"Captain, here are Admiral Cain's weapons," said Tuvok. He placed the handguns on Janeway's desk next to a communications badge.

"Thank You, Tuvok," said Janeway as Tuvok left the ready room.

"Helena, I want to commend again your for actions the other day, risking yourself to save Voyager and Lt. Torres. She is making a full recovery. I will provide you the necessary personnel to rebuild a new Raptor. However, I do wish you would reconsider and stay with us to go to Earth."

"Thank you, Kathryn, and I am glad to hear she's recovering," said Cain as she sat down. "I'm not sure how I can help; you and I have different philosophies."

"Which is why I need someone with a different perspective, I need someone who thinks militarily. You clearly demonstrated your tactical skills and I don't have anyone with that amount of experience. I've read your logs and I've seen the gutsy calls you made after the Cylon attacks.

"What would be my role?"

"Helena, you would be a military advisor to Starfleet and yet still be a Colonial Fleet officer. I am not asking you to change allegiance, I asking for your help."

"I'll have to consider your offer," said Cain as she retrieved her handguns.

"Meanwhile, I'd like to introduce you to a game called chess," said Janeway, as she brought in a game board with chess pieces. "It's a game of strategy."

Cain picked one of the chess pieces.