Disclaimers:I do not own Digimon. I only own the story and OC's.
Author's Note:…No excuses from me for being late for reposting, I just couldn't get this chapter right so I decided to rewrite the entire thing from scratch. Hope you like! I wonder if anybody noticed the new poll on my profile…
Chapter 3
He continued to stare at the beeping device, hoping that it didn't mean what he thought it meant, while also wondering where the beeping noise was coming from on the thing as it didn't seem to have any speakers or anything of the like to produce noise…
Looking up from the D'Arc to look at his Digimon Partner, he couldn't help but notice the feral look that she had just adopted onto her visage. A look of utmost seriousness. He noticed that the animalistic look made her eyes seem even fiercer than those blue orbs were before. And they were already so cold to begin with.
He idly wondered what had happened to her to make her so cold. He then remembered what she had told about life in the Digital Dimension. Wincing at the thought of growing up in that type of environment of kill or be killed. Though his childhood wasn't anywhere close to what her life was like, he knew what it was like to be treated differently.
Growing up, he felt distant from his family. He was the youngest of three, with his older sister being four years older and brother five years older. Not to say that he was abused or anything of the sort, he was just left to his own devices most of time, his older siblings usually not wanting to have anything to do with him unless they couldn't help it. He remembered once asking his older sister, Beth, why he different, the answer he got was blunt. He was adopted.
He wasn't even related to the Blaze family by blood. His adopted mother had brought him back home with her one day after returning from one of her many work-related business trips, and since her work had her gone for days to weeks on end, he was just left in the care of his new found father. His adopted father worked from home, but when he was old enough, his step-father got a better job. In the meantime, he raised him all by himself, occasionally his adopted mother would help, but that help came rarely, if ever.
He found out about it when he was eight, and from then on he became more independent, relying on himself as much as he could if he wanted something. All just because he felt that he was unwanted by his own 'family'. Though, he guesses he should be at least grateful that they did take him into their home when they could've just left him in an orphanage. Every story a tragedy, his just happened to revolve around his step-family.
"Victor!" Rachel's voice called out, knocking him out of his reverie.
Answering in a typical fashion, "Yeah?"
She had just started explaining that a Wild One had just Bio Emerged nearby when she noticed that her Tamer wasn't paying her any attention at all.
She could feel her eye twitching slightly at the Tamers' behavior.
"Victor!" she called out his name, gaining his attention at last, only to get a reply of "Yeah?"
"Were you not listening to what I just said at all?"
Her annoyance grew at his blunt answer, while wondering if he was always this honest.
"…I'm only going to repeat myself once more; I was saying that a Wild One had Bio Emerged somewhere nearby. We have to go find the Digimon to make sure it doesn't cause any damage to people or anything else. Did you get that?"
"I got it, though I have a question. How come there aren't reports of Digimon causing problems around on the news? I'm pretty sure that there can be Tamers fighting them all the time and that someone would have got a picture of them already" Victor asked then commented.
"It's the Bio Emergence Field. Most Digimon can't maintain their forms in the real world. Tamer Digimon are different in that they share the energy of their Tamer allowing them to stay in the Real World indefinitely. The higher amount of energy a Digimon has, the harder it is to maintain that amount in the Real World, hence the random acts of destruction around the world that are blamed on natural disasters' and other situations of the like" she explained, pleased to know that her Tamer can at least piece together information to come to a conclusion.
"As for the pictures, cameras, and just about anything else electronic that doesn't come from the Digital Dimension or was designed for it, get scrambled up or fry the circuitry completely due to the Digital Fields electrical frequency."
Seeing as Victor had no more questions, she told him to activate the Digital-Locator Compass on the D-Arc so that they can pinpoint the precise location of the Wild One. While her senses were good, they weren't that good yet.
The Digital-Locator Compass had eventually leaded them to an underground car lot.
"Really", her Tamer began, "why does it always end up being somewhere dark and/or underground? Hey, are you even listening to me?"
