A/N: Sorry this took so freaking long! But, here it is. Enjoy! (Also, the songs I'll use in this fan fiction are all from after the movie came out. Deal with it. :D)

"Jackson, what…?" my words were cut short as his lips closed over mine. My lips parted in shock and he slid his tongue into my mouth. 3oh!3s "Starstrukk" played loudly in the background. Our lips parted and I gasped as he pulled me onto one of the two leather recliners in my apartment. Somehow, I ended up straddling him. He groaned and began kissing my neck. I found myself going along with him, even enjoying it, then suddenly I heard a loud banging noise and- something cold and hard poked me in the face, making me completely forget about my dream.

I shot up and almost out of my bed after this rude awakening. Marcel and West scampered out of my room, popsicles in hand, and Nicole chased them out with something closely resembling a whip. Once I'd rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I realized it was a belt. "Wake up sleepy head! Today's the day!" My thoughts of retreating back under the covers were erased immediately: Today was my best friend's wedding. Yawning, I swung my legs off the side of my bed and stalked off into my bathroom.

After a quick cold shower and vigorous tooth brushing, I threw on skinny jeans and a Nirvana t-shirt and slid down the banister on the stairs, landing neatly at the entrance to the kitchen. The big house was full of noise and the sizzling sounds of breakfast being made. Chandler turned to me and dumped a pile of scrambled eggs on a plate next to a few slices of bacon and some sausages. "Morning. Here's breakfast." He said smiling. "Thanks." I replied. "Nervous?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Like you wouldn't believe." He said with a sigh. I laughed and ate my breakfast in about 5 seconds flat. Nicole was yelling at her brother and West from the second floor. Thanking Chandler for breakfast, I ran up the stairs three at a time and found Nicole brandishing a hanger at the two boys who were doubled over with fits of laughter. She gave me an exasperated look and I grinned. "Check their room. Please." She said. "M'kay!" I yelled, already on my way down the hall.

As I opened the door to the boy's shared room, my nose was assaulted by smoke from what I was sure was a joint. After a minute of searching, I found the still smoking roll in an ashtray under one of their beds along with about a thousand empty chip bags. Sighing, I carried the ashtray and joint out to the hallway were Nicole was yelling, "What the hell is wrong with you two?" Suppressing a giggle, I handed her the ashtray and hightailed it down the stairs before the real yelling started. As I slid back down to the kitchen, I checked the time on the oven clock. It was 11, which left us about 3 hours till the actual wedding.

Just as I was wondering whether to get dressed or not, the doorbell rang. I answered it and found the other two bridesmaids on the doorstep, smiling widely. "Savvy! Sara!" I said, hugging them. "Hey!" They said in unison. I helped them carry their dresses, shoes, and bags up to the dressing room. We all stopped to see how Nicole was doing on our way up. She was sweating and flushed, but she had managed to wrestle the boys into their suits and they actually looked very nice.

Savanna, Sara and I locked ourselves into the room and managed to our matching bridesmaid dresses: backless electric blue tube-y looking ones that ended a few inches above our knees. We all came out laughing as we saw each other. Savvy's blue highlights matched the dress perfectly, and the tattoos that Sara had adorning her legs (which she designed herself, being the artist she was) looked amazing with it. I looked at myself in the mirror, and smiled a bit. It didn't look too bad…The next hour was spent painting nails and toenails (all black) and doing makeup and hair. Finally, we all put on our black Mary Jane heels and waited in the entrance hall. Nicole and Chandler had both left to get dressed already, so Savvy, Sara, Marcel, West and I waited outside for our ride after making sure we had everything we needed.

Within 5 minutes, a cute blue Volkswagen came up the driveway. We all eyed the little car and started laughing. "Dude," said West. "This can't be our ride…we'll be crushed in the back!" The car came to a smooth stop in front of us and Mike, the best man waved at us after putting the roof down. "Ah, Christ." I said. "Mike, you retard, how are we going to fit comfortably in that?" I asked, pointing at the car. Mike turned and looked at the backseat. Shrugging, he smiled and said, "You're not." Without a second's hesitation, I leapt into the front seat and laughed at the other's faces.

In a few minutes, West, Marcel, Savvy, and Sara were all squashed into the back and we were driving off in the direction of the little church that the wedding was being held in. Nicole had wanted their wedding to take place on a beach, but because of Chandler's upbringing they decided on the church; he made up for this by having their "after part" on a beach. The drive was silent, and we were all shifting around in nervous anticipation. The relative calm gave me time to think, time to remember…Jackson… What did the note mean? "I'll see you soon honey" My thoughts strayed to our bathroom encounter. I shivered involuntarily and pressed my thighs together. I would not think about that. Just as we arrived, I forced all thoughts of Jackson out of my mind.

Savvy and Sara partnered up with their "dates" (Marcel and West) and Mike and I, the maid of honor and the best man, went to find Nicole and Chandler. I knocked on Nicole's door and Mike left to go find Chandler. "Come in!" Nicole said, and I entered. She looked beautiful. The dress was, of course, white. The bodice was tight and closely resembled a corset, but right above her hips it exploded out in silky folds of fabric. Aside from the veil she wore in her hair (which was put into an elaborate up-do), she had long, lacy fingerless gloves. We both squealed and embraced. "I told you the bridesmaid's dresses would look great!" she said.

"Sorry for not believing you." I replied, smiling.

"Where's Mike?" she said raising an eyebrow.

"He went to find Chandler." As I said this, I looked at the clock on the wall. 1:55. My stomach clenched and Nicole, following my gaze, laughed nervously. "I guess we should…"

"Yeah." After hugging her tightly again and saying "mazel tov", we walked into the hallway and took our places in the procession, mine by Mike and hers by her father. I caught his eye and grinned. He smiled tightly and I giggled. He was never a very emotional person. Mike hip bumped me and I shoved him back right as the organs started. We followed right after the flower girls, two of Nicole's cousins, as they scattered rose petals on the floor.

When we reached the alter, Mike took his spot by Chandler, who looked very spiffy in his crisp black suit, and I took mine right next to where Nicole would be standing. Nicole and her father paused a bit before she stood on the alter so he could lift her veil and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. My eyes roamed over the guests and came to rest on her mother who was dabbing her eyes with a tissue. I looked over at Marcel and saw that he was teary eyed as well but making a valiant effort to hold it in. After seeing this, I realized my eyes were tearing up as well. She finally stood next to Chandler, and the priest began.

The rest of the ceremony was almost a blur. I kept reminding myself to bend my knees and wriggle my toes to keep from passing out when I finally heard the priest say, "You may kiss the bride." Nicole and Chandler turned to each other, and he lifted her veil. Their eyes met and he leaned forward and kissed her; by this time Savvy, Sara and I were crying, silent tears streaming down our cheeks. Then, the two newlyweds held hands and streaked towards the door, everyone else following closely. I was one of the first out and had a great view of them ducking into one of those ugly jeep limo things and being pelted by grains of rice (a cleaning crew stood at the ready). We all laughed and waved, then piled into our own cars to follow, honking our horns all the way.

We all ended up at an empty expanse of beach where wooden boards had been placed on the sand to keep our shoes from sticking in the sand. The space was big enough for a dance floor, a small bar, and enough tables and chairs for the guests. Nicole gave me a little wave as she and Chandler walked onto the dance floor and the DJ announced the newly wed's first dance. It took about 30 seconds into "I'll be Waiting" by Lenny Kravitz for everyone else to join them. Mike and I joined Nicole and Chandler in the middle of the dance floor and danced for the rest of the night.

Woooo…I finally pumped out another chapter. :D Haa…Review por favor!