Boomerang's return Tokka week 2

Day 1. Shenanigan

Prank War

AN: This is an AU High School style.

Disclamier: I do not own Avatar the last Airbender or its characters. All I own is my imagination and ideas.

"Dude those two are relentless." Spoke Zuko after making his way to his locker and reaching for the dial.

The School had been in near nonstop chaos for the last four days. Strange events have been happening all around and no one, save a select few, knew who was behind it all.

"I still can't believe neither of them have been caught." Chimed in Haru next to him as he grabbed his history book. "Teo what's the score so far?" he asked the boy in the wheelchair beside him.

The boy in the wheelchair, who was also the official score keeper, took out a small computer and typed a few keys. "hmm, looks like Toph is leading after that stunt yesterday with the flash powder and the Bunsen burners from the chem. Lab."

Zuko started laughing after hearing that he was in the lab at the time and the look on the teachers and student's faces were priceless.

"Man you guys should have seen it, I swear Mr. JJ's hair went two shades whiter after the flash went off." Zuko chuckled as he grabbed his calculus book from the locker. "Not to mention how high Jet jumped when he turned his on."

"Hey don't forget Wednesday when Sokka over inflated all the soccer balls with spray-paint, one kick and then BOOM" Teo cheered spreading his arms wide around him. "The team is still trying to get the paint out of their uniforms."

"You'd think they would have learned by the forth ball hehe." Haru began holding in a roaring laughter, "but noo they had to go through seven of them before the couch called it quits."

They all started laughing after that some in remembrance and some in imagining. Many of the passing students gave them odd looks, which they just ignored.

"So it's the last day right?" Haru spoke up rubbing a tear from his eye.

"Yup, the game ends at 3 pm today." Zuko said while closing his locker and making his way towards his first class waving to the other two as he left.

"Who do you think will win?" Haru asked Teo as they made their way to History class.

"Don't know," He replied honestly, "The score is still to close, and you know how we rate it. It is based on how hard it is to do and the reaction from the ones they do it to."

Haru looked thoughtful for a moment and nodded his head. It was still anybodies game and a smirk play across his lips at the fact it was still early in the day.

"I still say he has a thing for that girl." Haru said as they reached the classroom.

Teo rolled his eyes. "Not that again. Come on he complains about her more than anything."

Now some of you are really wondering what exactly is going on here. So lets explain, this is a special week in the history of Ratava high school. Two students have taken to a game, a very interesting game. These two students are having the mother of all prank wars; they both are completing to see which of them can out do the other.

The rules are simple: 1) throughout the week each will pull off their own prank without direct help from anybody else. 2) If you are caught in the act you get no points. 3) Points are awarded from difficulty of prank and reaction from those affected by prank.

Winner will be crowned Prank King, or Queen as the case may be. However, what others do not know is that the competitors have made their own little wager in this game, something known only between them.

A bored looking girl was sitting in her seat at the back of her art class while looking out the window. Before she knew it a flash of bright pink came into her range of vision followed by a light blue.

"Hi Mai," Ty Lee exclaimed merrily with her bright smile flashing. "How are you doing today?"

"Morning Mai." Katara greeted more lightly than the pink ball of energy.

"(sign) Hey Ty, hey Katara." Mai greeted back simply. "Man this class is so boring."

"That's what you say about every class Mai." Ty lee chuclked. "At least here we can do whatever we want."

Mai signed again it was really boring in this class even if it had been an interesting week for the most part. That thought brought her to ask the next question.

"So have those two done anything yet." Mai ask with more interest then she had before.

"agh, no not yet. I can't believe those two." Katara complained. "I thought my brother was bad, but ever since Toph came around he has reached a whole knew level of annoying."

"And this whole prank war thing is getting ridicules." She continued.

"I don't know I think some of them are kind of funny." Ty lee stated while taking out a notebook from her bag.

"Lets see," she said while flipping through the pages, "oh remember on Tuesday when she put on that dance party by pumping music into the intercom. It took them like 20 minutes to figure out how to turn it off."

Katara giggled at that. "ok I will admit that wasn't so bad." She said, "but what about when he switched the frogs from the biology lab with the whole chickens from the home ec room."

"Now that was entertaining." Voiced Mai as she looked towards the tanned teen with a small smirk. "I think I was not only the only one in the room not to freak out, but also cooked the things too."

After shaking away the thought of Mai cooking frogs, yuck, Katara cast a look at Ty lee.

"Hey Ty lee remember Monday?" She asked the overly cheery girl.

Ty lee eyes went wide for a second and a blush appeared on her face.

Mai giggled softly. "Oh I remember that," Mai began in an almost whimsical tone, "that was when all the cheerleaders outfits some how shrunk."