She continued to ignore him, as she had since they made a quick detour to pick up his Modify Cards. While she could tell that he was just trying to bring up a conversation to get his mind off of how nervous he was no doubt feeling, that she could understand, what she didn't understand was the fact it had to be on something so trivial.
Though maybe he did have something there on the whole 'dark and/or underground' theory…
Deciding that she had finally had enough, she said "Do you think you could be quieter? We aretrying to find a Digimon that could potentially be dangerous, and I don't think that giving it our location by making so much noise is such a good idea, wouldn't you agree?"
Victor immediately froze mid-step in fright when realization dawned upon him.
She continued on walking down the narrow stairway, a small, sadistic, grin momentarily appearing before she schooled herself, reminding herself that such emotions like that would only cause problems if they were to actually be ambushed.
Finally stopping at the end of the stairwell, she turned back to see her Tamer walking towards her quickly, his speed only hastening when a car alarm went off somewhere above them.
She easily found amusement in the situation, despite herself.
While she had finally resigned herself to the fact that he was her Tamer, albeit grudgingly, she just wished that he was a bit more mature.
He already knew that she didn't like him as her Tamer, it was kind of obvious from the looks of disappointment he caught her sending his way when he wasn't looking, and couple when he was.
It's not like he wanted to be a Tamer, let alone hers if given a choice. It was his curiosities fault it happened. If only he listened to his instincts and never went inside.
No use complaining about the hand life dealt him, even though he was sure that it liked screwing up his life for its own sick enjoyment.
In the limited time he had known Rachel, he knew that it would be a challenge to get her to accept him, but if she wasn't willing to try on her end then why should he even bother on his? He'd be the first one to admit that he was danger prone and a tad bit oblivious, but everyone had their faults, and he was no exception.
Sighing, he pulled out his D-Arc and checked the Digital-Locator Compass. The stupid three dimensional arrow continued to spin around in a circle, indicating that it was either above or below, and his Partner had already declared that the Wild One was below them.
Sliding his hands back into his jacket pocket, he looked up and noticed that they were already coming onto the third basement level.
Phasing-Shifting down there was out of the question, seeing as it took up more energy for her to bring him along as well; no telling how strong the Digimon could be till they scanned it.
"Hey Rachel, do you have a plan ready, or are we going to have to play it by ear seeing as we don't know what the Digimon is?" he asked, seeing as how he needed to know if there was anything that he should know.
Without looking back, she answered "You just swipe the cards like I showed you and try not to get in the way, and I'll handle the rest, you got it?"
While his face remained stoic on the outside, he inwardly felt like he had been slapped by her with that obvious sign of dismissal.
Just that act alone made it even more obvious that she was just using him. All to get stronger, and for what? What would be left if she did become the strongest? More enemies most likely.
He shook his head in disapproval. He just couldn't believe that he got a power hungry Digimon as a Partner. And the worst part was that he was now stuck with her as much as she was with him.
All he could do was let out a depressed sigh while fiddling with his D-Arc some more.
They couldn't be even more mismatched for each other.
She heard him sigh out and thought nothing of it.
She was his Digimon Partner, not his friend. As long as he didn't do anything that put them in danger, she didn't really care what his problem was.
…Though, if his problem got him distracted from their objective that could be a problem.
Not willing to risk it, she asked "What is wrong?"
She noticed that her Tamer was slow to answer.
Hearing him sigh, she heard him reply "Rachel…you're just using me because I can help you get stronger, right?"
She chose not to answer the question, mainly because it was pointless seeing as it was a rhetorical question.
"…What would you do if you became the strongest? What would you do after? What do you actually have to look forward to afterwards? While I can understand why getting stronger would be important for Digimon, what would you do with that power?" her Tamer questioned her.
She didn't know how to answer his questions. They were simple questions that shouldn't really need much thought, but to her, it meant going against her instincts, her core beliefs.
As far back as she could remember, to her, Digimon have always fought each other to get stronger, continuing to grow and Digivolve. It was always that way to her, you fought and fought till someone stronger came and defeated you, and most likely Delete the loser and Loading their Data.
