Fic: Demon Hunter
Author: Socrates
Feedback: Would be most appreciated
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and co. own Buffy
Distribution: You may take it if you would like.
Summary: Nicholas Valmont comes to Sunnydale to recruit the latest
member in a long line of demon hunters.
Rating: PG-13
Authors notes: This is a heavy action fic. It's one of my attmpts to
bring a male version of the slayer into the Buffyverse.


Somewhere in Scotland
11:45 PM

The vampires dragged their captive, kicking and screaming to the
clearing by the old lighthouse. The howling of the violent winds on
this stormy night served to drown out the woman's screams of terror.

The lead vamp walked up to the woman, who was kneeling on the cold wet
ground, and backhanded her, "Stop your whining Bitch!" The demon
commanded before turning back to the others.

"Where is he?" the vamp demanded of his colleagues

The others demons just shrugged.

"He should be here by now!" the leader continued, "We cannot start the
rite of valdar until we have the sacred dagger. The vamp walked up to
one of his cronies and grabbed him by the neck, "Find him you stupid
twit!" the demon screamed before throwing the thug backwards.

The vampire landed on his back and quickly rose to go off in search of
his companion.

The leader turned back to his men, "I want the rest of you to start
setting up for the cerem-" he was abruptly cut off by a high pitched
scream coming from over the hill.

"Find out what that was." He commanded two of his men.

They immediately took off over the hill to investigate the noise.

A moment later a whoosh sound was heard followed by another scream
that was quickly silenced.

"I'll take care of this myself." The leader declared as he walked
towards the hill with his cronies in tow.
As he neared the incline he caught sight of a figure coming over the
rise. It was a man, who appeared to be in his late teens to early
twenties, dressed in all black, with black combat pants, and a black
shirt wearing a butt length leather jacket. The mans pale features
were offset by his raven black and his crystal blue eyes sparkled
almost eerily in the moonlight

The vamp eyed the man disinterestedly for a few moments before he
asked, "Who the hell are you?"

The newcomer simply smiled back and said, "I'm just the messenger."

Part 1

Nicholas Valmont surveyed the scene before him as he formulated a plan
of attack.

The lead vampire turned to his men, "Kill him." He commanded.

And the battle was on.

Nicholas ran down the hill and leapt over the first attacker as he
pulled a stake out of his coat. Reversing in mid-jump, he slammed the
stake into the creature's back, instantly reducing it to dust

The next vamp flung itself at Nicholas in an attempt to throw his off
guard. Reaching behind him, Nicholas withdrew a pair of Japanese
Ninja-to, blade down. He crossed the blades and thrust forward. The
creature was taken off guard and lost its head.

Coming out of his spin, Nicholas kneed an attacking demon in the
stomach, then he placed his foot on the vampire, using the creatures
chest as a spring board to launch him up and over his attackers.

With super human speed, he shot out with both arms, relieving two more
vampires of their heads.

As he landed from his attack, he felt powerful arms encircle him and
wrench the weapons from his hands.

Using a Ninjitsu technique, he threw his legs up as he thrust back.
The move sent him up and over the creature. As he landed, he produced
a stake and rammed it home.

As he began the attack on the remaining vamps, he heard shouts coming
from over the hill he thought

Sure enough, four particularly vicious looking vamps made their way
down the hill towards him.

Nicholas flicked his wrists and a pair of spring loaded stakes shot
into his hands.

"Alright! Let's do this!"
The vamps charged and Nicholas hurled the stakes with perfect
accuracy, impaling two of the demons and ending their days as members
of the undead club.

One of the four had reached him by now and lashed out with a nasty
right hook. Nicholas dodged the blow and with amazing strength, caught
the wrist and twisted sideways, snapping the bone.
The creature let out a howl of pain as Nicholas pulled on the vamps
arm causing it's elbow to lock, and tugged brutally downward. Another
snap was heard and Nicholas shoved the now protruding bone through the
injured vamps chest, impaling him. As the demon fell to the ground,
Nick grabbed its head and twisted it sharply, snapping it's neck.

Another vampire charged him and Nick didn't give it so much as a
chance as he lashed out with a series of brutal attacks. He thrust his
hand, palm out into the creatures solar plexus. He followed up with a
brutal spin kick that sent the vampire flying over the edge of the
nearby cliff.

As he turned around, Nicholas felt a sharp pain in his side and turned
to find a skinny looking vamp grinning at him as he twisted the dagger
in his side.

"Laugh it up peewe!" Nick said as he yanked the dagger out of his side
and plunged it into the vamps heart. The magical dagger did it's work
and the grinning vamp was quickly reduced to dust.

"Enough!" Nicholas declared as he withdrew a glock 17 automatic from
his coat and fired on the two remaining vamps.

The phosphor rounds quickly ignited and the last of the creatures
burst into dust.

Nicholas replaced the pistol in its holster and knelt to pick of his
Ninja-to before he made his way to the single surviving vamp who was
cowering by the old lighthouse.

He withdrew a silver stake from his jacket as he approached the former
leader and began twirling in his fingers.

"That wasn't very smart now was it Achran my boy." He spoke with mirth
as he eyed the frightened creature.

"What do you want?" the cowering demon begged.

"I want information, like what the hell were you doing trying to
perform the rite of valdar/"

The creatures eyes grew even more wide with fear, "I can't tell you
that. He'll kill me!"

Nicholas let out a little chuckle, "Well its not like I'm going to let
you go now is it? You're gonna die one way or the other. The question
is, how much pain are you going to experience between now and then?"
Saying this, Nicholas flung the silver stake he had in his hand. The
missile imbedded itself in the vamps heart and it howled in agony.

"Y'know" Nick began, "Funny thing about silver, it hurts vampires like
hell, especially when it's coated in pure garlic. Nicholas stalked
forward and gripped the stake, applying more pressure. "Who put you up
to this?" he demanded.

"I can't tell you, He'll kill me!" the vampire pleaded.
"I though we already went over this." Nicholas sighed as he withdrew
another silver stake from his belt and slammed it into the creature's

The howl of pure agony could be heard miles away.

"Tell me or else we see just how far in that stake can go?"

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you." The vamp took a deep breath, "It
was Xavier."

Nicholas blinked for a moment as his face clouded over.

His smile quickly returned as he stood up, "Thanks buddy, you've been
a big help." He said as he began to walk away.

"WAIT!" the injured creature, shouted, "You can't leave me like this!"

Nicholas spoke over his shoulder without looking back, "Oh yeah, I
forgot to tell you. Those stakes are actually time delayed liquid
plasma flares. They should be igniting in just a few seconds. It's
probably gonna hurt like a mother, Oh well!"

In confirmation to his statement there was a small flash followed by
the sound of the fare igniting. The creature's screams were quickly
silenced as the superheated plasma reduced it to ash.

Nicholas smirked as he walked up to the forgotten prisoner, "Are you
okay miss?"

The woman dumbly nodded and Nicholas helped her to her feet before
leading her back over the hill, "C'mon, let's get you home, then I
gotta take a little trip in search of anew friend.

He smiled at the woman's dumbfounded expression.

"Or" he added, "You could say a brother.

And in Sunnydale California, Alexander Harris died.

End part 1