Ty lee groaned. "Oh don't remind me, we still had to do our routine at lunch and it was hard because it was harder to move and all the guys kept taking pictures."

The girls chuckled more brining the interest of some of the others.

"Talking about Monday's cheer fest." Suki inquired as she scooted closer to Katara and Ty lee.

"Hey Suki." Ty lee greeted happily basically forgetting the whole mishap in less than a second. "Yeah I am just glad we got our uniforms back to normal."

"It is still amazing that no one has caught them." Suki said as she sat back in her chair.

"Even after one of them welded almost all the stall doors in the bathroom." Suki remembered. "They only left on untouched in each."

"Yeah Mr. Bumi had to buzz saw them all open again." Katara said.

"Yeah that was yesterday too." Ty lee pointed out looking at her notebook.

"I remember he was laughing the whole time too." Mai spoke up.

"I think this is the last day right?" Suki asked.

"Yeah this game ends today at 3 when the last bell rings." Katara told her.

"Well there goes the entertainment." Mai said monotone. She was starting to enjoy the extra activities going on at school.

Soon enough the girls went on to talk about other things and finish up their free art class.

It was now lunchtime and most of the students were entering the lunch hall for what the school board called, "wholesome balance food." Which is a fancy way of saying, "Food-so-gross-dogs-aren't-eating-it". It is here we find one of the competitors sitting.

"You still amaze me Toph." Spoke young boy with short brown hair and storm gray eyes.

"I have been doing that for a while now." Toph said sarcastically. "You'd think you would have gotten used to it by now."

Aang took another bite of his salad before speaking up again. "So how did you get the tank of helium into the VP's room and set it off when he was giving the morning announcements?" Aang asked truly curious.

"Ah, now that was a good one." Toph laughed out loud. "But I am going to keep that one to myself, might need to use it again."

"So what's going to be your final performance?" asked the girl sitting on her other side.

"Well Onji. Lets just say that you will know it when you smell it." Toph said as an evil smiled crossed her lips.

Now they were a little nervous. Aang and Onji knew Toph well and when they saw that smile they knew it was going to be bad.

"Are you sure you don't like this guy, I have never seen you so into anything before." Onji asked. "And you have been smiling a lot more."

"Please, like I care at all for that meathead." Toph snapped quickly, "besides have you seen what I have been doing, how can I not smile."

Elsewhere just outside the lunch hall was a small outdoor picnic area. Where the other prankmaister was sitting and devouring the contents of his lunch.

"Ugh, no more please." Zuko pleaded as he watched the carnage in front of him.

Sokka looked at Zuko for a second, shrugged and then wolfed down the remainder of his food. After Licking off his fingers as he sat back with a contented smile.

"I have no idea how you can do that and I never want to know." Zuko said after tossing the remainder of his lunch in the trash can next to them.

"Hey What can I say," Sokka said nonchalant, "meat is meat and its good."

"Whatever," Zuko shrugged, "But back to business. According to Teo Toph is in the lead after yesterday. Whatever you are going to pull today will have to be major cause you know Toph will have something."

Sokka laughed. "ha, you are talking to the guy that managed to change Mrs. Wu's English test to have more innuendos than an Austin Power's movie."

Zuko couldn't stop the laughs coming after remembering that one. The entire class came out of there laughing and blushing at the same time. Mrs. Wu didn't have a clue till two hours after it was over. The more amazing thing was how many guys actually passed it.

Pushing away the remainder of the laughs aside Zuko had to ask. "I know you and you have something, care to enlighten me."

Sokka took a moment before smiling and leaning forwards on the table.

"You really want to know?" Sokk asked and waited as Zuko leaned in to hear better.

"I won't tell you everything," Sokka started has he scanned around for ease droppers. "but you remember when principle Zhao left on that board meeting on Monday?"

Zuko nodded. How could he not remember, Zhao broadcasted the whole thing Monday morning before he left with some of the other faculty on the airport shuttle.

"Well haven't you noticed something missing from the parking lot?" Sokka asked barely hiding the excitement in his voice.

Zuko's widened as he stared at his best friend. He was near speech less.

"You, what did you do with it?" Zuko nearly shouted, luckily no one heard him.

Sokka lay back in a reclining position and grinned.

"That my friend will be answered later today." Sokka said with a grin amusement clear in his tone.

Zuko chuckled. "Man you are really going all out for this girl."

It was now the last class of the day and Sokka heard / smelled Toph final prank. He had to admit it was a nasty one.

She placed a small vile of essence of skunk on a few 'select' teachers chairs. When they sat down the chemical was released. Not to mention the entire class after gagging. Even got one teacher to run out the window of his class, that was on the bottom floor, trying to get away from the smell.

As he came out of his last class he saw her standing in the hallway with his sister and some of her friends. She had this insanely huge grin on her face. Oh how he was going to enjoy smacking it right off.

