Kay, so I'm kinda on a roll. Hopefully that roll will last the length of this story and I won't have to keep you waiting uber long for updates.
This story came from the idea that all the vampire/human stories were always where Jasper was a vampire and Alice was the poor defenceless human. Yeah, well, not anymore :). The Cullens will be in this story as will Bella, but it's mostly J/A centered.
Please review, only my third story :)

love Nataly

Get up, come on get down with the sickness
You fucker, get up! Come on get down with the sickness
Madness is the gift that has been given to me

Get Down With The Sickness - Disturbed

Jasper Whitlock watched the clock tick the final seconds of Math - the last class of the day - away. He held his pencil in both hands, taking out his tension on the poor thing. He looked around at his classmates, most of which were staring at him in awe. The brunette with the big brown eyes on his left looked anxious, the black-haired girl to the right of him looked...aroused, and Daryl, the black guy with the sick dreads was in front of him, his seat twisted around, a wide grin on his face as he gave Jasper a thumbs up. Jasper gave him a flash of a smile back.

And then the bell rang, and the pencil in his hands gave a squeak of protest as it snapped in two. But Jasper was out of the classroom before the pieces hit the floor.

"Yo, Jazz-man!"

Jasper whirled around to see Daryl behind him, his dreads bouncing behind him as he ran to catch up. He slowed his pace.

"Where'd Brent say to meet him?"

Ahh yes. Of course, no one good stop reminding him of it.

"He said to meet me in the forest, out behind the park," Jasper replied.

"You guys seriously gonna fight? Brent's from The Collegiate man, he's tough! Jasper, man, you got to be careful!"

"I can hold my own, Daryl."

"Yeah, against him, sure! Everyone knows you're the best fighter here! But do you seriously think Brent's gonna fight fair?"

Jasper stopped, reaching his locker.. "Look, Daryl. I've been in fights before. Unless you have something to share that I don't already know, I really need to go."

"Okay, man," Daryl lowered his voice to a whisper. "I shouldn't be telling you this..." he saw Jasper start to make a snarky remark. "No, no man, I said I shouldn't be telling you this, not that I won't! Now just listen...I heard Chester - you know, Bret's "croonie" or whatever - say in second period English that Brent told him 'bout the fight."

Jasper laughed. "Is there anyone that hasn't heard about the fight?"

"Yeah, but man...from the way he was talking, he sounded like he was gonna fight too!"

"Are we talking about the same Chester here? Like, what, 4-foot? Glasses? Cried when the teacher gave him a D?"

"What I'm saying, man, is that if Brent asked Chester to fight, then he probably asked other people to fight too! He's gonna gang-beat you or something!"

Jasper's smile fell off his face. "Do you think I don't know that, Daryl? But seriously...this is my fight...who'd want to come get there ass kicked with me?"

Daryl's worried expression vanished as he smiled so wide it looked painful. "That's what I'm trying to say, Jazz! I'll fight wit chu!

Jasper whitened. "No."

"Aww, why not, man!"

"I'm not letting you get the shit beat out of you for me. No sense in having Brent have a grudge against you too."

"Aww, Jazz-man! That's lame!" Daryl complained.

Jasper slammed his locker shut. "Come on man, I need to go."

Jasper walked outside to the courtyard, grimacing as a gaggle of people rushed up to meet him.

"Oh, Jasper, you're so brave!"

"You're the bomb, Jazz-man!"

"Beat the shit outta him for us!"

"Good luck, Jazzy!"

"Good luck kiss, Jasper?"

"No, Selina, he's mine!"

"Everybody!" Jasper shouted as he climbed on top of a bicycle rack for attention. Everyone silented immediately. "I am going to be show Brent who he's messing with." Cheering. "I'll tell him you all said 'Hi'" Laughing. "If I don't make it back, it was nice knowing you. Well, most of you." Nervous laughter. "Let's get things settled, though. Daryl, man, you can have my guitar and my Bob Marley poster, kay? Now, I seriously need to go!" Jasper jumped down from the table.

Daryl laughed. "Thanks, man!" He turned to the audience. "Three cheers for Jasper! Hip, Hip - "


"Hip, Hip -"


"Hip, Hip -"

"Children! No loitering on school property! Off with you!"

"Aww, Mr. Loughweed, man, we was just having fun!" Daryl whined.

"You can do it 10 metres away, can't you?"

There was a general mumble of complaint as everyone left.

Darly patted Jasper on the shoulder. "Good luck, man. Nice knowing you."

