Whaddup peeps. Welcome to my fic. Anyway lets begin!

I do NOT own Naruto. (This is shippuden era ppl)

It was a nice and normal day, just like any other. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, the grass was green, the sky looked blue and the human known as 'Jayenator2.0' was sitting in front of the computer waiting for some kind of inspiration for the new Naruto fic they want to write. "Oh!"

Inspiration has landed!

It was a nice and normal day, just like any other. The birds were chirping, the sun was beaming down it's luxurious rays, the grass was green, the sky looked blue and six figures could be seen jumping from tree to tree in a southern direction towards the fire country border and Konoha gakure no sato.

Who, might you ask, are these six? Why they're Naruto, Sakura and Shino of course. And joining them on this-"CUT! Seriously, people can we at least try to get this right?"

~And our story begins~

Have you ever felt like you were being watched? Well that's exactly what Aburame Shino was feeling and he wasn't too far from the truth.

Six figures ran through the lush forestry of the Fire country after completing an A+ ranked mission concerning the Bijuu, Jinchuriki and ultimately the Akatsuki. Their six man squad consisted of Aburame Shino, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru and Inuzuka Kiba with his dog Akamaru. While not too far behind, two figures lurked within the canopy of trees heading right in their direction.

"Oy, Shikamaru. How much longer till we reach Konoha?" complained the world's most hyperactive ninja.

"It's just about another day's worth of traveling Naruto. As tiring as it may seem you did kind of make us detour by a few hundred miles." Replied the Nara's annoyed drawl.

"Hey it's not entirely my fault! And even if it was, a whole day's worth! As in we won't get there until tommmoorrrooww?" retorted Naruto with a slight look of desperation on his face

"The longer we have to travel the less time I have to train to get stronger."

"Quit whining baka. Anyway it's better this way so that I can take a better look at your arm and chest and give you a proper diagnosis when we set up camp." Said Sakura as she grabbed the branch of a close ny tree and swung herself closer to Naruto.

"You're lucky that you made it out of there at all! No more rushing into things like that can't you at least try to think of a plan first?"

"Okay Sakura-chan."

The scenery passed by at an amazing blur as the ninja squad hurried at the prospect at just one more day of travel before their final destination was reached. While no one refused to admit it, everyone was feeling Naruto's anxiety at being away from their home for almost a month. However, Sakura was especially worried at the possibility of her having missed the poison that she believed was introduced into Naruto's circulatory system.

'Maybe I'm just paranoid but I can't help thinking that Naruto just doesn't seem as energetic as usual. I just hope that I didn't miss any poison when I checked him a few hours earlier. We had to rush on in case those rogue thieves had brought along more of their gang members after the attack earlier on so my inspection was too hurried to be completed thoroughly.'

Not too far away from our favourite ninja team two silhouettes can be seen racing through the trees, being careful to keep themselves concealed as to not cause any...unwanted attention.

"So Senji you think they've noticed us yet?"

"No, not as yet, we, and I mean you, just have to be careful as to not get caught and that means no reckless behavior, understand?."

Two definitive figures, a male and female can be faintly made out through the lush forest vegetation. The male adorns a dark indigo under shirt with an odd inscription of what looks like an oblong scythe in the middle above which is a grey coloured jacket like the one chuunins have been known to wear along with long black camoflague pants and combat boots. His hair appears to be short, black and spiky, however not as unruly as a certain jinchuriki and his dog eared companion.

The female adorns a similar black camoflague pants and cargo boots, except her shirt is a crimson red penny tee with a slight v-neck and with foreign silver patterns (imagine A'Zari's tattoos from the MARVEL movie next Avengers Heroes of Tomorrow). She also wears a chuunin type jacket except hers is black and unlike her brother it is completely unbuttoned like Shikamaru. Her long, black hair seems braided in a corn row style (like lil Romeo when he was younger). No headbands can be seen on either of their person but the girl does have on a pair of black fingerless gloves with blank metal plates near her knuckles and the boy has a pair of shades on his head with a similarly blank metal plate near the middle. Both of them seem tanned as if from the hidden Rock village.

The most suspicious thing about their appearance is the torn and tattered state of their clothing along with the scrapes found along the boy's skin. The blood that seems to be spewn and spotted all over them may also cause an air of suspicion, but most of all their presence is veiled with a dark and dangerous atmosphere.

"It seems as if they have stopped to make camp Suonyo. We should do the same as well." said the strained and intelligent voice that came from the male.

"Yea good luck with that, I'm gonna do some recon bye!" in the blink of an eye the mysterious female was gone, presumably into the tree line over head.

In a harsh whisper Senji calls "Suonyo! Come back here!"

With a defeated look Senji seems to realize, "Dad did say she gets her attitude from mother. Can't find any fault there. Oh well guess it's up to me to setup camp….again….for the fifth time….in a row."

It starts to drizzle

"This day just keeps getting' BETTER and BETTER doesn't it!"

~A few hours later~

"And that is how you set up a proper looking camp-

"Uh oh!"

Senji could barely make out the inaudible yell of help he heard from at least 2 miles off…coming from a southern direction…near where the other ninja were camping for the night.

"What did Suonyo do now!" yelled Senji with an exasperated look on his face as he sent chakra to his feet and ascended the nearest tree

"Of course she would try and get a closer look at him. Not that I would've been fast enough to stop her, even the infamous Green Beast and his young protégée from Konoha couldn't have caught her. Even so, I really hope she hasn't had a run in with the Konoha nins or else things could get complicated. And I don't really feel like killing anyone else today…but I might make an exception for my bothersome, irksome, reckless and above all else TROUBLESOME sister."

Uh oh. Things are looking pretty hectic for our mystery ninjas. What will happen? Will there be even more blood shed and just who are Suonyo and Senji? Stick around for chapter two!

R n R

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Jayenator out!