Though, there was the odd settlement she heard about that had different Digimon living together. Those Digimon usually didn't attack unless given good reason to.
But his simplistic questions countered her lifestyle. What was the point of getting stronger if it continued on forever till someone stronger showed up and she lost?
It was just an endless, needless, she corrected herself, cycle of self-assured destruction for her.
How could she not see that? Was she that blinded by her ingrained instincts to just grow stronger and stronger?
And it was a Human who had figured it out. Her Tamer no less... The one who she assumed wasn't mature enough to actually be insightful.
She couldn't handle this change, it was all she knew.
She answered automatically, "Digimon fight to get stronger. That is all we know. It is how it's always been."
As soon as she had finished talking, she noticed that the sound of her Tamers' footsteps had stop.
Turning around, she saw him toss her an object before turning around and heading back up the stairwell.
"Where are you going?"
"I can't help someone who's only in it for power. I don't want anything to do with Digimon if their all like you" he answered agitatedly.
"What about the Wild One?"
"Not my problem."
"…If it's able to get through the Digital Field, it could attack other people. Are you willing to allow that to happen if you could help it?"
She knew that was a cheap shot. She could probably handle the Digimon by herself. And what she was doing now was probably selfish on her part.
Seeing him stop, she knew that he wouldn't allow that to happen. He seemed too nice to let that happen. He had morals
She saw him narrow his whiskey colored eyes at her.
"…Fine, but only because I don't want anyone getting hurt." he stated, walking back down to her, grabbing the D-Arc from her proffered hand and continued walking down the stairs to the next sub-level without so much as a glance in her direction.
She followed along right behind him, knowing that if she said anything more, it was likely that she would upset him further.
He was mad. No, he was more than mad, he was pissed.
Being used did not sit well with him, especially since being used eventually meant being tossed aside when something else came along that could be better.
While he wanted to just storm right out and head to paintball grounds and blow off some steam by lighting up some rookies, he knew that letting that Wild One get out would be a bad idea.
Especially if they could have powers that could literal rain death from above with just a few words.
That was a scary thought indeed.
Taking a few deep breaths he learned in his classes, he was able to calm himself down to just being annoyed.
Reaching the fourth sub-level entrance, he was finally able to see the Digital Field covering the entire area from the entrance.
Placing his red tinted sunglasses on, he plowed through the Field, being mindful of his surroundings, of course.
Continuing through the Faux Fog, he barely had time to react before something tackled him from behind.
She followed dutifully behind her Tamer, expanding her senses for any incoming threats to his or her beings.
She had pushed aside thoughts of their earlier conversation for later; now was not the time to be introspective.
Sticking close to her Tamer, she was barely able to tackle him out of the way from a spray of…something that now occupied the spot there were standing in moments ago.
"Hehehe, so you were still able to sense my attack despite all the Digital Interference? Impressive for a Rookie! Too bad that you just became my next meal!" a scratchy, high-pitched female voice screeched.
Grabbing her Tamer, she jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding another attack.
Taking refuge behind a broken car, her Tamer pulled up his D-Arc.
"Damn it! I'm not getting anything on it!"
"Stay here, I'm going to draw its attention."
With that, she jumped back over the car into a readied stance.
"Oh, so you want to fight now? Take this! Poison Thread!"
She immediately dived to the side, avoiding the sickly colored purple thread.
"You can't keep dodging forever! You're going to slip up eventually!"
She knew her opponent was right, she didn't even know where the other Digimon was. The attacks were being shot at her from every angle from above and the Digital Field's Faux Fog wasn't helping her sense of direction much.
"Poison Thread!" She sidestepped out of the way again, this time being caught on her left shoulder.
Wincing in pain, she was left to wonder why her Tamer wasn't helping her by sending Modify Cards her way…
Her eyes widened. Turning her head towards where she felt her Tamer was through their Bond, she barely realized that she was being lead away from him.
