A/N: This is a 6927 dramatic monologue (poem) written in blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter). It's based on the interactions between Mukuro and Tsuna in episode 52. The …'s signify the part of the conversation where Tsuna speaks in reply to Mukuro. If you want to see Tsuna's half of the poem, visit Everplotting because she write it. xD


Disclaimer: I don't own any of Katekyo Hitman Reborn… unfortunately.


Episode 52

69 to 27

I'm near your gentle reaching eyes once more,

their innocence a spear that drives through me,

its tip touching what heart of mine that's left.

How will you live in this foul world of ours,

with pure naiveté your judging force?

You show mercy to even me who once

had tried destroying all your happiness

by hurting those who were most dear to you

…Acknowledge that you can't survive for long

in this cruel world that won't spare anyone.

Former intent has not been cast aside,

and I again appear your enemy.

This ally form is merely illusion,

so I can reach my wicked goal with ease,

to crush you and all people of your kind.

You always speak such gentle words to me,

"I'm happy to have met you" -- so cliché.

But don't forget what I have done to you.

…My my, with such conviction do you speak,

unearthing truths that even I don't know,

so certain that my interests lie with yours.

It's true; My actions don't reflect my words.

In fact the thought of you draws me to wish

for smiles of pity and caramel skin,

though I am always trapped somewhere below

where I can't reach you. (And yet here I stand.)

It must be that somewhere inside my mind

my true intentions have complete control.

Illusionist am I? How can that be,

when you so easily steal my sense from me.