Cry Woman's Bridge actually has some parts of the tale based in fact, as most legend/horror stories do. While there are many, many, many different versions of Cry Woman's Bridge, from several different cities, the one I'm focusing on for the main story of my fic is the one located in Dublin, Indiana. Dublin is located halfway between Richmond and Indianapolis, the state capital. I have been to the location where Cry Woman's Bridge once stood, but no longer does, and it does have a creepy atmosphere. But for the sake of my story, the bridge still stands, and well, it still as scary as ever.

Cry Woman's Bridge Legend.

A young woman from the city, unused to country roads and the way they twist and curve was driving home one night with her infant child, in the dark when a light rain began falling. As she approached the last hairpin curve before the bridge, she was speeding too fast and her car flew off of the road and into the river below the bridge. When residents finally managed to get to her, she had already died, and they found an empty carseat, a blanket, and a pacifier. They searched for days for the body of the baby, but when they couldn't find it, buried the woman in a pauper's grave with no marker, and placed beside her the blanket and pacifier in a tiny coffin.

Not long after, strange things began occurring at the bridge. People saw a ghostly woman, especially on dark, rainy nights, and often heard her crying, usually asking "Baby? Baby? Where's my baby?" as if she herself is still searching for the missing child. Often, on nights where there is jus the lightest drizzle, not enough to make the road dangerous for the cautious driver, or the ones who know how tricky the curves are, their car will stall just before the bridge, and they will see and hear the ghost. And many of them state that after they get their car started again, and drive off, there are scratches on the hood and doors of the car, as if fingernails were drug over them.

I personally have had one chance to go to Cry Woman's Bridge, several years ago, on a Halloween night when it was drizzly. Our car did stall, and we did hear something that sounded like moaning, but we managed to get the hell out with our car still intact and no sightings of a ghostly woman. While the bridge has been torn down, the spot where the car crashed, and yes, it really did crash there, is still visible, and easily accessible from a main highway.