Disclaimer: Not mine, never mine.
Title: Letter
Summary: Harry writes a letter to his lover on the eve of his final battle with MouldyVoldy. Any pairing.
Rating: K
DEDICATION: My Most Loyal Reviewers-- in no particular order--
ManhattanWitch, AislinAvalbane, Flanclanman, MissingEden, Murgy31, princess cythera, Mandie22, NannyDylan, ShadowFax999, jadedragon36, Nigellica, AmberAthame`, Jo1990, platinumvamp, NymphyFate, njferrell, impish artemis, something., Ravenclaw Samurai, Holen-Snape, ., DanceswithHippogriffs, fresh42jazz, geka0taitsume0taikaiyou, Laurenke1, lariqueniasexiboricua90, evil-sami-poo, yitaply, Rika100, DcMaddoxx, Sabaku no Sable, RomanGoddess4eva, Yashida, Ater Phasma, tikitakatua, Nayeli, tilly-tally-tease, flyingdaggers, Mrs. Suzy Black, moony-is-a-werewolf, Criminally Insane Hermit, MarieEsmeraldaDumbledore-Black, , B2J, darkmorsmordreheart, Sessho's Lover, Foolish Catalyst, Midnight Duchess, SwarmOfFanGirls, and Faramirlover.
-- if you're mentioned I want a review, ya'hear? Lol, no just read and enjoy it.
P.S.: Sorry if I spelled your name wrong! O_o
Beyond this night I have nothing. There was no one but myself- no one to care for or love but my own body and soul. There is nothing for me once I pass through this darkness- nothing but pain and and shattered hopes. In all the years I have lived I never thought it would come to this- I never thought that my last night would be with the one I love so much as I love you.
There was nothing for me as I grew- there was no one to care when I hurt, no one to soothe my pains or fears. Aside from my own counsel no one advised me, and certainly no one would dare to tell me what to do.
When you came into my life I was perplexed and annoyed. How dare you- who have d me for so long- question my judgment? How dare you call into question my actions? How dare you think that you could control me? But now I am glad I was caught in your whirlwind for long enough that I had come to accept you as permanent- belonging.
In my short years there have been few who would stand for me- even fewer who would fight for me as you did. For everything my enemy has done I have been ridiculed- I have been brushed with the taint of his actions. And for a while, I didn't care. The lies and slander had become part of my life- I could not recall a time when they had not been.
But you questioned that- you made me question that. With words and soft smiles you made me think again, made me think that I could escape the call of the past. But it took a long time for the words to settle, for me to believe in what you were saying. And in the end- it was too late.
I was in too deep to leave- to deep to renounce that prophecy. It is hard for me to admit this as you lay there, but I must. If not now- when? Never. But I will speak the truth this once, and I will not let my fears dissuade me from my goal.
I love you, and if this love is to be my then so be it. I will die complete, free, and- of all things- happy. I don't deserve such a fate, as you well know, but perhaps I will play my cards right this once.
I may be leaving you but I hope that you will one day forgive me. That you will one day realize I must do this. I must made amends for my actions and prove to you that I can correct my own mistakes. In the morning when you read this you will be frightened, and annoyed, and most probably hastening to find me.
If I live- well. You'll do what you will anyway. But if I dieā¦ Just know that whatever happens and whatever is said, I love you. And I always will.
Love- with everything I am and ever will be-
AWW! Now, wasn't that sweet? lol, and hey! Ft Gordon has a *gasp* LIBRARY, of all things....hehehehehe *evil grin* think of the updates that you will be getting....lol