Outtake. This was the original Chapter 10. I'm not sure if I meant it to be Chapter 10 or Chapter 11, but someone had reviewed requesting the Cullen perspective in all this. I wrote this and exited the window after a while because I wasn't satisfied. This introduces my theory of "conservation of pain", which will be explained toward the end of this chapter.

Also, I have one other outtake, but please review with a character point of view and chapter you would like me to write. I will eenie meanie miny mo it or pick whatever is the most interesting. Thanks for reading!

"Because we've lost a family member!" Carlisle boomed. "Do you understand that? Losing a family member is like losing a piece of all of us! The girl is fine, you have no business here, he is gone and taking responsibility for his action no matter how at fault or not at fault he was in this situation. We are not starting a war with you, we will leave quietly without anymore disturbances."

Edward shut the door behind him as I sat on the bed. I didn't remember how I got here. Did he carry me? After the silence that followed my comment, I faded in and out of forcing myself to grasp Jasper's future. Nothing. Was I this unattached to him now? I gripped the pillow behind me, hugging it to my chest and covering my quivering lips, burying only half of my face into the down feathers. Frustrated by the smell of him, I launched my arm back as if to throw it across the room, but broke down and hugged it tighter, ripping the seam in the process.

I dry sobbed into the pillow, silently wallowing in this newfound agony and emptiness that he cast upon me. Then it was replaced by rage. HOW COULD HE LEAVE ME? WE PROMISED! ALWAYS TOGETHER! I tore around the room, lamps breaking, mattress ripped to shreds, I went to my closet and threw his clothes out one by one, everything he left here, ripping up his vests, ties, suits, pants, everything! How DARE he! I choked on sobs as I moved back to the drawers and ripped through socks and kicked his shoes out of the closet and around the room.

"Alice, honey," Esme tapped on the door three times. Rosalie was with her… Emmett, too. When I opened my mouth to answer, to tell them to go away, I choked and said nothing. The door opened and their faces fell in sympathy. Emmett went behind me and struggled to put my arms down, to drop his leather dress shoes that I was ripping to shreds without hesitation. I fought against him and elbowed him in the abdomen.

"Stop! Just—let me… let me do this!" I yelled, delirious. He was obviously stronger and managed to tear the shoe out of my grasp, locking my arms down at my sides. My entire body relaxed and he caught me in a hug, turning me around. I buried my face in his abdomen, too short and too weak to even look up at him. He rubbed my back in circles as I sobbed; as soothing as it was, it didn't help. My fist grabbed his shirt in desperation, holding onto something—anything to make the pain go away. My family just watched in awe and astonishment that their bubbly Alice could fall this easily.

"I can't see him," I choked out and Emmett sat on the chair, so he could make eye contact with me. Rosalie was right behind him.

"What do you mean?" he asked patiently.

"He's gone—he doesn't have a future anymore, or at least nothing I can see." He glanced toward the doorway and Carlisle stepped in front of Bella and Edward, silently telling Edward to leave with Bella. My best friend was the last person I wanted to see or even look at.

"Alice, dear, you're too distraught," Carlisle said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "You can never force a vision with this much anxiety. Give yourself some—"

I only caught the beginning before my eyes blanked and I was shot into a vision. As hazy as it was, Charlie was driving, angrily, to the Cullen house, surpassing red lights in his cruiser. The arms that gripped my shoulder were too tight to be Jasper, but they sickeningly reminded me of his protection. "Charlie's coming, we have twenty minutes," I took a step back, away from my family who was all around me now. It was suffocating…

"Esme, get the contacts from your dresser, warn them—Rosalie," the two followed Carlisle's orders and Emmett held my hand tightly. "Emmett, you can stay for now and…"

"No," I said immediately. "I want to be alone—I'm obviously not facing Charlie now, he won't ask for me," though I knew that was a lie, I said it with confidence. Carlisle contemplated the idea for a moment or two more before nodding. Emmett squeezed my hand and left the room as did Carlisle and I stood there, arm crossed over my chest, listening to the human-advice that my family gave Bella.

"Remember to shift at least every five minutes, maybe less… oh, and to blink! Bella, you need to lie—" The plan, or what I heard of the plan before I got too disgusted and sat down in the only piece of furniture untouched by my rage, was simple. Bella would tell Charlie that she was old enough now, she was eighteen, and she has found what she wants. She will move with Edward because the Cullens are leaving town—I didn't catch the end. It would work because Bella was old enough to leave her dad without penalty.

I hugged my legs against my chest as they practiced the idea, burying my face in my knees, closing my eyes and trying to calm myself for two reasons. The first reason was Carlisle was right; I can't have visions when I'm distraught. This way I could check up on Jasper if he did have a future, though my heart told me not to. Wouldn't that make me more upset? Seeing his future without me while I had no future without him?

The second was to fool my family. Edward wouldn't be snooping in my mind when it was swarmed with this much pain. If I were quieter, he would understand why and not pry for his family's reassurance and if he did, I would know. As soon as they turn their backs, I'd be gone.

"Charlie, so nice of you to stop by."

"Well after five days of Bella not being home, I thought a simple call would help, but—" Charlie stepped inside and I took a deep breath, inhaling enough air to make my lungs stretch it's capacity. "Look, I get it, all these kids together and they're all dating, you want them to be happy, but I don't think it's damn appropriate for my daughter to…"


"C'mon, you're going home," Charlie said sternly, or as stern as he could muster.

"Can I talk to you first?"

"You can talk to me in the car."

"No, I need to talk to you now."

Relax… Breathe… Inhale, hold, two, three, exhale. I could feel my muscles relax, though the shakiness in my bones and ache in my chest throbbed. I blocked out the conflict erupting below me, only hearing Charlie ask where I was.

"Alice and Jasper had a falling out, she's not up for visitors," Bella answered and I wanted to ring her neck at how casual that sounded.

Relax… breathe… inhale, hold, two, three, exhale. I thought about relaxing each inch of my body starting from my fingertips and toes to up my legs and arms. It slowly worked, my body becoming numb as my eyes opened wide and I stiffened.

Jasper stood in a large room, the Volturi all seated in chairs in front of him, watching with delight. The blonde woman circled him and a young boy stood beside him. Kneading his back, the blonde's mouth was moving too fast and I couldn't comprehend what she was saying before I saw her force his shoulder blades to meet and the vision faded in and out, but shot me with extreme pain. It felt as if my entire body was on fire, the spark starting from my chest and moving across my limbs. I didn't realize I had made a noise, but my family was at my door, Carlisle beside me on the floor as I cried out.

"WHAT'S HER NAME?" she yelled.

"Alice," Jasper answered easily, painfully. Another crack and another shot of pain through me. Carlisle pinned my arms down at my sides almost as if stopping a seizure with holding my head.

"Her name, Jasper! Her name!" she said sternly.

"A—Alice," he answered, hesitating. He was—I didn't understand, the pain was too great.

"Her name, once more," she pleaded.

His eyes opened and he squinted. "Something with an—A… or was it an E?" that final shot of pain sent me numb and I didn't feel anything, didn't see anything after that. My vision went black. I understood, the Volturi were getting rid of his ties home.

Similar to conservation of mass and energy in science, there was a conservation of pain. With Jasper's pain gone, it had to go somewhere…