One Night 9

AN: hey y'all... sorry for the long wait... I've been having some health issues as of late... and have recently discovered that I have mono. D: life sucks. So yeah, I'll try to update more frequently, seeing as I'll be out of school quite a bit. Which sucks. As long as I'm not a sleepy mass of author on my couch or a half dead author getting friendly with my toilet bowl, I will be writing!

Also! Finally Lavi is doing something right! Rejoice!

Oh well~ enjoy the chapter!


Laven week will be taking place over the wonderful redheaded beast of an exorcist's birthday~ starting on the sixth of August and ending on the thirteenth. For more information check out the forum!


or, you can PM NellaXIval


OR you can pm DGM yaoi lover!


any and all help is gladly accepted both spreading the word by adding this advertisement to profiles, stories, chapters, anything you can think of! Spread the love! This pairing definitely needs it!!

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There was a long silence as Allen gaped at him, mouth opening and closing silently in shock as she tried to formulate a sentence, or at the very least an intelligent word.

"Uhnnn?" oh, well... that plan backfired...

"I-if you want I can go, I uh... yeah I'll go-" Lavi looked guilty, obviously getting the impression that Allen did want him there.

"No! I-I mean... you don't... have to go..." Allen smiled shyly, gesturing to the chair that was pulled up to the foot of her bed, "It would be rude of me to send you away... you must have travelled pretty far to get here..." Lavi nodded mutely, taking the seat and wetting his lips nervously as he stared at the gentle swell of her stomach.

"S-so... how uh... how have you been...?" Lavi was trying not to put too much thought into the fact that inside of that bulge was a little baby that was half his...

"Ah... well there have been a few concerns but I'm doing well... the um..." she hesitated, the hand on her stomach tensing slightly, "the baby is doing fine too..." Lavi nodded nervously smiling weakly.

"Well I'm glad to hear you guys are okay then... uh... there haven't been any... complications?"

Allen hesitated again, "Well, I'm not allowed to walk around much... and they're making me eat a lot- not that I mind that part, but... fortunately there hasn't been a lot of problems... well aside from this," Her cute little nose wrinkled in displeasure as she pulled at the shoulder of the flowery sundress she had been forced into wearing, "Monstrosity. I think its just Rou-Fa and Fou ganging up on me to make me more feminine..."

"Aw don't be like that, it looks cute!" Lavi grinned, thankful for the topic change. Talking about the baby made him nervous and he wanted to ease himself into it as much as he could. A bright blush spread across Allen's cheek and Lavi blinked, wondering why she was so red faced all of a sudden.

"Th-thanks... I'm just not used to girly things..." Allen muttered, her hand sliding across the soft fabric of the cotton dress, fingering the material self consciously.

"W-well it looks good on you..." and he meant it. The fabric clung to her softly rounded body in a very attractive way, hugging the right curves and flowing in the right places. Who ever had picked it had done a good job, because it made Allen looked absolutely adorable.

"Thank you..." Lavi nodded and they lapsed into and awkward silence. The redhead took the opportunity to let his eyes slide over Allen's body, focusing particularly on the swell of her abdomen. His hands itched to reach out and touch her, touch the soft skin that held his baby, her face, her neck, her arms, anything. Lavi was a touchy feely person, his persona had be made to be open and friendly but on a deeper level, Lavi knew he was being true to his own base personality. It was him who wanted to touch, not the persona, it was the person he had melted into over the years at the order wanted to feel, to love and be loved. It was a dizzying realization for Lavi, and a terrifying one.

He had never loved anyone before.

Lavi didn't really know what it felt like, but the protective bubble that was growing in his chest for the girl before him and the tiny being she carried inside her had to mean something. It was an odd feeling for Lavi, being so worried for someone else. It wasn't like the fake concern he had put on for others in the past wasn't anything close. The actual emotion was difficult to control and Lavi was nervous, unsure of himself for once in his life. He didn't know how to talk to Allen with that weird feeling in his chest.

The thought of being a father scared Lavi to no end. It wasn't the chores like changing diapers or getting up in the middle of the night that he was afraid of though, the child looking up at him with big eyes, seeking comfort, protection, love, all of those things, those responsibilities scared the hell out of Lavi. A tiny little being would be in need of his protection soon and he didn't know how to even look at the baby the right way.

Allen gasped softly, her hand coming to rest on her lower belly and Lavi almost jumped out of her chair.

"What's the matter? Are you in pain? I'll get Bak-" Allen raised a hand chucking at Lavi's distress.

"It's alright Lavi... the baby just kicked me is all." She blinked at Lavi's eye widening and darting down to stare at her stomach again, hands twitching slightly as if he wanted to touch, "Would you like to feel?" the wide emerald green eye snapped back up to Allen's face at stared before he nodded slowly. He made no move to get closer and Allen smiled, scooting over on the bed and patting the mattress beside her in invitation.

Lavi quickly stood and sat beside her, even if he seemed nervous and almost timid as he perched himself on the edge of the bed Allen could feel the curiosity and eagerness coming off the older boy in waves as he hesitantly held his big, calloused hand over her pregnant belly.

