, come to think about it, it seemed that Edward and I were the only ones who retained one -- or more in my case -- human qualities after our change. Weird. Oh well.

My eyes fluttered open and my arms tightened around Edward's torso, snuggling into his side.

"Morning beautiful," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss into my hair.

I just nodded my head. I wasn't sure if I had regained the use of my voice yet. After spending last night and all of Sunday -- yes I said all of Sunday -- rolling around in the sheets, my voice gave out from constantly screaming. Edward laughed at me after I tried to say something to him, but my voice had failed. He told me that it was once again a first in vampire history.

Stupid all-knowing, sexy vampire.

Still, I wasn't exactlycomplaining. The pleasure Edward and his body had invoked from mine was mind-blowing. Who knew sex couldbe so fulfilling? Better talk to Emmett about that later, he'd get a kick out of that.

"Still can't talk?" Edward laughed.

I cleared my throat in an attempt to say something, but when I opened my mouth, nothing.

'Dammit!' I thought.

"Don't worry, love. I'm sure it will come back after you have fed," he said.

I lowered my shield. 'But that won't be until tonight. I can't even whisper. Alice will want details about last night, you know how she is. You are the only person that I can actively talk to, but that's only if I drop my shield. I don't want to walk around defenseless all day. It's unnerving,' I thought.

"If that's all you are worried about, then I can fix that right now. But then you would have to give details to her, which I'd rather you not. Some things are private. Besides, Jasper seems to know what you are thinking most of the time as well, so technically you could talk to him to."

'True. But how could you fix my problem?' I thought.

"Quite easily. You take a small drink from me and your voice will be as good as new," he said.

'Well why didn't I think of that?' I thought sourly.

"No need to be sarcastic, love. I rather like being the only one you can talk to," he chuckled.

I looked up at Edward and just shook my head. I extracted myself from his arms and moved off the bed.

"Where do you think you are going?" Edward asked.

'Shower?' I thought.

"Ok, I'll join you," he said getting up out of the bed.

'No funny business mister!'

"Actually didn't plan on it," he said.

My face fell.

"Don't pout Bella. There's no point in doing that again if I can't hear you voice your pleasure. What would be the point?" he explained.

'True, but my shield would be down, so I could voice my opinion in your head, but oh well, you'll just have to wait until after the bar is closed and I am fed. Shame,' I thought slyly walking in my bathroom.

"Well since you put it that way," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I smiled.

After about an hour in the shower and two more times, we got out and got dressed. Seems my plan for voicing my pleasure was a good idea after all.

"All I can hear is your voice in my head. I can't think of anything else," Edward whispered as he came to stand behind me while I brushed through my hair.

'Then my evil scheme has worked. Mwah ha ha,' I thought dropping my brush and rubbing my hands together.

"I'll show you an evil scheme," he smirked reaching for the hem of my shirt.

"Not so fast Edward. We need to get the bar ready to open for tonight," Alice shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "I gave you guys that hour in the shower, but no more. Get down here now!"

'Stupid impatient pixie!' I thought.

"You can say that again," he said kissing the back of my neck softly.

"What did Bella say? I didn't hear her say anything," Alice shouted.

'Ah, this is nice. Good thing I didn't take you up on your offer.'

"See, I told you."

After making our way downstairs to the bar, I saw Seth was already here and was finishing up with the restocking of the bar. Alice and Jasper were over by the stage rearranging the lighting equipment. Emmett and Rosalie were constantly walking in and out of the front door bringing in various stage items. Edward had gone over to help Seth out. I just stood at the bottom of the stairs and watched everyone work.

"Hey Bells!" Seth yelled..

I waved at him and patted my throat, signaling to him that I couldn't talk.

"That good huh?" he asked with a wink.

I just smiled at him and winked back. Seth knew when not to say anything, that's why I didn't mind him knowing the reason I couldn't currently talk.

"What was good?" Jasper asked coming over to me to give me my morning hug.

As I hugged him back, I willed my emotions to convey what Seth already knew.

Jasper bent to whisper in my ear, so no one but me could hear.

"I think I know what your saying," he said as he pulled back and looked over to Edward who nodded only once.

Jasper looked back at me and smirked as he bent down to once again whisper in my ear.

"Don't worry, ya'll's secret is safe with me and Seth. Now let's see how long it takes for Alice to notice."

Jasper gave me one last squeeze and walked back over to the stage.

"Bella?" Alice asked as she walked over to me from the stage.

I nodded at her.

"Hunting later? You and me are going to chat," she said.

I just nodded again and smiled at her. She looked at me funny but just walked off, not even bothering to talk to me about anything else.

'Yes, let's see how long it will take for Alice to notice. I'm willing to bet $100 that she notices within five hours,' I thought.

Edward coughed behind the bar and I looked over to him with a knowing smile. He winked at me and nodded back letting me know he heard me. I watched as he whispered something in Seth's ear, which resulted in him saying, "Oh, it's on!" and they shook hands in agreement.

Yes, today would definitely be interesting.

The End.

A/N: Sorry if you guys don't like the ending to my story, but the imagination can be a wonderful thing and each and every one of you can probably come up with what happens next. I hope my readers will have enjoyed the ride though. I do have to thank a reader/reviewer by the name of Siobhan, they stood by me and always gave me the best reviews. I would also like to thank edwardobsessive who gave me a heartfelt review that touched my heart because they grasped the characters and their relationships almost better than myself. To Scoccer11, mamato, and snowfire81, who have all been with me since the beginning, Thank you. To ALL my reviewers, THANK YOU!! AND, of course my Beta Fate Lowe, my story would still be full of flaws if not for her.

Now, I hope since some of you like this story enough add it to your Favorite's list that you would like to read my upcoming story that will be co-authored with my Beta entitled: Crime of Passion. Add me to your Author's Alert list if you would like to read it. It should be up soon. We have the first four chapters done already, so it should come along nicely. Hope you guys will join me and Fate Lowe in the next story!

A/N 2: For those of you who might not know, a fellow Twilight FanFic author lost her life on May 8th to a drunk driver. Daddy's Little Cannibal. She will be sorely missed by the Twilight community. Her stories were awesome and hilarious and I just wanted to take the chance and honor a fellow author's life and work. If you haven't read her work, please do so, it's totally worth it. Stephanie, you will be missed!