"Ah, so you finally noticed, did you? My babies should be taking care of your Tamer right now. Did you honestly believe I would allow your Human to help you out in any way? Such foolishness deserves to be punished!" the voice reprimanded.
"Rachel! Watch out! It's a Dokugumon!"
He could honestly say that hiding underneath the van wasn't his brightest idea.
Especially with those numerous, beady, yellow eyes peering out from just right in front of him.
He was vaguely aware that he had brought out his D-Arc to scan the little creatures in front of him.
What it read, well, he could have done without.
Level: Unknown
Attribute: Virus
Type: Small Poisonous Spider
Attacks: Unknown
The KoDokugumon had an arachnid body with two parts, both yellow in color with eight gray spider legs arching from the sides, each ending in a single, sharp, red nail. Its yellow face had eight, green compound eyes. A dark orange mane of hair around the back of its head to the front of its lower jaw. It had the top part of a skull on its smaller halve of its body.
Being created from Dokugumon's excess Data, they believe that Dokugumon is there 'Parent', therefore they follow their orders.
"Hehehe. Look at what we found~! A Tamer~! Mother is going to be so happy with us~!"
Now, if he was afraid of spiders before (yes, he admits it, though not in public) he was absolutely terrified of them now.
"Lets play~!" one of the KoDokugumon yelled.
As one, the three KoDokugumon crawled towards him, whilst he started to crawl back away from them.
"Oh, don't run away~!"
"We just want to play~!"
"Forget that! I'm hungry!"
If it wasn't for the fact that they were trying to fight him, he might have thought the scene before him funny.
"Rachel! Watch out! It's a Dokugumon!" he yelled out, hoping his Partner heard him.
Despite his visible loathing at the idea of being used for her selfishness, he would never abandon someone if they needed help.
And with her mindset, she needed a lot of help. Beating it out of her and saving her life was just a happy extra.
'Where's a giant boot when you need one' he thought sardonically to himself while pulling himself to his feet with the van's door handle.
The KoDokugumon continued to hound him, which was considerably weird, considering that they were about a foot and a half tall.
A foot and a half tall with claws and, most likely, poisonous fangs. Yeah, weird, right?
Ducking to avoid one the creepy crawlies, it went soaring over him, right into a concrete support pillar.
'They may be dangerous, but they sure as hell are dumb' he thought to himself while jumping to the side to avoid another flying leap.
"Hold still!"
"We just want to eat you!"
He resisted the urge to groan at his current predicament; instead he hopped onto the bed of a pick-up truck.
Searching feebly around for anything of use, he managed to find what looked like piping for some drainage system.
Rather than being nauseated by the fact that it was a used pipe, he picked it and swung it around just in time to nail one of the KoDokugumon dead-center, sending it flying into the air, its 'siblings' chasing after it.
Taking this brief moment of rest managed to grab his D-Arc, and slashed the first card he fished out of his deck holder.
"Hope it wasn't a dumb card" he muttered to himself, watching the KoDokugumon come crawling back, minus the one he had batted away.
"Where did your 'sibiling' go?" he asked, knowing that he would most likely not get an answer.
"We absorbed his Data" they answered in unsion.
'Absorbed his Data…they ate him!' he thought to himself incredulously before adding as an afterthought. 'Talk about sibling love…'
"You wouldn't happen to be full now, are you?"
"… I should have just left when I had the chance…"
Then, the just broke into Data.
"…The Hell?"
She was really getting annoyed with the damn Digimon.
She was a warrior at heart. Even if her main attack consisted of firing from a distance, she still preferred to get up close and personal to fight.
This Digimon she was fighting was hiding and firing off attacks from a distance, allowing her no such opening to attack head-on.
Thanks to her Tamer, she now knew it was a Dokugumon, a species of Digimon she had only seen in passing before when she was just an in-training.
She knew her movements were becoming sluggish, a side effect of the Digimon's attacks.
"Poison Thread!" she was caught off guard and was hit in the back.
While poisons would not really be dangerous to a Digital Being, it would usually be expelled from their bodies within moments of administration, it did not complelty stop the effects.