Jasper grinned. "Nice knowing you, too, Daryl."

Jasper sighed as he turned the other way.


Jasper turned to see the brunette that was in his math class.

"I just - well, be careful, okay?"

Jasper gave a laugh, trying to reassure the girl. "I'll be fine, uh - "

"Bella. Isabella Swan."

Jasper gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I'm not real good with names."

"It's okay. I know I'm not the type you'd usually hang out with."

"No, it's not that - "

"Look. Jasper. I just, I have a bad feeling about this."

"Can you keep a secret, Bella?"

Bella nodded.

"I don't have a very good feeling about this either."

"Oh! Well then, don't go!"

"It's not that simple. I need to go. I won't give him the satisfaction of not showing up."

"But that's not fair! You can't give your life for the fear of being called a coward!"

"He's not going to kill me, Bella."

Bella's face changed, from worry to fear, as she backtracked. "No, no, of course not! I mean, I was just...be careful Jasper!"

"I'll try."


The girl sat in the clearing, her eyes closed, her brow furrowed. She probably looked peaceful, with her legs crossed as she deeply breathed in and out.

Truthfully, she was scared to death.

She hoped that Bella had told the blonde boy not to come, and that he would be out of danger.

A little part of her hoped that he didn't listen, so that he would still come by this way and talk to her.

She could have just looked in to the future, to see whether he'd listened to Bella or not.

But she was trying not to see anything. You see, it's very unnerving when you keep seeing someone getting stabbed to death.

Her eyes snapped open as she heard footsteps approaching.

The boy poked his head out, looking around anxiously. He relaxed a little as he spotted her, but his stance was still tense. "Oh, hello."


"Ummm," the boy looked around, obviously wondering why this girl was sitting in the middle of a clearing all by herself.

"I'm Alice."

"Oh, hey. Urm, look, I've kinda got to go..."


He looked taken a back, cocking his head as he frowned at her. "Nowhere..."

"Then you'd stay here with me," she said, cocking her head to match his, looking at him with a blank expression.

"Umm, well, I -" he sighed. "I'm going to a fight."

"Oh," the girl said, but she didn't look surprised. "Can I come?"

His frown grew. "It's no place for a lady."

She laughed delicately. "I'm not a lady. I'm a girl."

He waved his hand dismissively. "Either way. It's not safe."

"Then why are you going?"

He sighed deeper this time, and took a few steps towards her. She got up and walked up to him. He noticed for the first time how small she was, and shuddered at the thought of her being even a football field away from Brent. "Because I'm in the fight."

"Even more of a reason to stay here."

"I know how to fight. I'll be fine."

The girl's face was no longer calm. She took a step towards him, and he felt a strange urge to step back. Silly, he thought. She's just a girl. She leaned her face up towards at him, and he realized how beautiful her face was. Her eyes were dark, her face pale, and her black hair falling in locks around her face, just below her ears. Her dark eyebrows stuck up in worry and she stared intensely at him. "Jasper. It's not safe. Please, don't go. Don't get hurt. Stay here. With me."

He wanted to stay with her. He wanted to sit in this meadow with her, to bail out of the fight. Silly, he thought again. I've just met her. "Don't worry, Alice. I'll be fine," he said, looking down earnestly at her. Her face was so close to his, her lips...

She frowned at him and stepped back. "I suppose you're right. Be careful, Jasper."

It was the second person who'd tried to talk him out of fighting. Girls. They were always so worried! "I will. I'll, umm, I'll see you around, I guess?"

She looked uncertain for a moment. "Umm, I suppose. Maybe. I'm only here for a little while, though."

"Oh, well, okay. I guess that's hard then," he turned away. "Look, maybe we could go out for some ice cream or something? I don't really know, I mean, you could not like ice cream or something...and that's fine! I mean..." he trailed off.

Her face softened, and for the first time she really smiled. It struck him again how beautiful she was. "I'd love to."

"Great! Well, I'd better go. Monday, maybe? 5?"


"I'd better go..."

Her face hardened back into a frown. "Yeah. You'd better."

"Bye, Alice."

"Goodbye, Jasper."

He left, thinking about how beautiful his name sounded on her lips, and how he'd love to hear her moan it...

And then he realized something. He never told her his name.

Sorry for any mistakes, I didn't have Word on this computer, only Notepad, so yeah... :P

Next chapter will be the fight, and I'll try to have it up soon (like, before next weekend?)

review :)