Title: Hell of the Heaven

Rating: T

Pairing: DarkKrad. SatoDai.

Warning: Shounen-ai. Slight OOC-ness.

Disclaimer: Well… I think I'm totally broke…

Chapter I

Paced, paced.

Pondered, pondered.




Paced, paced.

Pondered, pondered.



"… please…"

Paced, pac-

"… stop that."

A blunette paused dead in his track, averting his cold blue eyes to mix gaze with a pair of golden marbles. A blond calmly regarded the look with a demeanor of at least fifty-five degrees Celsius beneath zero, as he gracefully leaned back against the chair he was currently comforting himself with.

The clock was ticking s.l.o.w.l.y.

The walls kept shaking visibly under the freezing quietness.

"So…" It was not until thirteen minutes later that the azure-eyed boy finally came to the conclusion that his low-blood pressure problem had nothing to do with what his eyes was seeing. And thus, with difficulty, he opened his mouth for a question that'd been bugging him since the moment he had took his first step into his kitchen. "How…"


Dark Mousy pulled up the warm blanket and hid his purple mop entirely beneath it, wincing slightly at the somehow familiar high-pitched voice that was screaming its way into his ears like a cat's claws scratching against metal. Oh shit... He absently grunted to himself as he buried his face deeper into the soft and comfy pillow, curling his knees up to his abdomen and trying to find his beauty sleep. It was still too soon for fan girls to show up, honestly. They should know that it wasn't even freaking noon yet.

"Yes, yes, I love you too… Now lemme sleep…"

Deadly silence.

Now, if that isn't sweet… The thief sighed contentedly as his ears heard nothing more than a gentle tap of the wind touching the window. A small smile soon spread over his lips, only to be crashed into billions of pieces when the annoying fan girl started to nudge him on the shoulders.


Don't 'Dark' me, you freak… Your sexy object of affection was trying to get some sleep here…

"Dark Mousy, wake up immediately or you'll get no lunch tonight."

Niwa Daisuke couldn't help rolling his eyes and slapping his forehead as the purple-haired man pushed himself up on his elbows and knees like rapid fire, before the man rolled off the bed and bumped his head hard onto the floor.

A yelp was heard.

A sigh was emitted.

So much for a peaceful morning at the Niwa household, huh…

The kaitou rubbed his head sleepily and climbed back onto the soft cushion. Now that he'd woken up, where the hell was his lunch? He only saw his host sitting cross-legged in front of him, looking so annoyed and so not like his food… his lovely food…


Why was his lunch not here?

… Nope, wrong question. Why was his host here?

Dark cocked his head to the side, furrowing his brows and folding his arms across his chest. His still half-asleep of a brain started to grind its gears against one another, and for the first time in his life, he started to think really hard.

No lunch. His host. No lunch. His host. No lunch. His host. His host didn't give him lunch…


"WAH! DAI-CHAN! HOW THE HELL DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN BODY?" The thief's eyes widened as he shouted directly at the poor boy's face. His index finger flew up in the air shakingly, before its owner fell off the bed for the second time.

A yelp was heard.

A sigh was emitted.

So much for a peaceful morning at the Niwa household, huh…

Krad glared disdainfully at the door of the Niwa mansion. Even from his spot - which was at least five meters away from those stupid, thievish, red-headed mortal's threshold – he could still smell their overly dirty scents that he knew had the ability to taint his shoes into a pile of mud.

It was such a shame, really, when his Satoshi-sama decided to finally freak out at the thought of a homicidal angel breaking loose from the curse, and it hadn't taken the bluenette more than one minute before he'd dragged him out of the apartment and gone straight to that insolent kid's house. What an offensive insult, making Krad of the Hikari go to the place where Dark Mousy of the Niwa resided to beg for a little pathetic help (that probably couldn't be considered help at all), and without even initiating a fist fight.

Satoshi should feel extremely lucky that he had a soft spot for him.

The hunter grunted and turned his face away as the Commander rang the doorbell, and threw his glare of doom at a young boy across the street, who immediately shrieked in a shrilly voice and fainted. Served that idiot right for having the guts to look at him as if he was something human.

"Ohayo gozaimatsu, Niwa-kun."

"Hi… Hiwatari-kun! Ohayo!"

The seraph distantly heard Niwa stuttering a greet to his master, but didn't bother to turn around. He had lived long enough to know that it would take a while for those kids to do nothing but blushing and staring at each other, and seeing that right now would only give him the urge to strangle the wing master to death.

Which was not an option.

Much as he despised it, Krad had noticed the moment he opened his eyes that he didn't have his power with him anymore. And starting a fight with the thief would probably mean him being defeated.

Which was so not an option.

"Aw, come on creep, stop being shy! I'd love to see you two making out in public…"

Hold it. Didn't that irritating voice belong to…

"Dark! Urusai!"

The fallen angel gradually turned his head, only to find his golden eyes meeting deep amethyst ones.

And they stared.

This is not fucking happening…

Daisuke wanted nothing more that digging a hole on the floor and jumping right into it. He unconsciously shifted closer to his best friend to seek some shelter, trying to hide himself from the awkward tension that had managed to fall on their heads like a ton of bricks. Satoshi, however, narrowed his eyes and cleared his throat dryly.

"Will you two stop that?"

"Stop what, Satoshi-sama?" Krad's silken voice resounded, almost sounding innocent. He then continued to do his job with his lovely Phantom thief, while the taller man silently responded to him with equal passion.