And with Dokugumon's attack being specifically for Digimon, it did more damage than normal, hence her slow movemonents.
She noticed that the Digimon wasn't taking the opportunity to attack her.
"No! My baby!" she heard the Digimon cry out, unintentionally giving her its position.
With a great deal of strength, she turned towards the source of the sound and launched her Diamond Storm attack towards the spot.
A howl of pain was her reward, along with the body of the Digimon falling down on its backside.
The Digimon landed with a resounding 'thud', the sound echoing around the area.
Before she could capitalize, the Digimon fired of its Poison Cobweb from its abdomen, nearly catching her in the attack.
That was all her opponent needed to right itself, launching another Poison Thread at her from its gaping maw.
Ducking under the webbing barrage, she rushed towards the Viral Digimon before it could hide once again.
The Dokugumon seemed to expect this because it raised one of its legs into the air and brought it back down at the spot she had been at seconds ago.
While her opponent had the power and defense advantage, she was too slow to hit anything, especially her, seeing as she was mainly a speed type Digimon.
Dodging the Digimon swinging its front two legs like scythes at her in sucession, she felt a sudden rush of information flash through her mind.
Grinning devilishly, she summoned the Modification her Tamer had sent her.
"Digmon's Drill!" she announced, her hands transforming into a pair of drills that spun upon her mentally command.
She could see the slight fear that had crept onto the Dokugumon's face, it backing up slightly confirming that observation.
Rushing once more towards the Wild One, she deflected the attack shot her way with the spinning drills covering half of her arms.
The Dokugumon made a weak block with one of its clawed legs, but she just flipped over it and landed on the Digimon's body.
Driving her right drill-covered arm into the back of the Digimons head, she was pleased when the body beneath her scattered into Data, which she absorbed to restore the Data Bits she had lost.
A Digi-Egg with yellow and red stripes appeared from the cloud of Data before bursting into more Data. The thread from its attack dissolving into nothingness.
Finishing the Download, she sprinted to where she felt her Tamer through their Bond.
Finally spotting her Tamer climbing down from a truck's bed, she noticed that the Digital Field had yet to fad, yet she felt no more danger.
"Rachel! I'm so glad to see you! Those overgrown spiders were really starting to freak me out! Two of them ate the other!" he exclaimed, while she just started to tune him out yet again.
'What is that noise?' she thought to herself while trying to pinpoint its exact location, but was failing miserably seeing as it seemed to come from everywhere at once.
"Uh, Rachel? Don't you think we should get out of here before someone comes? I mean, I don't think people would keep away for long, even if the fog would keep most away."
"…Yes, we should leave now"
"What's that noise?" her Tamer asked.
"…I do not know. We must leave quickly."
A small shock-wave shot from where she assumed the center of the Digital Field was located before she noticed that the noise continued to increase in its intensity.
"Move! The Digital Field is collapsing in on itself with the Dokugumon no longer around to keep it stable!" she yelled having figured out what was happening.
A Digital Field was pretty much a part of the Digital Dimension brought into the Real World temporarily before it dissipated back to where it came from.
Not waiting for him to answer, she grabbed his arm and tried to Phase-Shift them away, but the Digital Interference was, er, interfering with that option.
Before she could get them to where she thought was the exit, she heard the D-Arc beeping.
Her Tamer pulled it out of his pocket.
The screen was flashing green.
They weren't going to make it out in time.
She heard her Tamer curse.
And with another shock-wave and a bright flash of light, she knew they were no longer in the parking lot anymore.
They weren't even in the same Dimension anymore.
Like it, hate it, late me know.
I had to rewrite this entire chapter from scratch, making it over 4000+ words, not counting the author notes.
As anyone who read the story before I redid it can tell, I'm changing the storyline completely.
Meaning that I may or may not have the same characters appear again, unless you like them, though the might have a more defined personality than before.
And Jaredin, do you still want your character in the story? I think I can fit him in, but it might not be for a while.
Chapter Finished 1/19/2010 at 11:17 p.m.