Title: Hot from A to Z

Disclaimer: I don't own Gossip Girl, any of its characters or anything of that much value.

Summary: Conversations overheard of some intimate moments between Blair and Chuck. Fluffy CB.

A/N: Each line of dialogue begins with the next letter of the alphabet, starting at A to Z.

This chapter took me awhile, it turned out quite wordy too. Not quite back in the swing of writing after my final year is over. Honours year done, baby! Anyway, hopefully it makes sense and hope you like it, all reviews welcome.

"Admit it, you're five seconds from folding." She smiles teasingly from her position next to him on his bed.

"Blow me, Waldorf." He mutters his words, teeth practically gritted trying to maintain his self-control.

"Concede defeat and I just might." Leaning towards him, her silken camisole dips dangerously at the front.

"Damnit, what you're wearing should count as cheating." His eyes feast hungrily at the curve of her breast.

"Either rip it off me or stop complaining." Her voice drops to a whisper, her triumph is eminent.

"Feeling pretty cocky aren't you?" His eyes attempt to break away from her tempting form, but are drawn back almost automatically.

"Given our history, I'm pretty certain you'll be the first to break." She stalks toward him slowly on all fours now, not touching, but so close.

"How little faith you have in me." He clenches his fist to stop himself from simply reaching out.

"It's inevitable. You want me and you never can restrain yourself around me." Blair's eyes glint, claiming an early win.

"Just watch me…" Chuck Bass never goes down without a fight.

"Keep those hands to yourself mister, those are the rules remember?" She notices a change in his voice and immediately is on guard.

"Lover, I don't need my hands to seduce you, I'm Chuck Bass." He leans in now, voice becoming liquid smooth.

"…" She remains quiet, waiting for his next move.

"Might you remember that time I had you writhing with just my tongue? I think I tasted all of you that night…" He trails his words off in a low undertone that has her biting her lip in remembrance.

"…" Her naked and laid out on her bed. Him in his silken robe straddling her. His tongue moved lightly, gliding and dipping over every inch of her.

"Naughty kitten, you screamed so loud Dorota thought you were being attacked. Was it my mouth on your pussy or the dirty talk that got you hot and bothered, sweetheart?" His voice turns into the low growl she adores, but she curses herself for the small gasp she lets out at his words.

"…" His movements slowed each time she approached climax, it was maddening but her lover is never too cruel. He stoked her to fever pitch and she could do nothing but scream when he made her cum.

"Occasionally I don't even need to say a word to get you off isn't that right? I remember last week just pulling you into my office, bending you over my desk and taking you." It has been quick, hard and rough, exactly what both had wanted at the time.

"Personally I prefer it when our interludes last more than five minutes…" She murmurs, wanting to turn the tables back to her favour.

"Quality over quantity, love." He smirks at her fondly.

"Reasonable effort there Bass, I do love it when you talk dirty, but you'll still be the first to make a move and victory will be mine." She reminds him of the task at hand, pulling back slightly to sit and face him now.

"Show me what you got then, Waldorf." He is watching her intently, she pauses and takes a quick breath before going on.

"There is no one else in the world that I would rather be with than you. I love you, Chuck Bass and you just may be the best thing that has ever happened to me." She says it so sweetly and sincerely he has no choice but to sink his fingers into her hair and bring her lips to his.

"Unfair, Waldorf, so unfair." His forehead pressed to hers, he strokes her cheek tenderly.

"Victory is very sweet." Now that the bet is won she pressed small kisses to his lips, her arms wrapping around him.

"What do you desire for your prize?" He tugs impatiently at her camisole that separates him from her flesh.

"eXpediate those hands for one, its time to put them to good use." Not entirely unaffected by his earlier efforts she is impatient also.

"Yes Ma'am" He is quick to obey which makes her smile.

"Zip it Bass, enough talk…"