"Where...?" Allen smiled and guided his hand to a spot, letting it rest against the fabric of her dress. Lavi's face lit up with something unnameable, joy, fear, shock and tenderness all rolled into one as he felt the little nudge on the palm of his hand. It was a little strange to Allen, seeing all of those emotions running so clearly through Lavi. She was used to the friendly mask he wore, not the open, almost vulnerable expression he had on his face. It was refreshing to see what Lavi was really feeling as his warm hand crept along her stomach, searching for another little nudge.

For Lavi, feeling that little bump beneath his hand had really brought the fact home that, yes, he was going to be a father and yes, he was going to have to have a connection to both the baby and its mother for the rest of his life. Part of him was terrified but it was a smaller piece of his mind than he had first thought it to be. Sitting there with Allen, hand on her pregnant tummy, moving to sit closer to her on the bed so he could touch more, feel the baby inside her move was soothing. A big part of him liked the idea of a little baby in his arms with a woman at his side. It was a foreign concept to Lavi, having never thought about children or long term relationships before knowing that a bookman could never have them but now, faced with the opportunity it was so very tempting...

"How much longer till the little one...?" Lavi's voice was quiet and he glanced up at Allen, hand stilling on her for a moment as he waited her answer.

"About three months... apparently it's a little small so they want me to eat more, not that I'm complaining, but he or she might be a little late coming into the world... or early, you really never know considering my age and the baby's weight..." Allen smiled a little nervously, seemingly a little apprehensive about being a parent as well.

"Are you scared?" it was hardly more than a whisper but Allen smiled a little as she heard it. No matter how surprised she had been to see Lavi, she hadn't felt any anger towards him. They had both said things they didn't mean and they both could have handled the situation better so she could realize just how much Lavi had been thinking about it, worrying, dealing with the same inner turmoil she was.

"Terrified. But... I'm excited too... I can't wait to meet the baby, but at the same time I'm not sure I'll make a good mother... I'm not sure I'll make the right choices and it's... scary..." Lavi chuckled and leaned forward, kissing Allen's forehead without thinking about it.

"You'll make a great mum. Me on the other hand? I'm probably going to be a crap father. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing... but if you want me around I... I can try... I guess..." Lavi swallowed, looking back down at the swell in Allen's stomach and running his hand over it again. He was terrified of what the bookman would try to do to the child if he found out about it, but he knew that the secret couldn't be kept forever. He knew that the bookman would find out and when that happened he would have to make a choice.

His unplanned family or his life long goal.

He felt conflicted, the joy of feeling another little nudge under his hand and knowing that it was his child moving inside her clashing with the fear of losing everything he had ever worked for in life, of what could and would happen very soon, when bookman found out his apprentice was a father to be.

Lavi glanced up at Allen a little shyly and smiled, hand not stilling as he spoke, "So... it's due September first right?" Allen nodded, looking down at her stomach fondly.

"Yeah... seems like a long time but it's only about a month and a half away..." Lavi gulped suddenly nervous as he nodded.

"R-Right..." they lapsed into silence again and Lavi continued searching for the baby's kicks inside of Allen, sitting pleasantly close to her and enjoying the warmth against his body and under his hand. Everything about Allen was warm and comforting, Lavi almost found it laughable that she of all people doubted herself about being a parent. Even when he thought Allen was a male, Lavi had figured Allen would be the most supportive father and husband on this side of the world.

"What are you going to name it?" Lavi had asked before he really thought about it, looking at Allen's slightly surprised face curiously.

"Name? Oh... well... I was still thinking about it..." and idea lit up her eyes and she smiled at Lavi, "I want you to name it."

"..." Lavi gaped, blinking stupidly, mouth opening and closing in shock. He did bear quite the resemblance to a goldfish at that moment and Allen giggled, waiting for him to respond, "M-me!? But I've never even named anything other than my innocence and that's a pretty weird name! Who names a hammer Oozuchi Kozuchi!? It's weird! And-and a baby is much more important than innocence so-" Allen laughed, cutting the embarrassed redhead off.

"Lavi, its' your child as much as it is mine. You have every right to name it. There must be some names you're inclined to. I love old names, like James, or Elizabeth or Edward, or Fredrick, or Annabelle, or Blake!" Allen sighed happily, rubbing her tummy affectionately as she thought of a cute little baby with an old person's name.

"Ah... I guess I like... a little more contemporary names... Leigh, Ryan, Christina, Joey, Danny, Samantha, names like that..."

""You can choose whatever you want. Because you're naming it." Her voice and smile were sweet but firm. There was no way Lavi could wriggle is way out of it.

So he pouted, not entirely sure if he wanted to have that kind of responsibility, "Well I have to pick a name you like too..."

"I will be fine with any name you pick."

"You're not making this any easier."

"I know." Lavi sighed heavily, leaning against the headboard of the bed.

"Well... we still have a month and a half so... I'll think about it... and we can wait to meet the kid to make the final decision. You never know what it will look like yeah?" Allen nodded smiling at Lavi.

"I'm glad you decided to be a part of the baby's life Lavi... it means a lot." Lavi grinned back, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"Well I couldn't very well leave you on your own now... poor little sprout would get lonely~"

"My name is Allen!!" and Lavi laughed, feeling at ease for the first time in months as he sat beside the white haired girl, not thinking about the future, just living in the moment for a little while. Things would only get harder from then on so he might as well enjoy the fleeting moments of happiness he could.

--chapter end—

AN: ehehehehehe I was sooooo tempted to end it as a cliffy but I do that a lot so... here you are! New chapter!