"So meat for brains I think I have won this little game of ours." She said cockily.

"Oh I don't know about that." Sokka said with confidence in his voice. Looking over to Teo he asked, "So Teo how big do you think my last prank will have to be to win."

The boy in the wheel chair thought for a moment. "Well it would have to be pretty big, she did get a lot of points with that last one, the reactions from the students and teachers were great." Teo said logically.

Toph snorted knowing there was no way Sokka could win this one.

"Hmm and there is like 2 minutes of school left I think she wi…" Teo's next words were stopped by an earth-shaking roar.

"WHAT THE HELL IS MY CAR DOING IN MY OFFICE!!!" Roared the voice of the school principle having it echo throughout the school building and shake many of the glass doors and windows.

Many the students and teachers in the hallway had to cover their ears and others dove for cover wherever they could. Some even hid in their lockers.

The group, minus Sokka, took a second to unplug their ears after having nearly losing their hearing. Taking in what just happened they looked towards the tall blue clad teen that wore the biggest grin on his face.

Toph was in a state of shock mouth agape and arms fallen to her sides. Zuko was starting to bust a gut along with Teo, Aang, and Haru. Katara and Ty lee just stared with befuddlement and Mai actually started to laugh, not loud but still.

The bell rung indicating not only the end of the day, but also the end of the game.

Sokka glanced at Teo. "So what do I get for getting the principal's convertible into his office and having the entire school be shaken and everybody in it either tremble in fear or run for the hills?" he asked innocently.

"I say that makes you the winner." Teo final spoke up. "Do I hear a second?"

Zuko, Haru, Aang, Mai, Ty lee and even Katara raised their hands up high showing their approval.

"It is unanimous then. Sokka you are now Ratava High School's prank King." Teo laughed.

Sokka puffed his chest out proudly and returned high fives with his friends. Toph grumbled with a sour look on her face.

"Ah its an honor just to be nominated." Sokka joked. "But it so much better to win."

Soon enough everyone was walking out of the school and laughing as they talked about the week. They all started to go their separate ways leaving only Sokka, Katara, and Toph.

"Hey Katara," Sokka called to his sister, "You go on ahead I have to talk to Toph about something."

Katara eyed them for a second noticing the annoyed look on Toph's face. "Okay just don't gloat too mush, you know she can still knock you out." Katara joked waving off the glare from her brother.

Toph leaned on a stone fence as she waited for the inevitable.

"So looks like you actually won Snoozles." She said bitterly.

"Pretty much and according to our little bet you have to do whatever I want." Sokka reapplied cheekily as he stood next to her.

Toph groaned. "Yeah yeah I know. Even I have to admit that last one was great." Toph said in a more relaxed tone.

"Damn straight, I was working on that one since Monday. I knew he was going to be back at the end of the day so I had to make sure to have it done by then." Sokka declared.

"So I made a copy of the keys and took apart his car piece by piece. Looks like those summer jobs at the garage came in handy."

Toph was indeed amazed that he had done it all. She had no idea he was this clever, and a bet is a bet.

"So what is it you want me to do already?" Toph asked / demanded not even bother to hold back the annoyance in her voice.

"Oh the things I could make you do." Sokka teased, "What should I choose hmm." Sokka took to a thinking pose.

Needless to say Toph was getting more annoyed as Sokka kept teasing her, it was supposed to be the other way around.

Sokka thought and thought. What should he ask her to do; an idea came to him, as did a small blush. If there were ever a better time to do this now would be it. At least he had a good run.

Sokka smiled at Toph. "I got it." He said snapping his fingers.

"Alright, what is it?" Toph asked with a hint of worry at what Sokka could come up with.

"First close your eyes."

Toph was a little hesitant at first but still complied.

"Ok now wha—"

Before Toph could finish her sentence a pair of lips covered her mouth.

Her eyes flew open and then slowly closed. Sokka was kissing her, was the only thought running through her mind. The rest of her shut down as the kiss deepened a little by her kissing back.

All to soon the kiss ended. Toph was blushing madly as she looked at Sokka.

Sokka scratched the back of his head nervously and look away from Toph with just as big a blush.

"Well that's all I wanted so…umm…yeah…I better go." Sokka quickly spat out before turning around and taking off.

A hand grabbing his arm stopped him. He started to sweet as he slowly turned his head around to meet the person that grabbed him.

"What, can't even walk a girl home?" Toph asked sarcastically but with a small blush on her face.

And with that the two walked on home. There is going to be something new to talk about next week at Ratava High, but until then.

The End.

Day one Check

Man that's it for day one. Became a lot longer than I thought it would. Cool.

Well please R&R. and don't forget to read other Tokka fic

Long Live Tokka week