"Glaring like you're going to jump each other."

"You heard him, Kraddie?" Came the mocking reply. "Stop glaring like you're going to jump me."

"Don't worry, thief. No matter how sissy you look, I'm not going to do that to you. It would be like doing stuff with an animal…"

And they continued their glaring contest.

Satoshi buried his face into his palm and sighed heavily. Four hundred-year-old children…

"I think I found it."

Kousuke Niwa stepped out from the family library with a book of at least 30 pounds in his hands, completely oblivious to the burningly murderous atmosphere around him. With a warm smile presenting on his lips, he sat down next to his son and placed the object on his laps, scanning through old pages until he found what he needed. "It says that although the Kokuyoku is the most perfect artwork ever created by the Hikari, it still has some hidden flaw which the creator was well aware of, but found no solution. This limitation rarely shows, but when it appears, the souls bonded to the Kokuyoku will be deprived of magic."

"So… there's no way to fix it?" The thief averted his gaze towards the man, slightly confused. "We'll stay like this forever?"

"No, not exactly." The raven turned to the next page. "You'll have to cope with your powerless state for a while, but when the time comes, your magic will return…"

"Oh, good."

"… under one condition."

The golden beauty shifted in his seat. He didn't like where this was going.

"What condition?"

"When that certain time comes, you two will have to be at the same place. Else you'll be stuck as a human forever."



And silence.

"Wait… wait a minute, Kousuke-san." Dark slowly raised one of his hands up. "You don't mean that…"

"No, Dark. I'm just saying that you and Krad-san have to stay with each other till you get your power back." The man smiled. Happily.

Krad wished he could go and hang Dark Mousy from a doorknob.

"You've gotta be kidding me. No way in hell I'm gonna stay with that homicidal bastard!" The kaitou paled, abruptly grabbed the blond's shoulders and started to shake him frantically like there was no tomorrow. "Say something, Kraddie, they're gonna lock us together! And you know you're gonna murder me in my sleep!"

A vein popped up on the seraph's forehead, before he roughly pushed the purple-haired man away. He would have to stay with that idiot for God-know-how-long to get his magic back? Heck, his dignity and his body would be tainted and destroyed entirely. And what if the retard's stupidity rubbed off on him?

He'd rather die.

But still… he wanted his energy balls back. Because with his energy balls back, he could kill the thief in a much slower and more painful way than grabbing a random knife and throwing it at the moron.

Ah yes…

"I have no objection."

Silence felt upon the living room with even more weight than before, consuming a disbelieving Commander and a self-shocked red head. Dark could feel his blood evaporating from his body, freezing into a heavy block and dropping straight onto his skull with a loud 'thud'.

Kousuke was still smiling for Satan-know-what reasons.

"WHAT!? Are you insane? Have all those years finally got to you?" The black angel reached out and pressed his hand against his other half's forehead, attempting to check for the temperature. "I knew it! You're having a fever! Creep, your alter-ego is going to die, so please drag him home. I promise I'll come to the funeral."

The seraph twitched.

"I'm perfectly well, kaitou. In case you don't remember, it's our magic which has been lost, and unless you want to stay a mortal, you'd better shut up and cooperate with me for the time being." He paused a little before curving his lips up. "But if you want to give up on your stupid and useless thieving career… Then I don't have any problem with it."


"… But what about you murdering me in my sleep?"

Twitched again.

"For your information, I don't kill people in their sleep. My goal is to kill you, yes, but I won't go that low."

"What about torturing Dai-chan?"


"Destroying the house?"


"Stealing my food?"


"Sexually harassing me?"

"… I'm going to blow your face up." Monotonously.

For the second time in his life, Dark Mousy forced himself to think. Krad got a point there. Without his magic, it would be impossible for him to seal up those freaky Hikari artworks. Besides, if he chose to temporarily be stuck with the blond, what would he have to lose? The hunter had promised not to lay a finger on him, as well as on the Niwas.

The purple-haired man eyed his nemesis warily.

It only took a sign of yes, and he would get a perfect chance to stay under the same roof with that graceful, delicate, unearthly beautiful and downright sexy angel. The mere thought of it was enough to send a shiver down his spine, and make his stomach lurch uncomfortably.

"… I wanna throw up…"

"So we can finally agree on something…"

Satoshi let out a quiet sigh and leaned himself against the back of the sofa. This was not a good idea at all, he knew it. His genius of a brain was constantly sending him alarms, reminding him that leaving those four-century-old kids in the same place was just as safe as playing soccer with a bomb dumped in acid.

While his heart kept wickedly purring into his ears, that his agreement to this would give him a wonderful opportunity to stay with Daisuke Niwa.

(Grins sheepishly) I was working on the thirteenth chapter of 'Hollow' when this story came and whacked me on the head. It's really weird how a humor story could reach me when I was writing an angsty one… And I know I'm a horrible author for letting my dear 'Hollow' wait for… well… seven months or something? My apology for all of you who's been waiting for it. The continuation of the fic will come soon, and for now, I hope you'll enjoy this fic.

By the way, I have a gift for my dear readers on deviantart:

http:// oceanking309. deviantart. com/ art/ DarkKrad- And- then- we- can- 111776844

Please remove the space when you paste the link, or simply go to the bottom of my profile to follow it ^^.

Finally, my special thanks to The Lantern, Stormshadow13, AnimeProtector, Maika (How canI not care? Making my readers happy is my main goal.), Blackrose74, flamecca for having reviewed on my fic 'Hidden'.